
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Purpose+ Energy Supplement with CBD

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His discovery would lead to a groundbreaking, human clinical study that now proves you can boost your body’s own, youth-preserving ability by 230% — at any age — first thing every morning…


If you want , ,

and the endless energy of your twenties,


Dear Reader,

Dr. Christopher Hoffman paced back and forth backstage.

He was nervous.

After all…

Thirty painstaking years – his mind flashed back…

Of long nights, hunched over his microscope…

Working alongside Nobel-Prize winning doctors…

To redefine “aging” as we know it.

A pioneering researcher recently broke his silence over his latest discovery: If you want a mind and body that feels great, and performs even better, read on to discover how to harness the power of this age-defying breakthrough.

Inside the private lecture hall, dozens of world-renowned researchers, top biochemists, and brilliant PhDs grew restless.

They’d flown in from across the globe to hear Dr. Hoffman’s presentation.

Starting with a simple idea:

Everything you call “aging” is just a symptom of a hidden problem … And today,

What I’m about to share is the to “turn back the clock” for a quick mind, a capable body, and boundless energy.

And over the next few minutes…

I’ll walk you through how an explosive research initiative of 103 studies from Frontiers in Physiology, The Buck Institute of Aging, and Harvard Medical School…

… all confirm Dr. Hoffman’s findings.

(The most recent study was just published in November of 2021!)

Tired woman.

I’ll reveal …

More importantly, however…

I’ll detail the only

So you can powerfully support a healthy heart… a robust immune system… vision like a hawk… smooth-moving joints… and the radiant skin of someone half your age.

If you’re terrified you might be getting …

Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for.

Because the landmark studies I’ll reveal shortly point to

sitting at the center of everything

we’re told

That’s because believe it or not, on a biological level, all “aging” really is…

It’s your body not having the energy to renew its cells every day.

See, your body’s cells are in a constant state of flux…

In fact, 300 million cells die every second of every day, and are replaced with fresh new ones.

When that replacement process happens quickly, you feel healthy and strong.

But when that process slows down, cells die faster than new ones are built…

And that’s when tell-tale signs of aging appear.

Worried woman.

For example, if your skin doesn’t have the energy to renew its cells, deep wrinkles and fine lines pop up.

Without energy to rebuild cartilage cells, your joints give you trouble.

And when your brain lacks the energy to rejuvenate its cells, your thinking and memory fade like chalk in the rain.

Because in order for your body to anything at all…

  • Without the jitters and upset stomach of coffee…
  • Afternoon slumps…
  • Or chalky “greens” powder.
  • Without leaving you so wired, it’s impossible to sleep at night…
  • Better yet, without a single pill.

I know it might seem far-fetched but…


Their top minds are so astounded…

They trumpet their findings as a “unifying molecular switch to trigger the whole [energy production process].”

Science Magazine crowned it “The Molecule of The Year.”

Baffled researchers at The University of Southern California say it’s a miracle molecule for its…

“Extraordinary importance in the health of virtually every cell in the body.”

There’s just

one problem

When you were young, you had sky-high levels of this molecule.

But a follow up investigation recently found by the time you reach 60 years old…


… even if you exercise…

Healthy food.

… even if you eat well…

Happy woman.

… even if you do everything “right”…

Which is where the fantastic news comes in:

But starting right now, I’ll show you an to get your levels of this molecule back to where they were when you were young…

And felt you had the energy to do, well, anything.

If you’d like to cross items off your to-do list with the roaring energy, relaxed focus, and optimism you had back in your hay day…

If you want to tear through your schedule with a mind that’s sharp, alert, on the ball…

And still have some gas in the tank for loved ones…

Traveling, fishing, yardwork, dancing, even enjoying romance again…

If you’d like to rediscover the joys of living with near-endless physical stamina…

Thousands of reinvigorated Americans are now living proof…

“This has really changed my life!! My anxiety is much lower and my focus is much higher!! I don’t know what I would do without it!!”

“As a woman in her 50’s I needed an energy source to help me get through the day. The benefit of [this technique] is that I not only get the energy that I require, I feel like I have more clarity which helps me organize early.”

“A productivity GAMECHANGER. I have literally never found something that provides the energy AND focus that the [technique below] does… provides that kick of energy I’d been so desperately seeking without the crash;

I find myself very focused, energized, and motivated for at least 2-4 hours, and sometimes even 6 hours. I truly cannot recommend it enough!”

“I tried the [technique] yesterday and it was phenomenal. So much clean energy and focus.

I had one of the best workouts I’ve had in a long time.”

Remarkable results like these are just the start of what to expect when you help support optimal levels of this signaling molecule.


No matter your age…

Whether you’ve fought tooth and nail with exhaustion for years, or if it’s snuck up on you recently…

Regardless if you’ve lost hope altogether.

Are you ready?

My name is .

Parents with child.

I’m 45 years old.

I live in Boise, Idaho with my wife Amanda, and now…

Our beautiful newborn son Jones.

Now, when Amada and I first told my mom we were pregnant with her first grandchild…

You should’ve seen her light up over FaceTime.

She shrieked with excitement!

Since that moment, she’s called every Friday to see how the pregnancy was going and ask if we needed anything.

Yet fast forward to the night she was supposed to fly over and meet the little guy…

And it’s funny how fast things fell apart.

Everything took a turn for the worse when my phone

buzzed at 5:45PM —

Tired woman.

My heart sank when I saw her call.

“I… I… I fell asleep!” my mom spat out before I could even say hi…

“Tell Amanda and the little one I’m so sorry, but I missed my flight!”

“Hold on — what happened?” I asked with confusion.

“Oh Jason, it happened so fast. I sat for a second — a second! — to recoup, you know? Erm, I fell asleep and woke up in such a tizzy, I’m calling from a bathroom stall at LAX.”

Before I could say anything, she began to weep.

The tears came hard.

And fast.

she confessed.

Worried woman.

She told me despite eating well, forcing herself to walk the dogs, and winding down at a reasonable time…

She woke up feeling like her “battery pack” was missing.

She’d wake up exhausted…

Go to work exhausted…

Come home, plop on the couch decorated with unfolded laundry, exhausted…

Just to repeat the nightmare the next day.

It felt as if she was walking through a haze with cinder blocks tied to her legs, arms, and eyelids.

Her body ached. Her brain short-circuited with the simplest of tasks…

And every doctor gave her the same lecture:

Nothing she could do.

“I’ll tell ya,” she continued, “before this lockdown mess, I was so optimistic. But now? It’s all so heavy. I’m so tired I’ve been misplacing my glasses, forgetting folk’s names, even what I’d be talking about mid-sentence. And it hurls me into an emotional tailspin.

The agony in her voice let something loose inside of me.

Fear of a hamstrung life for myself.

I knew I wouldn’t be sleeping much with Jones gracing our lives…

And as a new dad, it twisted my insides to think about not having the energy to be there for him and Amanda.

That’s when my mom made a simple request

that would set everything in motion…

Nobel prize winner.

The same energy breakthrough that’s built upon the life’s work of

The Journal of Physiology…

And Dr. Mark Hymen — celebrated anti-aging doctor who says the secret to getting back into the driver’s seat of your life is…

“The most important molecule for health you have never heard of.”

See, my mom was running out of options.

She’d tried three cups of coffee a day… juice cleanses… yoga… every capsule, pill, and greens powder splashed across Amazon and the shelves of CVS…

Yet she still felt miserable and lethargic.

And so, when she flat-out asked me to do some research for her…

I made her a promise that I’d do everything in my power to get to the bottom of why she felt so dog-tired.

If not for her, for Jones that I now had a duty to show up for.

The rest of the night went on as planned…

And we FaceTimed my mom so she could virtually “meet” Jones.


Once Amanda put the baby down, I knew I had a good hour of research time before he’d wake up, so

After being in the business for a decade, I knew the place the start was with my rolodex of contacts.

Joint pain experts… digestion specialists… heart health researchers.

None quite fit.

I needed a clinician who could go broad and deep with their expertise…

Equal parts mad chemist and brilliant biologist…

After a two-decade career, leading a world-famous team of researchers at the forefront of anti-aging science…

Creating turnkey solutions where mainstream medicine fell short…

He had to have the answer.

I made a note to call him first thing in the morning…

Then began scouring my research database for any peer-reviewed literature on energy levels, why they tanked with age, and how to fix it.

All the while…

I couldn’t shake the fact that despite having the most advanced medicine in history…

As a nation, we were still getting more fatigued by the day.

And so, I tossed and turned that night, and hoped Dr. Bruce would connect the dots for me.

As morning rolled around, I prayed he’d answer my call.

I began as he picked up,


I brought him up to speed on my mom and her round-the-clock fatigue.

He listened with empathy, care, and understanding.

“I’m sorry to hear about that, Jason.” he said, “I’m in and out of the lab all day, but your timing is pretty incredible. There’s a groundbreaking new energy study that just came across my desk. Cutting-edge. I’ll send over and ring you back when I have more time on my hands, OK?”

I thanked him for his willingness to help…

And bolted to my computer.

Over the next 30 minutes, I refreshed my email inbox until the study arrived.

The leading authors of the study set out to of why energy levels plunged so fast with age…

What they uncovered is

Now, you’re probably familiar with mitochondria.

So I’ll save you the spiel about how you have trillions of mitochondria throughout your cells…

Which creates energy for you to use.

And the critical molecule I’m about to share brings your mitochondria to life.

For now, just know that whether you’re playing hide-and-seek with family, putting dishes away, or replying to work emails… Your mitochondria gives you the energy to make it possible.

The problem is, as these researchers explained, in the same way your body burns food you eat for nutrition…

(And no, oxygen isn’t the molecule I’ve been telling you about, either. We’ll get there in a moment. I promise.)

See, ever since you were a kid, you’ve been told to take deep breaths in…

Deep breaths out…

Breathing method.

Breathing method.

But have you asked yourself where that oxygen goes next?

According to a new study from the experts at The Journal of Bioenergetics…

Now, when your mitochondria don’t get the oxygen they need, for the reasons I’ll share below…

… which has nothing to do with wearing a mask…

Two things happen:

Your mitochondria “choke” and begin to die off by the millions — a mass famine

Your remaining mitochondria rewire themselves to make do with the low oxygen supply and start to produce less efficient energy…

In other words?

Just like your iPhone goes into “power saving mode” by slowing down when it doesn’t have enough juice…

So do your mitochondria!

Researchers out of The Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing just confirmed it:

This explains why you might feel like you got

hit by a semi-truck just 45 minutes into your morning…

Tired Girl.

Which brings up the next, logical question:

How’s it possible that you’ve taken breaths every second of every day of your life…

… but there’s somehow still not enough oxygen to go around?

Heck, you’re breathing right now!

The answer has nothing to do with your lung capacity…

Air quality…

Even how deeply you breathe…

As the pioneering researchers from The Journal of Cell Science helped uncover…

The issue isn’t that you’re not getting enough oxygen.

In simpler terms:

Right now, on the cellular level, you have cargo (oxygen)

and a destination (mitochondria)…

If you’ve felt out of sorts lately, ready to drop at a moment’s notice…

There’s your answer.

It’s called

Maybe you’ve heard of it before.

Its initial discovery was so revolutionary, 3 U.S. doctors were awarded the Nobel Prize for it back in 1998.

But recently, The Journal of Biological Chemistry took up the mantle…

To discover nitric oxide’s newest, most profound function:



Did you catch that?

Nitric oxide’s ability to transport oxygen to your mitochondria is so impressive, in fact…

When a second group of researchers dug deeper, they concluded:

Since, top scientists at The National Academy of Sciences…

Frontiers in BioScience…

A flurry of new studies now reveal nitric oxide signals your

body to transport more oxygen to your mitochondria…

Happy woman.

Making the bottom line a simple one:

  • To enjoy reliable, long-lasting energy that puts some wind in your sails…
  • To feel alert, unshakable, at your absolute best…
  • To zoom through your day with that go-get-em’ attitude you enjoyed as a teenager…

And maintaining optimal, natural levels of nitric oxide production inside your body is the best – and only – way to do that.

Putting the pieces together, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride.

Yet… in the back of mind…

See, I knew from previous research that The National Health Institute found that “nitric oxide boosters” you’d find online…

Even L-arginine or L-citrulline supplements at your local health store…

They were worthless.

And so, I thought I’d look into some of the research behind “eating your way” to higher nitric oxide levels with a nutritious diet…

But same story:

The Journal of Aging and Disease found you can eat mountains of foods high in nitric oxide producing nutrients…

… meat and poultry, garlic, dark chocolate, pomegranate, even red wine…

Which is a concern because remember…


Just consider this chart:

You can exercise day and night…

Eat a diet so squeaky clean, even the most hardcore dietician would approve…

Doesn’t matter.

Time still marches forward.

Along with it, your nitric oxide levels become a of what they used to be.

Which means the oxygen you breathe in doesn’t get delivered to your mitochondria…

… your energy levels plunge…

For 8 straight hours, between checking up on Jones…

I dove head first into study after study… research paper after research paper…

There was nothing you could do about nitric oxide levels depleting with age.

would be one word to describe how I felt.

is another.

After exhausting every one of my resources, I still didn’t have any solution worth sharing with my mom.

That’s when I felt my front pocket vibrate…


It was my mom.

I began typing out everything I had found about nitric oxide and energy levels…

But if I couldn’t deliver on a solution, what good was giving her false hope?

I resolved to delete my message, slide my phone back into my pocket…

And take a walk around the block with Jones.

As his eyes met my gaze…

I felt like I was letting him and my mom down, you know?

And I knew if I couldn’t figure it out for her sake, I had to do everything I could to figure it out for Jones’ sake.

That’s when the universe threw me a bone…

My phone began to vibrate again,

Dr bruce.

“Hey Jason, sorry for the wait. It’s actually funny,” he remarked…

And that’s when he dropped a bomb on me:

Remember that groundbreaking event I mentioned earlier? The one where Dr. Hoffman helped revealed the key to a youthful life is nitric oxide?

Ever since that “closed-door” meeting, he’d been looking for new ways to increase nitric oxide…

But ran into the same research blocks that I had.

That is, until last week, his head researcher darted into their office…

Holding a stack of papers above his head.

The papers detailed a rogue research team that had begun tinkering with different nitric oxide producing compounds.

“Compounds that didn’t even make sense, they tested,” Dr. Bruce went on…

When he began describing

what they found in the process,

Here’s what happened:

This obscure research team sifted through thousands of compounds that the literature said has a direct — and indirect — effect on nitric oxide production.

From there, they landed on a total of , that by themselves…

The research proved to be exceptional.


See, these brilliant researchers took a handful of men and women aged anywhere from their early twenties to near early 60s…

Then split them into two groups.One group got a placebo…

A sugar pill.

The other group got a combination of these 7 natural, super-compounds.

Then, every participant had blood drawn to see whether their nitric went down… stayed the same… or shot up.

For the group that got the … the researchers

watched in disbelief as

By some estimates, Dr. Bruce went on, that’s a increase in fresh oxygen to the mitochondria in your brain for a youthful, clear mind…

The mitochondria in your muscles for endless physical stamina…

And your mitochondria everywhere else for a dramatic improvement in energy you’ll feel right away.

Instead of dragging yourself from bed.

Blasting through everything on your plate with laser-like focus, clarity, and a mind that’s razor-sharp…

Rather than procrastinate.

What’s most spectacular of all is when this team put their findings to the ultimate test…

They uncovered the energy-boosting power of the combination

That’s because it stimulates something called endothelial nitric oxide synthase.

In plain English?

It’s a naturally-occurring chemical in your body that’s responsible for creating more nitric oxide from the inside-out…

Exactly where every other nitric oxide solution fell short!

Peaceful woman.

“I’m shocked myself, and I don’t say that lightly.” Dr. Bruce concluded, “Better yet, my team and I just took their formula to the next level. I’ll send some samples over.”

I thanked him, put down the phone, and felt a wave of hope beam through me.

A few days later, when I got my hands on the sample packs…

I overnight shipped them to my mom.

For 48 hours, I religiously checked my phone, making sure I didn’t miss a call from her…

That’s when she gave me the best news I’d heard all week:

“Jason!” she exclaimed, “Sweetie, I haven’t felt this alive in ages. I’m not buzzed or frantic.

“Tell me everything.” I said with a toothy smile.

She told me that within seconds of taking the groundbreaking formula Dr. Bruce had sent over…

… she felt a general sense of wellbeing wash over her…

A smooth wave of energy pulsed through her veins.

Her mind and body felt young again.

In a single three-hour span, she started — and finished — a work project she’d put off for months…

Took the dogs for a brisk walk around the block…

Even had enough spark left over to tidy up the kitchen and laundry room.

That’s just the start…

As you can imagine, I nearly fainted when I opened the front door and saw her, suitcase in hand.

“Mom, what – this is such a great surprise! But why didn’t you just fly?” I asked.

“I had so much energy, Jason, I wanted to see every state in between. All this time, I’d put off exploring because I was too tired.

Anyway, where’s Jonesy?”

Woman on bike.

The bags under her eyes were gone. Her skin regained a subtle, youthful glow to it.

She even slimmed down a bit!

As the day progressed, I hadn’t noticed her yawn once or even have to “take a breather” in between holding Jones and playing with the dogs.

Come nighttime,

In fact, she slept better now that she was more productive throughout the day…

Which meant her mind wasn’t racing before bed with how much she had on her plate for tomorrow.

Come morning, when I brewed her a cup of coffee…

She took my hand in hers, and remarked:

“Oh, I don’t need that stuff anymore!”

That sent me straight to my office to call Dr. Bruce and tell him the excellent news.

Let me tell you, I’ve never called someone faster.

Over the phone, Dr. Bruce explained after an explosive

set of human clinical-studies,

Capable of supercharging your body’s oxygen transport to your mitochondria…

To give you the boundless, sustainable energy needed to keep up in our fast-changing world.

After nearly a year of working side-by-side with top PhDs and medical experts…

… testing, retesting, and making sure every detail was flawless…

And I’m proud to say our cutting-edge formula is bringing tired Americans like you back to life:

“I Have Energy All Day! I feel really great with this… Since giving birth, my fatigue has been at an all time high and [the technique below] helped regain focus and stamina!”

“This stuff really works! I find that it has helped me to be more productive and focused. My mood has also improved.”

“I have so much to do, and have a hard time just getting up and getting to it. I can spend hours waiting for inspiration, or drive to kick in.

Just tea or coffee never works. However… [this technique] is not an over the top blast, it’s calm, reasonable and functional. I am using it daily…”

“As a mom of four, I am always looking for a way to have more energy and be more present with my kids. [The technique below] has made all the difference, for real… gives me the boost and focus I need to get going every day.

I tend to get a little jittery with coffee, but this doesn’t do it to me. Highly recommend for those who need to get stuff done!”

Today, you can try it yourself without risking a dime.

So you can once again experience everything life has to offer with an energized body, a sharp mind, and a calm mood…

Get back to your favorite activities again like travel, woodwork, laps in the pool…

Throw yourself into work you’ve put off…

Enjoy that cooking class, learn a new language, whatever the case may be…

I did tell you today’s the day everything changes for you, didn’t I?



If you’re tired of feeling tired…

And you want a second chance at the endless energy you had

back in the day with


The only energizing formula specifically designed to flood your mitochondria with fresh oxygen in as little an hour…

In fact, we’re in the process of patenting the entire formula!

All it takes is a single, delicious packet in the morning…

… it tastes just like the berry citrus fruit juice you enjoyed as a kid without the sugar…

And what you can do with your day is limitless.

mixes well in any liquid.

Doesn’t clump.

Healthy drink.

And despite its mouth-watering berry taste, there’s no soy, no gluten, no fake coloring, and no artificial sweeteners.

The purity of our ingredients is why you won’t feel a single jitter…

You won’t crash in the afternoon…

And you won’t have your mind race into the wee hours of the night.

Instead, within minutes, you’ll feel a rising tide of relaxed energy, mental sharpness, and the confidence you haven’t felt in decades.

Now, before I get into how you can try without risking a dime…

Allow me to walk you through what makes it so out-of-this-world.

Remember when I told you researchers found 7 botanicals that ramped up your body’s own nitric oxide production by 230%?

And in as little as an hour?

When leading scientists combined all 7 botanicals together…

Then, began experimenting with different amounts until things were just right…

Man drinking purpose.

A combination of unique compounds only found inside green coffee bean extract, green tea extract, turmeric, blueberry, broccoli, kale, and tart cherry.

The secret to all-day-energy levels without stimulants.

So instead of your heart beating out of your chest with an energy drink or coffee…

And get this:

was recently awarded the “Best New Ingredient of The Year” by a team of leading scientists…

… then went on to win first place again…

This time, at the Nutritional Industry Executive Awards for its unmatched ability to create new energy in the body.

But when The Journal of Free Radical Research put in a placebo-controlled, human clinical trial…

And skyrocketed how efficiently your mitochondria made energy!

That’s important because again, the faster your mitochondria are at cranking out energy you need…

The younger, more invincible you’ll feel.

The very best part?

Healthy food.

While other supplements on the market take months to “build up” in your system…

With , you’ll feel an instant improvement in your energy levels.

By now, you get the point:

When it comes to boosting your body’s own nitric oxide production – the secret to clean, long-lasting energy levels that keep you dialed in all day long…

That’s why you’ll get a amount of in every packet of .

But we didn’t stop there…

If your brain’s felt gummed up lately… and every “senior moment” terrifies you for what’s to come in the future…

There’s new, stunning research that says supporting the mitochondria in your brain can help turn things around.

That’s where our comes in.


See, inside the skin of this fruit…

There’s a rare nutrient that boosts levels of a in your brain.

Now, I could walk you through the that show BDNF’s ability to zap brain fog and preserve a youthful brain…

… how Frontiers of Neurology say it’s the

But I’ll just let Harvard’s John Ratey MD do the talking, as it’s like

That’s because BDNF nourishes your brain’s existing neurons, maximizes memory like a steel trap, and gives you lightning-quick thinking.

At any age.

Which is important because those neurons – new and old…

Contain 2 MILLION mitochondria — each!

Because of that, as the Neuron Journal calculated,


Are you starting to see how the oxygen-transport benefits of S7™ and the mitochondria-support benefits of Neurofactor® go together?

If you want an energized mind that’s sharp, fast, and clear… Protect yourself from embarrassing “mental hiccups” that strike when you least expect…

And feel whip-smart well into your Golden Years…

You need to get more BDNF – and more bustling mitochondria – in your brain.

And getting a in every packet of is the best way to do that.

The Journal of British Nutrition recently set out to compare green coffee extract, regular caffeine, chlorogenic acid, grape seed extract…

And of course, .

Specifically, they wanted to see which would give you the greatest boost in BDNF.

So, they took 25 men and women and at random, gave them one of the five…

And took their blood at different time intervals.

You can imagine their surprise when they saw

Meanwhile, they concluded the other options were worthless.

Then when The Journal of Food and Nutrition tried to replicate those results…

They pinned against a regular cup of coffee.

I’m sure you can guess which one won…

That’s like saying 206% more laser-like focus and sharp-as-a-tack thinking…

… and a 206% greater number of energy-producing mitochondria…

Everything you need to feel mentally alert.

Again, you’ll find a amount – the same amount used in both studies I just shared…

Combined only inside .

If you think that’s great, wait until you hear about our next superstar ingredient…

is a patented, standardized extract of a plant called Bacopa monnieri.

A plant that rarely grows outside the humid jungles of Southern Asia.

For thousands of years, Eastern healers called it The Herb of Grace for its astounding ability to “sharpen the intellect” at any age.


Fast forward to today…

… after a series of rigorous tests in and out of the lab…

We finally have clues to how it works.

As The Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine just uncovered – during the lockdowns in 2020…

And you’ve already seen the proof:

Mitochondria that fire on all cylinders throughout your body and mind are what give you an alert yet calm state… memory like an elephant… relief of doing everything you can to cherish old memories…

… and have the spark to create new ones.

Better yet…

Thanks to another stunning set of 6 human, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical studies…

See, The Journal of Phytotherapy Research recently took 62 men and women and split them up into two groups.

The first group got a form of Synapsa®.

The other got a placebo.

Researchers then kept tabs on the participants over the next 90 days…

And afterward, put them through a series of painstaking cognitive tasks to see which of the groups fared best.

The verdict?

The lucky group that got – what you use for everyday tasks…


Then, a team of researchers put Synapsa® through yet another double-blind, placebo-controlled study on 24 individuals…

To find the short-term benefits are even more extraordinary.

Even two hours after consuming , participants flew through a set of 6 brain-draining tests with flying colors…

What’s more, their energy levels remained at their peak…

… stress levels remained low…

Imagine it: endless hours of focus and concentration… enhanced memory so you easily recognize names, faces, and where things are in the house…

A mind that doesn’t succumb so easily to the strain of today’s world…

Stop there and you’d be set.

Yet you’ll never believe the science behind these next two:

Of course, no energizing formula would be complete without a little caffeine.

But don’t worry, if you’re someone who struggles with jitters or feeling shaky with energy drinks or coffee…

Coffee fruit.

Let me explain:

When you brew coffee at home or grab a cup of Starbucks…

That caffeine comes from the coffee bean.

Because for centuries, we’ve made the mistake of tossing the coffee fruit that that bean is encased in.

What we now know is that coffee fruit – its outer shell…

It’s packed with a unique blend of polyphenols.

Think of polyphenols as natural antioxidants…

But on steroids.

As a groundbreaking study from The Journal of Current Medicinal Chemistry found…

What’s more, these researchers found polyphenols help ensure caffeine doesn’t take you for a rollercoaster of a ride.

That’s what makes so incredible.

When you combine organic hand-picked coffee fruit… a proprietary-extraction process… and use both the coffee beanand fruit…

You get a long-lasting surge of clean caffeine without the crash.

A gentle rise that leaves you focused yet Zen-like.

What’s that mean?

Well, The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition recently took 12 men and women…

Then gave them either the regular, jitter-filled caffeine you’re used to…

Or gave them ZumXR®.

They found that the you feel so fried with coffee is again, because you’re only getting the bean…

Your body immediately burns through 100% of that caffeine in under an hour!

Which explains why you feel on top of the world for an hour with coffee, then hit a brick wall.

However, when they took a closer look at the gentle effects of …


That’s key because the rest of it, as you can see…

But instead, a gradual increase in energy that actually lasts.

For over 6 hours!

No spike.

No crash.

No frazzled nerves.

Again, when you combine and , you still get less caffeine than what’s in a single cup of coffee.

Yet its clean energy benefits tower over the alternative. And you bet – you’ll find of both in every packet of .

Do you see why I’m convinced will be such a game-changer for you?

But to ensure there’s zero chance of even a single jitter…

L-theanine is a naturally-occurring amino acid found in the leaves of green tea grown in New Zealand.

Which makes Suntheanine™ the only form of L-theanine to take since it’s proven to be safe, effective, and kept under the strictest of quality control.


And as The Asian Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently uncovered…

The compounds inside help amplify alpha brain waves.

You know what inner-stillness you feel when you’re locked-in on the task in front of you – as they call it?

That’s exactly what alpha brain waves do.

Alpha brain waves keep your mind energized yet calm, rather than have it jump around from thought to thought.


Which means when you combine , , and …

You get a that keeps you engaged, centered, and feeling sharp…

Without the negative effects of regular coffee.

Pretty cool, right?

An additional 5 trials on 124 healthy individuals revealed this trio works to keep you focused and energized throughout the day.

I could keep going but we’d be there all day.

With this last addition…

Something you could turn to when you need a pick-me-up that actually lasts.

The pinnacle of natural energy formulas.

That’s not one… two… three… four… five…

Healthy drink.

Imagine it’s tomorrow morning.

You wake up, and instead of yawning as your coffee maker warms up…

You grab a single packet of .

Within 30 seconds, you effortlessly mix it into a cup of water.

From there, you take your first, delicious sip –

Right away, you feel a wave of natural energy course through your system…

… and every cell in your body roars back to life.

Alert, level-headed, and for the first time in who knows how long…

You’re excited to get after it.

Remember that enthusiasm, fun, and sense of adventure you enjoyed as a bushy-tailed teen?

That’s what I’m offering you today with :

Where you’re not weighed down by fatigue, brain fog, and the responsibilities of today’s world…

A life where you don’t feel, like my father used to joke, “a day late and a dollar short.”

It might seem impossible…

Woman in pool.

But if you’ve ever had a productive day where you’re on top of things, and nothing could bring it down…

All that stands between you and your favorite activities like traveling, golfing, swimming, gardening, even tumbling around the backyard with your grandkids…

… it’s the boundless energy to get it done.

If there’s even a small part of you that wants to give your energy levels an upgrade…

Today, I’d like you to try Purpose+ without risking a dime.

See, Dr. Bruce and I put every resource we had… called in every favor… travelled all across the globe to source these ingredients…

After all, I made it for my own mother!

And of course, for my son Jones – who deserves parents who’ll be there for him at any hour.

Which is why even as the little sucker cries into the night…


With by our side, my wife Amanda and I still have the energy to swaddle and shower him with the love he deserves…

… and have enough gusto left for ourselves, our work, and our marriage.

It’s a tasty, refreshing start to our morning…

And today, we’d like you to join us – and the thousands of other rejuvenated Americans – at the lowest price possible.

Look, it’s no secret that sourcing the purest nutrients that nature has to offer…

The costs add up. Fast.

Throw in the proprietary extraction process to guarantee potency…

Carefully measuring, titrating, stabilizing, blending, perfecting each aspect of our one-of-a-kind formula…


But when it comes to putting something into your body…

Who wants “cheap” in the first place?

So here’s the deal:

Although my colleagues have urged me to retail a 30-day supply of Purpose+ for $150…

… and they tell me, it’d still be an insane bargain…

Which means, you can enjoy long-lasting energy, relaxed focus, and a bulletproof mind for 30 days…

That’s less than what most spend on that jittery-filled Starbucks coffee…

Yet we can both agree,

Because if you’ve gotten this far down the page, you’ve seen the irrefutable science and connection between your mitochondria, oxygen, nitric oxide, and your energy levels.

Nothing is more important.

Every facet of health and wellness… every thought and step you take… every adventure you’ve dreamt of enjoying…

You can’t put a price on that.

But just to make trying today an even bigger no-brainer…

Guarantee badge.

(that’s right: six months to feel the difference that our advanced formula can do for your energy levels)

Guarantee badge.

That’s how confident I am in our unparalleled formula.

… as long as you’d like over the next six months!

If you don’t feel a dramatic improvement in your energy, focus, and mood…

If you don’t tackle your day with a newfound sense of confidence, concentration, and an unshakable optimism…

And if you feel even a single – yes, single – jitter from our energizing formula…

Then it’s free.

No questions. No hoops. No weird qualifications or fine print.

Just a prompt and courteous refund.

Which means Purpose+ either exceeds even your wildest expectations, or you don’t pay a dime.

You risk nothing other than living a life where you’re just surviving…

Guarantee badge.

Are you ready to get started with

your risk-free supply of ?

Don’t say “YES!” just yet because Dr. Bruce and I recently got together… And uncovered

See, every few months, Dr. Bruce and I get together and sift through the most recent medical literature…

… especially as it pertains to your mitochondria, oxygen, nitric oxide, and energy levels.

Our relentless drive is why currently leads the pack when it comes to overall health supplements.

Nothing comes close.


Schisandra extract.

A delicate herb grown in the Japanese mountains, Schisandra is known for calming large spikes in emotion. That stomach drop and tsunami of stress that overtakes your system when something goes wrong? Yeah, it prevents that.

Can you believe it?


Cordyceps have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to treat fatigue. All this time, we had zero idea of how they worked – just that they did.

There’s more…

Beet juice.

Groundbreaking studies on beet juice from The Journal of Clinical Diagnostic Research will floor you.

What’s more, it’s brimming with: Let’s keep going…


Another potent energy booster, grape seeds contain a molecule called proanthocyanidins.

All to help protect your mitochondria from the daily stress of life, and ensure they can produce all the clean, natural energy you need. It’s really getting good now, isn’t it?


Amla grows in the fertile jungles of Indonesia, and has been relied on by traditional healers for centuries to treat low energy. But as with most Eastern Medicine, our modern world is just now catching up.

Last but definitely not least…


A trademarked, pure version of the herb Ashwagandha. Backed by 22 “gold standard” human clinical trials, and a proprietary extraction process with over 14 years of research…

The second we saw how promising the data was, we knew we had to add a dose to .


The benefits of CBD are pretty widely known at this point, and we use a very high quality strain. Studies have shown that benefits may include pain relief, stress reduction, heart health, and also may support better health in those with neurological disorders.


CBD’s less known little brother, studies have shown it may support Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Glaucoma, and also increased health in neurodegenerative conditions.

I’ve said it multiple times, and I’ll say it again:

The peak of energy enhancement.

Because there you have it:


Maybe you have a few, packed months ahead of you…

Work deadlines…

And home renovations you’d like to take on.

Or you simply want to have a few extra packets of laying around the house…

The glove compartment of your car…

Even hide in your suitcase for an energizing treat on the road.

Heck, you might even want your spouse to join you in trying and seeing what it does for both of you.

After your first week of , you’ll be stunned at how much you’ve accomplished.

From there, you’re a force of nature.

By day 14, you feel the absolute best you’ve felt in likely decades…

… you don’t yawn in between conversations…

… things that used to get under your skin feel more manageable…

And by the time you finish a full month of ?

Happy peoples.

A life that’s free from fatigue… a life filled with excitement… a life where you don’t white-knuckle it through even the most mundane of tasks.

Now, the last thing I’d want is for you to experience everything life has to offer…

Just to slide back to square one – tired, drained, and worn-out – because you ran out of Purpose+ too soon.

Because every day that your mitochondria don’t get the oxygen they need…

That’s another day wasted.

– a rare combination of 14 trademarked, patented, natural ingredients…

… and give yourself a second chance at youthful energy…

For just $69.

That’s far less than what you’d spend on a month of Starbucks…

Yet worth an infinite amount more.

And remember, if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever, you have a full year to let us know and get a full refund.

All that’s left to do is click the button below now that says and get started with today.

My mom’s story has officially gone “viral” on the internet. It brings tears to my eyes to think about thousands of folks who now rely on every morning. However, that popularity comes with its own set of problems:

That’s a strict limit. I wish it wasn’t so, but the reality is… it’s hard to source the trademarked, patented, all-natural ingredients this time of year.

So if you want to regain the boundless energy, quick-thinking, and optimism you had in your glory days with – and do it absolutely risk-free…

Click the button below now and join us, while you still can.


Because here’s the thing:

If there’s anything we’ve learned over the past two years, it’s that our world is uncertain…

Look, chances are, you’ve had a rough year.

Rough two, at that.

Who hasn’t?

Everything has been flipped upside down and you’ve struggled in more ways than you’d probably care to admit.


is strength.


is power.


… above all else… is resilience.

And the breakthrough clinical research that I’ve walked you through today proves…

… you don’t have to come to terms with age and exhaustion…

That’s where comes in.

A one-of-a-kind, patent-pending combination trademarked, patented, and pure nutrients14 in total — to give you back your energy, your spark, your confidence.

Again, you risk nothing other than shuffling through another squandered day.

If doesn’t give you the natural energy that the latest research has me it will…

You get a full refund.

What are you waiting for?

Don’t miss out.

Join us now.

Click the button below now and let’s get started on a new life together with :

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

upgrade for free shipping

plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

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+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

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Jason Crawford.

I hope you’ll make the right decision and join us today with Purpose+.

Thank you for your time today.

To a second shot at youth,


Jason Crawford

Maybe you have some questions about . So I thought I’d answer a few of the most common questions our customers ask:

How does Purpose+ work to

gives you the unstoppable energy you had in your youth with one of the most powerful yet gentle…

And most clinically-validated formulas on the planet.

Here’s the quick version of how:

Inside your cells, you have trillions of mitochondria. They create your energy.

And what your mitochondria need to do is oxygen.

But the problem is all of the oxygen you breathe isn’t being transported to your mitochondria.


That’s because as you get older, your body stops producing a critical molecule that acts as a “vehicle,” taking the oxygen you breathe, and delivering it to your mitochondria. So much so, by the time you reach 60 years, your levels of this crucial molecule are 15% of what you have back in the day!

That molecule is called nitric oxide.

And for the first time, with , you can boost your body’s own production of nitric oxide by 230%!

By some estimates, that’s a 230% increase in fresh oxygen to the mitochondria in your brain for a youthful, clear mind… the mitochondria in your muscles for endless physical stamina… and mitochondria everywhere else for a sustainable, even-keeled boost in energy you’ll feel right away.

Add in another 11 cutting-edge supernutrients, guaranteed to boost your natural energy levels…

And is the world’s most advanced energy formula.

The purity of our ingredients is why you won’t feel any jitters… there’s zero crash… and your mind won’t race into the wee hours of the night.

Instead, within minutes, you’ll feel a rising tide of relaxed energy, mental sharpness, and the confidence you haven’t felt in decades.

If you’d like to see why thousands are now turning to every morning, click the button below now:

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

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plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

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+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

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+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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How long does it take for the ? And how often do I have to take Purpose+ to

The powerful yet gentle energizing effects of kick in within minutes!

That’s thanks to our one-of-a-kind combination of trademarked and patented ingredients in the exact doses from the clinical studies.

And is meant to be taken first thing every morning, no matter what.

All it takes is a single, delicious packet in the morning – tastes like the berry citrus juice you had as a kid without the sugar…

And what you can do with your day is limitless.

Within the first few days of , you’ll be stunned at how much you’ve accomplished.

By day 14, you feel the absolute best you’ve felt in likely decades. You aren’t yawning in between conversations. Things that used to get under your skin feel more manageable.

And you actually look forward to a busy day because you know you have the boundless energy to rip through it like a lion.

And by the time you finish a full month of ?

Welcome to your new normal. A life that’s free from fatigue… filled with excitement… life where you don’t white-knuckle it through your day anymore.

Now, the last thing I’d want is for you to experience everything life has to offer…

Just to slide back to square one – tired, drained, and worn-out – because you ran out of Purpose+ too soon.

So if you’d like to feel a rising tide of relaxed energy, mental sharpness, and confidence you haven’t felt in decades…

… and keep the good times rolling for as long as you can…

Click the button below now to stock up on your supply of while you still can:

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

upgrade for free shipping

plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

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+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

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+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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Is Purpose+ available

Unfortunately, it’s not.

This page is the only place to grab your supply of today.

That’s because our advanced energy formula isn’t available at Target, Walmart, or your local health food store.

See, Dr. Bruce and I put every resource we had, called in every favor, and travelled across the globe to source every cutting-edge ingredient.

Add in the proprietary extraction process to guarantee potency… and carefully measuring, titrating, stabilizing, blending, perfecting each aspect of our one-of-a-kind formula…

And it’s tough to produce in the high quantities that the Big-Box Retailer need to make it “worth it” for them.

Their loss. Your gain.

Because that means we can ensure you get your supply of at the lowest price possible.

So If you’d like to cross items off your to-do list with the roaring energy… relaxed focus… and optimism you had back in your hay day…

Click the button below now to try without risking a dime.

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

upgrade for free shipping

plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

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+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

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+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

Payment Cards.

What if Purpose+

doesn’t work

for me?

Guarantee badge.

Guarantee badge.

If you don’t feel a dramatic improvement in your energy, focus, and mood… if you don’t tackle your day with a newfound sense of confidence, concentration, and an unshakable optimism… and if you feel even a single jitter from our energizing formula…

You don’t pay a dime.

Simply shoot us a quick email at [email protected] and I’ll personally see you get a full refund, down to the last penny.

No questions. No hoops. No weird qualifications or fine print.

Just a prompt and courteous refund.

Which means either exceeds even your wildest expectations, or you don’t pay a dime.

You risk nothing other than living a life where you’re just surviving…

When you should be thriving.

Guarantee badge.

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

upgrade for free shipping

plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

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+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

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60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

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+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

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180-day money back guarantee

Payment Cards.

What are my


steps to

try ?

It couldn’t be easier!

All you have to do is click the button below, select how many days of you want to try risk-free, and let us know where to send it.

From there, your job is done.

In a few days, you’ll get a discrete package on your doorstep, and you’re ready to rock.

The next morning, instead of yawning as your coffee maker warms up… you’ll start your day with a single packet of .

Within 30 seconds, you effortlessly mix it into a cup of water. From there, you take your first, delicious sip – a sweet, tangy berry citrus.

Right away, you’ll feel a wave of natural energy course through your system. And every cell in your body will roar back to life.

Alert, level-headed, and for the first time in who knows how long…

You’ll be excited to get after it.

If that sounds like a future you’d like to wake up to, all you have to do is click the button below now to get started with .

30 Servings

3 Packs.

$69/ 30


($69 total)

upgrade for free shipping

plus 2 gifts (worth $51.50)

add to cart

180-day money back guarantee

Payment Cards.

90 Servings

9 Packs + Bonus.

$49/ 30


($147 total)

Save 29%

+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

add to cart

180-day money back guarantee

Payment Cards.

60 Servings

6 Packs + Bonus.

$59/ 30


($118 total)

Save 14%

+ free shipping (us)

+ 2 free gifts (worth $51.50)

add to cart

180-day money back guarantee

Payment Cards.

Buy Now,

For extra data, including links to the scientific proof unsafe for the statements in this video, as smartly as further sources: m

Robert Whitaker on Wikipedia: n

Robert Whitaker’s books present unprecedented extra part about this arena, including citations to the scientific study. His book “Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Remedy, and the Astonishing Upward thrust of Psychological Illness in The United States” is in the marketplace here: I

Infected in The United States offers a thorough overview of the diagnosis of ADHD, the plan in which stimulant drugs act on the brain, and offers links to analyze study relating to the dangers and advantages of the medication. It will even be figured out here: /

Allen Frances, MD, who chaired the task force for introduction of the DSM-IV (the bible of psychiatry), wrote a feature article criticizing the diagnosis of ADHD and the overuse of stimulant drugs for HuffPost: 5

Article reviewing the proof for long-term exercise mentioned in the video (Journal of the Norwegian Clinical Association): B

The MTA at 8 Years: Prospective Put together-Up of Formative years Handled for Combined Kind ADHD in a Multisite Gawk: b

Examples of stimulant drugs embody: Ritalin (methylphenidate), Concerta (extended free up methylphenidate), Adderall (amphetamine), Strattera (atomoxitine hcl), Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine), and Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine).

Medicating Extraordinary on Fb: /

Medicating Extraordinary on Twitter: />
Donate: /

Repeat: This video doesn't constitute clinical advice. Stopping psychiatric medicine, especially impulsively, will also be unsafe, as withdrawal outcomes may possibly possibly also honest be extreme, disabling or even life-threatening.

Music: e

Video edited by Daniel Mackler

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