
Thursday, June 30, 2022

How To Master Time Management - ADHD Skills Part 1

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This video will show you what you can do to help your ADHD. This video is a continuation of a video I made on executive function. This video is called What is Executive Function? – How it Relates To ADHD Y
We can divide ADHD management into three areas: time management, organization, and planning.

ADHD sufferers often have difficulty estimating the time it will take to complete a task and then adjusting their schedule accordingly. This can lead to you being late or even unable to complete tasks as you don’t consider how long it should take. ADHD is a chronic condition that causes time loss.
To master time management, you must have access to your timepieces at all times.
Get a watch, and make sure you have enough clocks visible in the areas you spend most of your time.
Next, create your time log with your watch and clocks. This may take several days. Start with the important things like getting dressed, doing chores, cooking dinner, and getting ready to go. You can include work-related activities in this list to help you gain a better understanding about how you spend your time at work.

This is to help you appreciate Time.
Finally, you will receive a daily, weekly, or monthly planner. The daily planner will be used to keep track of your appointments, obligations, and to-do list. The planner will be used twice daily. You’ll use the morning to assess the scope of your day, and the evening to review how it went and what you have planned for tomorrow. You can also reschedule any tasks you missed.

You want to learn more about mental health, self-improvement and other topics? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. Click here to subscribe if you don’t wish to miss a video.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this channel is intended for education purposes only and does not constitute specific/personal medical advice. The videos and the answers to questions/comments do not create a doctor-patient relationship. These videos may be helpful for you if you are a patient of your own doctor.

Take a moment and let this guided meditation relieve your anxiety.

Written and Narrated by John Davisi. John is a mindfulness life coach, teacher, and speaker. Check out his mindfulness and meditation sessions at .

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The Truth About ADHD Masking

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One of the biggest things that helped me understand about ADHD Masking was how the ADHD Brain Works so watch this video here:

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is a hidden problem that 1/3 of ADHD sufferers have.
ADHD masking

You may not have heard of ADHD masking. This is when someone hides their ADHD symptoms from others to keep them from realizing they have it. This can lead to people with ADHD not getting the treatment they need. This video will explain the truth about ADHD masking.

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DISCLAIMER – This content is solely the opinion of Dr. LeGrand. It is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This content is not meant to replace the advice and treatment of a physician. Viewers of this content should consult qualified health professionals or their doctor regarding any health concerns. The publisher and Dr. LeGrand are not responsible for any health effects that may be caused by the content. Viewers of this content should consult their doctors before starting any type of nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program, especially if they are taking prescription or over-the counter medications.

Questions about health insurance? Call us at iHealthBrokers at 888-410-0344. Our services are 100% free!


A video game that treats ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) has been approved by the FDA. This ADHD treatment is available as an adjunct or in combination with ADHD medication.

The video game is called EndeadvorRX. The game features cartoon-like characters who move through levels, overcoming obstacles and collecting points. You can create your own treatment plans by adapting to the game.

The FDA has not approved the game yet for ADHD. However, there are some hints that it could help improve cognitive function in other disorders.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us here at iHealthBrokers at 888-410-0344 or



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7 GREAT Reasons to Procrastinate

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Prone to Procrastination? It’s decided that I will do it tomorrow. Then I put it off yet again. And so on. Procrastinating can be frustrating, costly, and disheartening. Why do I keep doing it? Why do you put off doing it?

There are many reasons. There are many reasons why I procrastinate. I have learned to distinguish between the reasons I don’t take on certain tasks or decisions. This has nothing to do wit failure, laziness or lack of willpower. “

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Are there good reasons to procrastinate?

Sometimes I realize there are many reasons to procrastinate, fear of failure, or fear of success. If I do a great work, then everyone will expect me to do great work, or perfection. You can lose trust in yourself, end relationships and get fired if you procrastinate.

You also have to consider the long-term cost in terms of self-esteem and self-confidence. There are also the potential financial setbacks. I’m referring to the career and financial setbacks. These can be as simple as late fees or fines for not paying the required amount or being late. However, there may be valid reasons to procrastinate in certain circumstances. Let me simply say that procrastinating is a way to not do what you want, need, or desire to do. Yes.

Now that I understand what you are thinking, I can tell you that you are thinking “what?” Keep reading. To determine if your procrastinating is for a good, rational, logical, or unavoidable reason, you need to identify the reason. If it is logically sensible, unavoidable or logical, then you can let that task go for now. Okay, I was going to put it off, but everything is fine.

Reason #1 for Procrastinating – Waiting on something you don’t have
The first reason you procrastinate is because you are waiting on someone or something.

Reason #2 to Procrastinate: Doubts about a Person Involved
You are starting to doubt the person or people you are involved with.

Perhaps it’s a new couple and they love bomb you. It’s one thing for someone to say that after six months of being with you, but what about on their second date? If you are just standing in line at a donut shop, and the person behind you says that, you know? Except they are really good donuts (which I know I would), then that’s someone you would. I am married, but…

Reason #3: Procrastinate because you need different skills or knowledge

You might need a degree or the right skills, tools and knowledge to fix the oven light bulb.

Reason #4: You’re No Longer Committed

It’s exciting to ride on a SeaDoo, and you know how it feels. I’m going to start a SeaDoo business, and we’ll rent them all out! You know what happens next? The summer is over and you see an ad for charity that could help children for a decade.

Reason #5 to Procrastinate: Too Much Mental Effort
You’re exhausted because the task is too difficult.

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ADHD was initially thought to be a childhood disorder. Many adults over 50 are being diagnosed later in life. They are often tested for ADHD after their grandchildren or children have been diagnosed with ADHD. ADHD diagnosis in those over 50 is more difficult as ADHD can be overlooked due to natural cognitive decline. The symptoms of ADHD must be recognized by healthcare professionals. Screen for ADHD!

Adhd, apsard and adhd in older adults, adhd treatment for geriatrics, adhd symptoms and diagnosis in adults, adhd screening, adhd testing


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LIVE com Artigo Cientifico – Hoje e dia de falar sobre o Cloridrato de Metilfenidato, conhecido e vendido no Brasil como Ritalina(r), Ritalina LA(r), Concerta(r), Tedeaga(r).
Esses medicamentos costumam ser prescritos para pessoas com TDAH, e a reflexao que quero que voce faca e para o uso dessas medicacoes em criancas (que possui DIVERSOS alertas para o nao uso em criancas tanto pelo Ministerio da Saude quanto pela ANVISA).

Voce tambem pode nos encontrar aqui |

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#autismo #TEA #ritalina #concerta #TDAH

Dra. Tielle Machado

Drogas psiquiatricas nao sao apenas perigosas de se tomar, tambem sao perigosas ao interromper o uso. Ao interromper os medicamentos psiquiatricos, os sintomas originais da crianca podem piorar ou podem surgir novos sintomas. A retirada sem o devido acompanhamento medico pode causar diversos efeitos, fadiga, depressao e sentimentos suicidas. Ate mesmo a “Hiperatividade” e psicoses graves podem se desenvolver. Portanto, a retirada de drogas psiquiatricas deve ser feita lentamente, com o acompanhamento e a experiencia clinica do medico, supervisao e atencao.

Aviso Legal

As informacoes contidas nos videos nao pretendem substituir a consulta ao profissional medico ou servir como recomendacao para qualquer plano de tratamento. Em caso de duvidas procure seu medico.

A Medicina e uma ciencia em constante mudanca, os videos sao produzidos baseados nos Artigos Cientificos mais recente ate a data.

Ministerio da Saude
BRATS (Boletim Brasileiro de Avaliacao de Tecnologias em Saude)
ISSN 1983-7003 Ano VIII no 23| marco de 2014

Symptoms are too often ignored and misdiagnosed in girls, especially when those girls demonstrate inattentive symptoms such as forgetfulness and daydreaming. Too many girls grow up feeling ashamed and embarrassed, are not being treated, and feel misunderstood. This self-test will help you evaluate your daughter's ADHD symptoms. You can also learn more about ADHD in girls: /

Similar Resources
1. Self-Test: ADHD Symptoms for Girls /
2. Free Download: How To Recognize ADHD in Women & Girls /
3. Read Next: Married with ADHD: Break the cycle of shame for girls with ADHD
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Medicamento p/ TDAH e ANSIEDADE - Ritalina Concerta Venvanse Etc

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Tudo sobre a Familia Tagarela AUTISMO e TDAH aqui: Medicamento para TDAH (transtorno de deficit de atencao e hiperatividade) e ANSIEDADE – Ritalina Concerta Venvanse Etc – Dra Ellen Manfrim, neuropediatra, responde no nosso encontro AO VIVO.

No nosso encontro de hoje, Dra Ellen Manfrim, uma neuropediatra muito conhecida e conceituada nos grupos de pais de criancas autistas, responde ao vivo algumas duvidas dos seguidores. Nesse video ela responde as seguintes perguntas:

1) Como e a combinacao de medicamentos p/ autistas c/ TDAH?
2) Efeitos colaterais das medicacoes para TDAH.
3) Efeitos colaterais das medicacoes para ansiedade.
4) Medicacao Exodus.
5) Ritalina para TDAH ate quando usar?

Ao responder essas perguntas, a Dra Ellen fala dos efeitos colaterais da Ritalina e de outros medicamentos para TDAH. Ela comenta sobre todos os remedios que existem para TDAH, como Ritalina LA, Concerta, Venvanse, Strattera, Medato etc. Ela tambem fala sobre medicacoes para ansiedade, ja que, como a mesma diz: ter TDAH, ser autista nivel 1 de suporte e ter ansiedade e um “combo” bem comum de se ver.

Foi pensando em tirar essas e outras duvidas que convidamos a Dr Ellen Manfrim, da Clinica Integrar (somos Integrar) para responder as perguntas de pais e maes de autistas e de criancas com TDAH. Ainda assim ficou alguma duvidas? Nao tem problema! Deixe a sua pergunta nos comentario, ou de um pulinho nas redes sociais da Dr Ellen – ela, alem de um amor de pessoa, e super solicita e atenciosa!

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Bjs, Thata e Rafa.
Todos os direitos reservados – Mamae Tagarela / Familia Tagarela
Proibida copia ou reproducao sem autorizacao do autor.
Royalty-Free Music from Bensound ansiedade medato concerta venvanse strattera tratamento tdah efeitos colaterais ritalina efeitos colaterais concerta efetos colaterais venvanse transtorno de deficit de atencao e hiperatividade transtorno de ansiedade

#TDAH #ritalina #concerta #venvanse #strattera #familiatagarela #medicaresponde

00: 00 Introducao
00: 01 No encontro com a Dra Ellen Manfrim, neuropediatra, ela responde algumas duvidas dos seguidores.
00: 26 Primeira Pergunta: Como e a combinacao de medicamentos p/ autistas c/ TDAH?
06: 36 Segunda Pergunta: Efeitos colaterais das medicacoes para TDAH
08: 06 Terceira Pergunta: Efeitos colaterais das medicacoes para ansiedade
10: 10 Quarta Pergunta: Medicacao Exodus.
11: 56 Quinta Pergunta: Ritalina para TDAH ate quando usar?

This is my review of the whole process from referral to diagnosis, treatment, and nearly a year of taking stimulants for ADHD.

Your GP can refer you to a local ADHD specialist or you can opt for a private assessment. The waiting times for NHS assessments in the UK can be up to five years in certain areas. In England, the average wait time to receive an initial assessment is at least two years.

April 2022 Update
Psychiatry UK is currently closed for bookings and has a full schedule until October 2022. They will contact referred patients as soon possible and aim to schedule new clients according to the order in which they received their referrals. The website is regularly updated with new information.

Right To Choose in England has used this video to post a variety of clinics since then. ADHD UK has some helpful information. You can also send a letter to your GP if you are denied your Right to Choose.

Learn more at /

After two years of waiting for ADHD treatment via the NHS in England, I finally received treatment at Psychiatry UK. This psychiatry service provides Adult ADHD Diagnosis as well as ADHD Treatments virtually.

My ADHD diagnosis from early childhood is documented in my medical records. However, the local ADHD service rejected my referral after multiple attempts by my doctor. They refused to re-diagnose ADHD and only treated patients who had been diagnosed by them. This left me and possibly thousands of other people in limbo.

Private ADHD treatment in the UK can be quite expensive and sometimes not accessible. My GP recommended that I be referred to Psychiatry UK (P-UK), for evaluation and treatment. This framework gives you the right to choose your treatment provider. My GP approved and local commissioners funded my treatment.

Within two weeks of my GP referral, I received a virtual appointment from a psychiatrist who specializes in ADHD. ADHD. This was a great relief. A week later, the titration process began. Once I had found a medication that worked for me, my GP agreed that we would have a shared healthcare agreement. This will allow me to get prescriptions quickly and through the NHS rather than having to pay hundreds of pounds per month.

I hope you found this useful. You can find out more about ADDtrepreneur and learn more about adult ADHD in Britain by clicking on the links below.

#AdultADHD #ADHDtreatment #ADHD #neurodiversity


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Resources and additional reading ADHD Symptoms and Self Report Checklist:
Psychiatry UK ADHD information:
Forms you can give to your doctor:
The NHS Choice Framework

NICE Guidelines for ADHD ADHD Management UK (NICE),
NHS UK ADHD Overview
BBC News: "ADHD assessment system broken with five-year waiting periods": 4

Concerta! Vlog #33

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ADHD Medication Concerta Linked To Suicidal Thoughts and Actions in Youths - The Ring Of Fire

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ADHD medications have been linked to a host of problematic side effects including gynocomastia and heart problems, but one of the biggest dangers with these medications is that some of them are now being linked to suicidal thoughts and actions in teenagers – the largest group taking these pills. Farron Cousins, Ring of Fire, discusses with Robert Price the dangers of Concerta, an ADHD medication.

Find out more about the Concerta litigation by visiting

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Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A. Inc. (2020, December 10). Delivery mechanism for Vyvanse (r) (lisdexamfetamine methylate)-master Vyvanse for HCPs. m

All videos, songs and images used in this video are the property of their respective owners. I or this channel do not claim any rights to them.

Copyright Disclaimer: Section 107 under the Copyright Act 1976, allows for fair use for criticism, comment and news reporting. It is also allowed for teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use refers to any use that is permitted by copyright statutes and not otherwise infringing.

5 Most Common Side Effects on Concerta Methylphenidate in the First Month of Use and some Solutions

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Concerta (methylphenidate) is one the top medications used to treat ADHD. This article will review the top 5 side effects that new users may experience within the first month. It also offers some solutions for these problems to help you get around the nuisance symptoms while still getting the most out of this medication.

*CORRECTION NOTICEAt 1: 15 I noted that in 1960 it was reported a racemic mixture of amphetamine could be used to control ADHD symptoms. However, I stated that it was approved by FDA for treatment of ADHD in 1996.. The treatment of ADHD in 1996. was approved by the FDA. However, it was approved in a 3:1 ratio between the d- and l-isomers (as I explain at 3 15 in this video), and not the racemic mixture in the 1960 research.

A brief overview of Metabolism of Lisdexamfetamine, (Vyvanse), and other pertinent information provided by a classmate (give him credit for finding all of the sources). ALL information presented was acquired from recently published (2010-2014) PRIMARY scientific journal articles, which are cited at the end of the video. The articles used were/were, to the best of our knowledge/knowledge, the most current and advanced articles available on the metabolism Lisdexamfetamine. Feel free to comment below if you have any questions, feel that something is unclear, missed something, or if you have any other concerns. Youtube is a place I frequent often, so i will make every effort to reply to you quickly. A thumbs up for our video is always appreciated!

Egyptian Blue - (Yala!) Session)

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Live at Brighton Electric

Yala! Egyptian Blue – “Collateral Damage EP” now available! Records! P

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Dr Jamie Lewis talks about the entwined history of mental health and the arts.


The National Centre for Mental Health is trying to understand the causes of mental disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and ADHD.

The NCMH is composed of researchers from Cardiff University, Swansea University, and Bangor Universities. It is funded by Health and Care Research Wales.

Our mission is to improve the lives of people with mental health problems. We support and conduct mental health research and raise awareness about mental health issues.

We can all make a difference in mental health.

Migos Feat. Pop Smoke - Light It Up (Official Audio)

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[Intro: Quavo & Pop Smoke]
(Producer tag : Traphouse Mob and Swirv, This is (Wait! Yo, hahaha! Soo, soo woo?woo, ha, woo, grr, and woo skrrt bow, whoo )

[Chorus: Quavo]
It can be lit up to make a 50ball, and then I’ll spend it on my bitch (bitch )
).My charm is like a crystal ball when I pull up make an
wishMakin’ a, makin’ a profit, big boy, big boy, yeah narcotics (narcotics)
Give me a drink, it’s toxic
New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).I’m sick of drinking it (drink )
).New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).Niggas don’t stop bitin’; they copy (bite )
).I become too stiff and give them the Heisman (stiff )
).Niggas are talkin’ ’bout sliding’ (whoo )
I screw the tip and shoot ’em in silence (grrraow)
No mileage on a brand new coupeI show the gang, and we high fivin ‘

[Verse: Offset]
(Whoo, whoo, whoo, Offset)
She gave me her face in the Wraith. (face )
).It should be the semi (rraow )
).Moon walkin’, my diamonds gon’ skate (moon walkin’)
They tried to revive him but it was too late )
I put a cape over the Drac’ (Drac ‘)
).You can put a thot on your plot. She bait (plot )
).Surprise, a K, not a cake (surprise)
I kissed your bae (hey )
).He did it for a trial.100k, you get whacked off today (whacked)
I mix purp’ with codeine by the 1/8th (codeine)
Grab the scope and line him up )
Replay (back to back )
Lamborghinis)I fish bowl the coupes, and watch ’em hate. (who )
).The guts are red, Koolaid (the Guts )
If you’re looking to play
, we have sticks for that.Roll a bigger bank roll (roll)
These hoes will soon lose their souls (soul )
).Suicide doors and TMZ posin Take off their clothes
I customized my woes
They ground their nose
They gettin’ exposed
They are fucking the bros Chauffeur, open the Roll’s
doorToast, the bags arrived, and we loaded

[Chorus: Quavo]
It can be lit up to make a 50ball, and then I’ll spend it on my bitch (bitch )
).My charm is like a crystal ball when I pull up make an
wishMakin’ a, makin’ a profit, big boy, big boy, yeah narcotics (narcotics)
Give me a drink, it’s toxic
New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).I’m sick of drinking it (drink )
).New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).Niggas don’t stop bitin’; they copy (bite )
).I become too stiff and give them the Heisman (stiff )
).Niggas are talkin’ ’bout sliding’ (whoo )
I screw the tip and shoot ’em in silence (grrraow)
No mileage on a brand new coupeI show the gang, and we high fivin ‘

[Verse: Pop Smoke]
I added the Adderall to my lean
In my Amiri Bravado jeans
Hella rocks in my socks
Hella guns in my brief
If a nigga is movin’ Wok
This is when he’ll gon’ see
All the Woo’s are strutin’ the
Totin’ 33’s
She say, “You dark-skinned and handsome”
“You a gorgeous lil’ gangsta'”
She liked, “You always dripped in Dior ,”
.””And all your diamonds dancing “
She loves, “You slick piranha “
I tell her, “Work for yana”
All white, Madonna
Only hand-selected diamonds
New Richard Millie, only a milli Yes, it’s a big ticket (woo,woo,woo, )You see, I knew how to ball
.They will light it up when I call
He won’t hesitate to shake
He knows I got that nigga, if he falls

[Chorus: Quavo]
It can be lit up to make a 50ball, and then I’ll spend it on my bitch (bitch )
).My charm is like a crystal ball when I pull up make an
wishMakin’ a, makin’ a profit, big boy, big boy, yeah narcotics (narcotics)
Give me a drink, it’s toxic
New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).I’m sick of drinking it (drink )
).New York drippin’, it comes straight from the faucet (drip )
).Niggas don’t stop bitin’; they copy (bite )
).I become too stiff and give them the Heisman (stiff )
).Niggas are talkin’ ’bout sliding’ (whoo )
I screw the tip and shoot ’em in silence (grrraow)
No mileage on a brand new coupeI show the gang, and we high fivin

#Migos #LightItUp #LightItUp


Many people report that marijuana can help with ADHD symptoms. Is it effective? Is it a way to make a person feel better about themselves and not just solve their problems? ADHD patients, what are the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana? CHADD's resident expert, Dr. Gene Arnold, and guest Dr. Maggie Sibley discuss research into the therapeutic potential of marijuana and the potential downsides of using unregulated drugs for ADHD symptoms.

Dr. David Spiegel: Using Hypnosis to Enhance Health & Performance | Huberman Lab Podcast #60

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My guest is Dr. David Spiegel MD, Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Director of the Center on Stress and Health and Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Spiegel has over 40 years clinical and research experience in hypnosis and stress physiology. This episode examines the role of clinical Hypnosis in the treatment of anxiety, chronic pain, trauma, and other conditions. Dr. Spiegel will explain how to determine your level ‘hypnotizability’. He also provides case studies that show the incredible results of hypnosis in treating a wide range of conditions. We also discuss how vision, breathing and directed mental focus can affect internal states and improve performance. We also discuss how self-hypnosis can be used to reduce stress and improve sleep. Dr. Spiegel shows us how hypnosis works at a neural circuit level to increase cognitive flexibility. Dr. Spiegel summarizes key clinical trials, peer-reviewed findings, and resources for working with a trained clinical professional.

#HubermanLab #Neuroscience #Hypnosis

Andrew’s Hypnosis Session With Dr. Spiegel: 0

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Dr. David Spiegel Links:
Stanford Center for Stress and Health: U
Donate to Dr. Spiegel’s Stanford Research (tax-deductible):Dr. Spiegel’s Published Work: C

Article Links:
Assessment of Posthypnotic Amnesia and Hypnotizability: Validation a New Scoring System: C
Post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer and X
Association between Anterior Cingulate neurochemical concentration and individual differences in hypnotizability: J
Hypnosis can reduce distress and length of an invasive procedure for children: f

Other Links:
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis – s
American Society for Clinical Hypnosis Y Andrew’s Hypnosis Session With Dr. Spiegel: 0
Reveri website:
Reveri app (iOS): 8
Register for the Reveri for Android Waitlist: 0

00: 00: 00 Dr. David Spiegel MD, Hypnosis
00: 04: 16 AG1 (Athletic Greens), Thesis, ROKA
00: 09: 09 Clinical Hypnosis
00: 16: 45 Stage Hypnosis
00: 20: 25 Neurobiology of Hypnosis
00: 26: 04 ADHD
00: 28: 22 Hypnosis for Stress & Sleep
00: 32: 12 Hypnosis to Strengthen Neural Connections
00: 37: 19 Restructuring Trauma Narratives
00: 45: 14 Ketamine Therapy
00: 50: 07 Self-directed Hypnosis, Reveri
00: 56: 53 Eliminating Obsessive Thoughts, Superstitions
01: 01: 50 ‘Hypnotizability’, the Spiegel Eye-roll Test
01: 15: 36 EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)
01: 21: 43 Confronting Stress & Trauma
01: 27: 56 The Mind-Body Connection
01: 31: 35 Dealing with Grief
01: 35: 45 Hypnosis in Children & Groups
01: 40: 06 Drug Therapies & Hypnosis
01: 42: 39 Breathing Patterns, Peak Performance
01: 50: 00 Zero-Cost Support, YouTube, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, Patreon, Thorne, Instagram, Twitter

The Huberman Lab Podcast does not include Dr. Huberman’s research and teaching roles at Stanford University School of Medicine. This podcast is not intended to replace medical advice. The Huberman Lab Podcast, its guests, and affiliates, assume no responsibility for the use of the information.

Photo credit for Title Card: Mike Blabac –
Joel Hatstat, High Jump Media Audio Engineer

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Learning with Your Ears | Jordan Roy | Chiaravalle Academy

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How do you learn? Visually? Solitarily? Socially? Perhaps by audio? Here are some thoughts if audio is your preferred method of learning. Audiobooks do not have a negative effect on the ability to absorb information. Audiobooks can be extremely helpful, especially for those with ADHD, Dyslexia or other learning difficulties.

Jordan is a tireless advocate for inclusion and seeks to ensure that everyone is heard.

Facilitator: Becca Quinby

TED-Ed is TED’s education initiative. It inspires tomorrow’s TED speakers and future leaders through supporting students in developing, sharing and sharing big ideas in short, TED-style talks. Students can collaborate to share and celebrate their creative ideas with TED-Ed’s flexible curriculum. If you are interested in starting, check out this page.

This presentation was created independently by TED Conferences and was made possible through TED-Ed. Only approved participants can upload TED-Ed student talks.

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From reducing symptoms and side effects to increased concentration, a new Methylphenidate-based ADHD treatment helps children and families.

Popp Hunna - Adderall (Corvette Corvette) (BEST OF TIKTOK)

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This is part of a full interview with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) specialist Merriam Saunders. Merriam assists parents to understand their child's ADD/ADHD. Improve lives and relationships Watch the complete interview

Popp Hunna - Adderall (Corvette Corvette) Lyrics | bitch corvette corvette hop in a mf jet like that

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Get Popp Hunna – Adderall (Corvette Corvette) Lyrics | bitch corvette corvette hop in a mf jet like that:

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NOTE FROM TED: While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice. This talk is based on the speaker's own experiences and understandings of anxiety. TEDx events can be organized independently by volunteers. We provide guidelines for TEDx organizers. You can read them here: f

What if anxiety wasn't our enemy? What if our fears were actually trying to help? What if we let anxiety be our friend and stopped fighting it?

Tim Box is an author, therapist and anxiety expert. He suffered from severe social anxiety in his youth.
Tim spent the majority of the 10 years helping people manage their anxiety. He started to notice that many people who deal with anxiety think in completely the wrong way.

Tim discusses why anxiety needs to be viewed differently and why the help being given often makes it worse. He also explains how a simple shift in our thinking about our emotional reactions can help us feel less anxious and free us from our anxiety diagnoses. Tim is a mind management and remedial hypnotist. He assists people to regain control over their thoughts, feelings and behavior.

After overcoming his own anxiety, he is now a specialist in anxiety disorders. He published Clear Your Head: A simple guide to living a happy life, without worrying about anxiety. It was the #1 bestseller in its genre on Amazon. This talk was delivered at a TEDx event that used the TED conference format, but was organized independently by a local community. Find out more at x

Is Alternative ADHD Drugs causing Obesity in Children?

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The Doctors and psychiatrist Dr. Domenick Sportelli discuss a study which found that some kids gain weight when taking alternative ADHD medications. Plus, Dr. Sportelli talks about medication-free options to address ADHD
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The Doctors is Emmy-winning daytime talk program hosted by Dr. Travis Stork (ER physician), Dr. Andrew Ordon (plastic surgeon) and Dr. Nita Lairy (OB-GYN).

The Doctors provides information on the most recent health news, including the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS and Ebola. They also interview celebrities like Lamar Odom, Teen Mom star Farrah Adam, Honey Boo Boo, Mama June and activist Chaz Bono. You can also find debates from Monsanto and celebrity health experts such as Jenny McCarthy about safety and health claims. The Doctors features The News in 2 digest with the most recent celebrity health news, and The Doctors Prescription, which provides simple steps to reduce stress, eat healthier, and get more active.

The Doctors’ eighth season has seen the celebrity guests of The Doctors include Academy Award winners Sally Field, Jane Fonda and Marcia Gay Harden; Sharon Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne and Amber Rose; actresses Jessica Alba, Christina Applegate and Julie Bowen; actors Kelly Gealey and Valerie Harper; singers Clint Black and LL Cool J; Magic Johnson and Danica Patrick; celebrity chefs Wolfgang Puck and Guy Fieri; and Curtis Stone

Everyone experiences stress--but could you be going through something more serious? Watch more Health Videos at Health Guru: Keep watching.

Amazing Results of ADHD Medication For Child

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Dr. Kristi, a Board Certified Pediatrician shares a personal example of the impact ADHD medication had on her kindergarten child. As you can see, her child was able focus and perform for weeks.

This is not a guarantee that you will get the results you desire. Individual results can vary between people taking medication. This is just her family’s experience.

Next Step 4 ADHD offers comprehensive ADHD treatment programs for children, teens and parents. Our unique approach combines medication management, coaching, skill-building workshops, and ongoing support.

Visit our Facebook page for more information.

Find out more things to implement other than Vitamin D Benefits for ADHD Health by Downloading My FREE Ultimate ADHD Guide To A Healthier You Here:

This video explains the importance of vitamin D and its benefits for the brain.

I discuss how vitamin D is an essential factor in brain function and how it can improve mood balance.

I also offer recommendations on how to take Vitamin D and why you should be testing for Vitamin D levels.

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DISCLAIMER - This content is solely the opinion of Dr. LeGrand. It is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This content is not meant to replace the advice and treatment of a physician. Viewers of this content should consult qualified health professionals or their doctor regarding any health concerns. The publisher and Dr. LeGrand are not responsible for any health effects that may be caused by the content. Viewers of this content should consult their doctors before starting any type of nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program, especially if they are taking prescription or over-the counter medications.

#VitaminDBenefits #ADHDTips #ADHDHealth

How Adderall & Ritalin Work

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This research was published in the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine(NIH/NLM):

These stimulants (Adderall/Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Concerta) should only be used if they are prescribed by a physician. These drugs are not for recreational use and there is a high risk of abuse.

Scientists Use Twitter to Find Non-Medical Uses of Adderall:

Case Report: Testicular Failure Possiblely Due to Chronic Use of Methyphenidate (Ritalin).

A review of
Potential adverse effects of Amphetamine treatment on brain and behavior /

Understanding the Risks of ADHD Medications with Respect to Physical Growth & Cardiovascular Function /

Influence of amphetamines in plasma corticosteroid and growth hormone levels in men:

DEA classification for Methylphenidates

DEA classifications of Adderal and Ritalin, Cocaine Vicodin, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Oxycontin, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Oxycontin, Methamphetamine & Methamphetamine:

Adderall Sales Figures according to IMS:

Animations and scripts inspired by: Reaction-How Does Adderall(TM Work:
Episode 2 of MEDspirational science is here! This week’s episode focuses on the effects of long-term Ritalin and Adderall use on our physiology and overall health. Stimulant use in college and post-graduate programs is on the rise. Students have compared stimulants like Ritalin, Ritalin and Vyvanse to athletes. They claim that they act as a cognitive steroid which enhances their mental focus and increases their ability to cram for tests. We will be looking at the effects of these drugs on the body and exploring these claims today!

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"So, I made this video to address common misconceptions around anxiety disorders and panic attacks. I should also mention that I was aware of some of these misconceptions before I experienced my first anxiety attack.

It should be noted that this began in my mid-twenties. This can flare up at any time. For me, panic attacks were most common in the evenings when I tried to sleep.

Then, I would fall asleep for five to ten seconds and then boom! My racing heart and tension headache would wake me up. It's important to mention that my father died from a stroke at 45,, so whenever I feel a burning sensation in my head, it's boom! This is it, I think. Let's start with my first experience. One of my closest friends took me to the hospital. The doctors believed that I was suffering from a heart attack. They prescribed me drugs to treat my heart attack. I had various ECGs, various tests.

I had a chest radiograph. Because they couldn't... They weren't able to... But when everything came back clear, the doctor actually came into my room and spoke to me. He said that I was a fearful, panicky individual. To which my friend and I were both laughing as I'm sitting there and saying, "Listen, I've done stand up comedy around London."

Acting is my background. This does not describe me. The doctor told me that anxiety and panic attacks will affect everyone in some way. My current treatment is medication. I view it as an asthmatic. Their bodies can't be controlled when they have an attack. They can't control when their body has an attack.
My brain is capable of doing things that I cannot control. That's why medication helps me. This was something I discovered the hard way, as I had neglected my medication for two years. At my lowest point, I couldn't decide what dinner to order. You have to be able to notice little changes. It's hard to do that when you're not in the moment. You may feel normal, but it isn't always the case.

It's important to establish a baseline. You can then adjust or do whatever you need to. As I said, when you are in the moment, there is no problem. That's when things can spiral. It can manifest in many ways.

You know what? I wasn't prone to panic attacks during the two-year period when I neglected my medication. However, I was extremely indecisive. I was not balanced. I was possessed by an unbridled fear. It was affecting me in another manner. I believe the absence of panic attacks was one reason I believed I was fine, even though I wasn't. Knowledge is power. The more information you have about the condition, the better you can keep yourself balanced and healthy.

I am open to talking to anyone. I will keep an eye out for comments but you guys will get there so stay positive and if anyone would like to chat, I'll still be there.

Vyvanse: How It Works_

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Read the text of this video at Darvin Hege, M.D., Atlanta, ADHD medication treatment specialist, board-certified psychiatrist exp.lains why and how Vyvanse works better than Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Strattera, and Wellbutrin. See also Dr. Hege’s webpage about Adult ADHD For evening and weekend appointments, call 770-458-0007 or visit us at 1
For panic attacks For depression For bipolar disorder For alcohol problems 1

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Bob Beymer is a Marine Corps Veteran and Stability Lead at @The Stability Network. He shares his personal experiences with substance abuse, ADHD, PTSD and anxiety therapy.

#VeteranMentalHealth #Therapy #CBT


The Stability Network is a global movement of workers who are speaking out about their mental health issues to encourage and support others. Visit the Stability Network's website to learn more and join this growing community.

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Psych Hub is an educational site. The information contained in this video does not replace professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. You or someone you care about may be experiencing mental health symptoms. Please consult a licensed professional or trained medical practitioner if you are concerned. Before you try any of these strategies, we recommend that you consult with a licensed mental health provider.

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Adderall vs Vyvanse (The Real Deal)

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ISOLATED MOMENTS OF SANITY #5: Anxiety Isn't A Disorder. Many people are anxious about the covid -19 situation. Some even wonder if they might be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Today's video examines how our culture can make normal human emotions into mental disorders.

These are the links to the entire series:
1. Keep it simple. /> 2. This is impossible to imagine. /> 3. Limit the news. /> 4. Anxiety is not necessary. /> 5. Anxiety is not a disorder. /> 6. Do not worry about paper. /> 7. What would you do? /> 8. Broaden your base. /> 9. Get out of your misery. /> 10. Structure. /> 11. This is the time to plan for the future. />
Some ideas in this series are reminiscent of some of my recent books, "How to be Miserable", and "How to be Miserable In Your Twenties," both available at Amazon and your local bookshop. Both of these books make good isolation reading.

Here's how to order How to be Miserable In Your Twenties.
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ADHD Medication Side Effects: 5 Common Problems -- and Fixes

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Learn more about ADHD medication side effects: /

Many parents and adults are afraid of side effects, so they avoid ADHD medication.

Most side effects diminish with time. You have to choose whether to accept a minor side effect or deal with it for a while.

This video will show you how to reduce the most common adverse reactions.

Similar Resources
1. The Complete Menu of ADHD Treatment Options /
2. Free download: The Ultimate Guide to ADHD Medication
3. Next: The Toughest ADHD Medication Questions Answered /

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Kyle and StrainCentral on Taking Adderall | PKA Podcast Clips

Clips from PKA 543 with Strain Central – Boogie Behind Bars Josh's Hallucinations and Delta 8


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Painkiller Already hosts a weekly podcast that features Woody, Kyle, also known as FPSRussia and Taylor. The podcast is commonly known as PKA and has been steamrolling through YouTube and the airwaves since early 2010.. PKA talks about current events, news and shares comedic stories. They also give their perspective on life, while adding a humoristic twist to all discussions
. PKA Clips YouTube channel will be capturing highlights from PKA Podcast's new episode every Saturday. Also, past episodes, PKA Plays and other moments during weekdays will be captured so that old and new fans can enjoy different bits of the show over time.


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Making ADHD your Superpower | George Cicci | TEDxWVU

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After George Cicci was diagnosed with ADHD late in life, he set out to change the misconceptions surrounding individuals diagnosed with this disorder. He argues that ADHD patients should use their “superpower” to benefit at work and everyday life. George Cicci saw his late-in life ADHD diagnosis as a way to answer his questions about his behavior and problems, as well as a chance to “restart” his life and make up lost time. He was diagnosed thirteen years ago and has been obsessed with “The Superpower”, which he calls it. He also teaches others how to hack it. As Impakt Media’s Chief Marketing Officer, he is currently using this superpower to work with brands such as NBC Sports, Lucas Oil Pro Motocross, and Major League Baseball affiliates. He is also finishing his book, “ADHD Life Hacker” and launching an online course on productivity for people with ADHD. This talk was delivered at a TEDx event that used the TED conference format, but was organized locally. Find out more at x

Dealing with anxiety is tough enough, but what's even worse is when people don't understand it. People who aren't familiar or have never had to deal with anxiety often have misconceptions about the condition and what they do. This makes it difficult to cope with anxiety.

This video will discuss 13 things that people don't know you do due to anxiety. People with anxiety generally do certain things in order to overcome their anxiety. Although the feeling may last for a brief time, it is necessary. Problem is that many people misinterpret what their doing.

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Procrastination and Avoidance: A different take on ADHD Struggles with Follow Through

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Co-host Lynne Edris shares a different take on the common adult ADHD struggles with poor follow-through, procrastination, and avoidance. Lynne discusses procrastination and how it can be a coping mechanism that goes sour. She helps you understand WHY you procrastinate, avoid what you need, and even what you want, and offers practical strategies to help you follow through today.

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Tara McGillicuddy, a friend, colleague, and community leader, is known for her dedication to deep, soulful, energetic-level shifts that are required in life. She is dedicated to helping you see your life clearly, to identify your blockages, to tune into the sacred energies, and to helping you build a life that works with precise steps and structure.

Tara is well-known and respected in the ADHD community. She has made a number of long-lasting and practical shifts in her communities, affecting thousands of people. Tara is a leader in this field, having created and ADHD Awareness Expo. She has also developed her abilities as an empath over the years. Her latest project, Empath Now, is a resource that empowers Empaths.


Lynne Edris is a podcast host and a Productivity and ADHD Coach. She helps distracted professionals all over the globe achieve their goals and take control of their lives so they can be more productive and have more time to do what matters to them. Lynne, a wife and mother of ADHD, understands the challenges and struggles that ADHD can bring. She is now living a life full of success and fulfillment, instead of living in chaos, overwhelm, or underperformance as ADHD adults know. Her passion is helping others realize their potential and get “firing on all cylinders”. You can learn more about Lynne at, and text keyword “HACK” to 33777 to get her 7 Fool-Proof Productivity Hacks for unfocused professionals!

ADHD Support Talk Radio is an award-winning podcast for adults with ADD / ADHD. Lynne Edris and Tara McGillicuddy, co-hosts, are joined by experts in Adult ADHD. They discuss important topics related to Adult ADD / ADHD. Podcast guests include Dr. Edward Hallowell and Dr. Stephanie Sarkis as well as Dr. Ari Tuckman, Laurie Dupar and Terry Matlen.

Tara McGillicuddy, the producer, owner and co-host of ADHD Support Talk Radio Podcast is Tara McGillicuddy. Tara can be reached for general questions and feedback regarding the podcast ,
Lynne Edris hosts the ADHD Support Talk Radio podcast. Lynne Edris can be reached to give feedback on her podcasts or if she is interested in interviewing you.


Here's Dr. Kelly Nation of Gulf Coast Children's Clinic discussing the impact to those taking ADHD medications but do not have ADHD.

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome (ADHD Storytime)

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Thank you to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video. To receive 10% off your first month, visit: o



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Dealing with Imposter Syndrome (ADHD Storytime)


Many people report that marijuana can help with ADHD symptoms. Is it effective? Is it able to make a person feel better about themselves and help them solve their problems? ADHD patients, what are the advantages and disadvantages of marijuana? CHADD's resident expert, Dr. Gene Arnold, and guest Dr. Maggie Sibley discuss research into the therapeutic potential of marijuana and the potential downsides of using unregulated drugs for ADHD symptoms.

The 5 Things I Learned After Retiring at 22 With Undiagnosed ADHD | HIDDEN ADHD

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When my girlfriend mentioned her parents bought a fixer-upper on an island and that I could live there for free… I perked up. That’s right, I retired at age 22. Learn from my mistakes. This is my story.


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➡️ NEW: ADHD 101 5-Day Course 1
➡️ AUDIENCE FAVORITE: 10 Productivity Mistakes All ADHDers Make y

Action Guides:
➡️ Clarity Questionnaire + Life Purpose Tool s
➡️ Atomic Habits c
➡️ Willpower Doesn’t Work r
➡️ Personality Isn’t Permanent y
➡️ Ultralearning g

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►MY STORY (Harvard to Minimum Wage):
►My experience with Vyvanse, Concerta, Ritalin, and Adderal c

To raise awareness about non-hyperactive ADHD (what I call “Hidden ADHD”) to help others who are struggling with it. I want them to know what they can do about it. I want them to know that they’re not lazy, unmotivated, and willfully irresponsible. I want them to know they can realize their potential and create the life of their dreams.

#adhd #adultadhd #howtoadhd #adhdhelp #adhdtips #adhdguide

A new systematic review and meta-analysis based on 133 double-blind, randomized controlled trials has concluded that methylphenidate is the best first-line medication choice for the treatment of ADHD in kids and teens.

ADHD Medication Tolerance

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How to get a Diagnosis
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Please be aware that I am not a physician.

#Adhd #MedicationTolerance

Here is my vyvanse Week 3 update talking about how it has affected my sleep.

What is ADHD?

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what is adhd

During a medical exam, a doctor will discuss the symptoms of ADHD, gather information from teachers and family members, and use checklists and rating scales to assess the child’s condition. A physical exam may be conducted to rule out other medical conditions. If you suspect your child may have ADHD, you should discuss it with your doctor, or seek advice from a school counselor. Schools regularly assess children for conditions that affect their academic performance.

Signs and Symptoms of ADHD

The signs and symptoms of ADHD vary from child to child. Children with ADHD display hyperactive/impulsive behaviors as well as inattentiveness in at least two settings. This combination of symptoms makes it difficult for a child to focus or complete tasks. As a result, children with ADHD may fail to complete tasks, such as homework, games, or chores. These symptoms may also appear in adults. It is important to get a proper diagnosis if you suspect your child is suffering from this disorder.

A child with ADHD will not play quietly and may blurt out answers before other children finish speaking. They often interrupt others and do not wait their turn to participate in activities. Children with ADHD also tend to be impulsive and unable to make and keep friends. ADHD often manifests itself as a problem with self-regulation, and it may overlap with other conditions. In addition, ADHD patients are prone to excessive flitting.

If you suspect your child may be suffering from ADHD, you should seek professional help to rule out other disorders. While symptoms may seem similar to those of ADHD, they may be caused by another health condition, such as stress, anxiety, or a genetic disorder. Ultimately, it is important to seek professional help so you can be more present for your child. If you suspect your child may be suffering from ADHD, see a medical professional right away for an assessment.

Types of ADHD

There are three main types of ADHD, referred to as subtypes in the DSM-IV, but in the DSM-5.1, they are called presentations. The symptoms of each type will vary slightly from person to person. To understand what to expect from your child, you should learn about each subtype. The most common symptoms of this disorder are inattentive behavior, difficulty staying focused, problems with listening, and inability to complete tasks. Inattentive type symptoms are usually the least severe.

The inattentive type demonstrates many of the same symptoms as the hyperactive type. They often can’t pay attention to the tasks at hand, and they struggle to return phone calls and birthday cards. While these behaviors may seem rude, they are not intended. Inattentive and hyperactive type patients share six characteristics of daily living. People with both types should be evaluated by a qualified doctor to help them understand the specific needs of their child.

The hyperactive-impulsive type manifests itself in the physical symptoms of restlessness and excessive talking. The child who is affected by hyperactivity is unable to sit still even in calm surroundings, and will often fidget with their hands or feet. These symptoms can make children unable to play quietly or wait for things to finish. Children with this type may also feel restless and be unable to follow directions. These symptoms are more likely to be internal than external.

Causes of ADHD

In a child with ADHD, a deficiency in certain neurotransmitters changes the functional cycle of the brain. These neurotransmitters play a vital role in the transmission of information within nerve cells. The lack of dopamine at a synaptic cleft leads to an imbalance in the flow of information within the brain. This imbalance causes faulty information processing and alters the body’s rhythms. It can also affect children’s ability to focus, and affects their impulse control and perception.

Whether or not a child exhibits the above symptoms depends on the child’s genetics, social background, and lifestyle. Inattentive symptoms are often present as lack of focus, fidgeting, and talking non-stop. The type of presentation a child displays will determine the treatment needed. There are many myths about ADHD and its causes. However, the best way to understand this disorder is to seek treatment early.

Environmental toxins and developmental problems have been linked to an increased risk of ADHD in children. Premature birth and significant head trauma can also lead to ADHD. A longitudinal study of children aged five to 14 years revealed that those children who had frequent ER visits were at increased risk for the disorder. Further, a mother’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy may have contributed to the child’s development. It is important to understand the potential link between prenatal exposure and ADHD.

How is ADHD Diagnosed?

A child with ADHD may have a wide variety of symptoms including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Children with ADHD often have additional difficulties such as oppositional behaviors, learning difficulties, or mood problems. Doctors treat ADHD as a symptom of a larger problem, and can refer patients to child psychologists or psychiatrists for further treatment. Treatments involve medication that activates the brain’s ability to pay attention, slow down, and exercise self-control. They also may involve behavior therapy to teach children how to behave in a social setting.

A physician will usually conduct a thorough evaluation of symptoms and behavior in order to make a correct diagnosis. Your child will likely be asked questions about their history, how school has affected their life, and whether they have noticed any unusual behaviors. Older children and teenagers may be able to answer more questions. In addition to the interview, an examination may be conducted to rule out other potential diagnoses or physical concerns. Whether your child is diagnosed with ADHD is an important decision for the entire family.

To diagnose ADHD, your doctor will first evaluate your child’s behavior and environment, including medical and family histories. In order to qualify as having ADHD, your child must exhibit symptoms that interfere with schoolwork, social interaction, or employment. These symptoms must occur in at least two settings and have occurred before age 12 for the symptoms to be diagnosed. Your child will also need to show that they exhibit symptoms in a consistent manner. And, as with any medical condition, the symptoms will be different with each patient.

Treatsments for ADHD

Treatments for ADHD aim to minimize the effects of ADHD symptoms on the individual and increase the patient’s ability to deal with remaining difficulties. Although not all symptoms are reversible, the main goal of treatment is to improve the patient’s sense of responsibility and personal agency. The cognitive component of the therapy focuses on changing thinking errors and distortions. It is important to note that this type of therapy is only appropriate for individuals with ADHD.

A study at the University of California Los Angeles evaluated 62 children with moderate to severe symptoms of ADHD. It found that the use of the Monarch external Trigeminal Nerve Stimulation System reduced symptoms of inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Children who received the treatment reported fewer negative symptoms in general, but they showed more positive results. The program is not covered by health insurance companies, but may be appropriate for some children.

While symptoms of ADHD in adults may be harder to identify, core symptoms usually start at around age twelve and continue throughout adulthood. Treatments for ADHD typically include medication, education, skills training, and psychological counseling. A combination of all these approaches is usually effective. Although medications can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of ADHD, patients should talk to their doctor about any side effects before taking them. The benefits of medications are usually short-term, but you should consider the risks of the medication.

ADHD in Adults

People with ADHD often struggle with managing time, making last-minute demands, and forgetting appointments. Adult ADHD can have far-reaching effects, and undiagnosed ADHD can lead to a variety of negative labels. In addition to these symptoms, untreated ADHD can cause a range of other issues as well, such as anxiety and depression. The following article will discuss some of the symptoms and signs of ADHD in adults. It will also discuss how to treat ADHD and its ramifications.

Diagnosing ADHD in adults requires an interview with a qualified professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker. During this interview, the professional will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms and how they relate to your overall functioning. This interview can last anywhere from five minutes to an hour or more, depending on how serious your symptoms are. For many adults, the symptoms of ADHD will persist into their adulthood, although they may not display all of the same symptoms as children.

Although ADHD symptoms can occur in adults, it is not an acquired condition. To have symptoms in adulthood, an individual must have had ADHD as a child. Organic or psychiatric conditions can also lead to ADHD in adults. The hallmark of ADHD is that it has been present since childhood, and it isn’t episodic. If it has been present in childhood, it is likely that it was caused by ADHD. If it is a chronic issue, you should seek a medical professional.

ADHD Medication

While medication may be a necessary treatment for ADHD, it is important to understand the side effects of the medications. In addition to the side effects, medications don’t teach children how to regulate their emotions or socialize. To overcome the problems associated with ADHD, patients should consider behavioral interventions, collaboration with caregivers, and medication. Some of the following are examples of behavioral interventions for ADHD. To find out if behavioral interventions are right for your child, you can consult with a therapist or doctor.

Non-stimulants can help your child focus, but they take up to 24 hours to be effective. Non-stimulants may work for only a few weeks before symptoms begin to appear. To reduce the risk of side effects, your doctor may switch you to a slower-acting drug or overlap your doses. The side effects of any ADHD medication can vary, so it’s important to discuss them with your doctor and health care team. Your doctor will want to check on your child every three to six months to ensure that the drug is working for him.

In some cases, children can improve their symptoms without medications altogether. Stimulants are drugs that help your child focus and ignore distractions. They work for 70% to 80% of patients with moderate to severe ADHD. If your child is too young for stimulants, nonstimulants are a better option. Those who have an alcohol or drug history may want to try a nonstimulant medicine instead. These medicines don’t have as many side effects as stimulants, but can be helpful for your child if you’ve tried other medications.

New Video!

For an updated video about functional lab testing for ADHD, please go here:

My free webinar will teach you how to naturally reduce ADHD symptoms -

My son's ADHD symptoms were reduced by functional lab testing. This video will share important information every parent needs to know if they are considering testing their child for ADHD or ADD.
-The lab tests that we used in our family and the ones I use with hundreds of families I work with )

These lab tests can help to identify the underlying stressors within your body

These tests were a key to my son's success in getting him to THRIVING .
If you want to learn more about functional lab testing, here is another video: s

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ADHD Thrive Institute provides all-natural strategies to help families affected by ADHD.


Are you a parent of a child with ADHD?

Chances are you have some major goals to reach in order to manage your child's symptoms.

You want to be there for your child. You desire a peaceful household. You want to be able to relax and feel more in control, and you want to enjoy your child again.

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Functional Lab Tests for ADHD and ADD: What Every Parent Should Know- M

Freedom From Anxiety Can Be Done With One Of These Tips

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Anxiety can become so overwhelming that you may possibly think it will take over your life, but this simply isn’t the truth. It really is common for folks to discover anxiety, but most have learned how to eradicate it. You are able to stop anxiety and possess power over your life using the tips with this article.

Possess a trusted resource to call on, whenever you may be subject to an attack. Whether it is a relative or friend, you ought to have someone that understands your condition and can help talk you through an attack. Having to face one alone is quite overwhelming, and you may get through them quicker when you have somebody to help.

Pick a calming mantra you could repeat to yourself whenever you feel anxious. Short, simple phrases work best, although some people would rather chant a soothing sound. Pick a mantra that is personally meaningful and that you can recall quickly. Repeat the mantra as frequently as needed, either in your head or out loud, when you are alone.

There is no magic bullet to treat anxiety, it should be treated in a professional manner by professionals. In case you have seen advertisements for medications or miracle cures, do not believe them. Many times dealing with anxiety can only be achieved as time passes, so tend not to have confidence in the snake charmers.

Start the day with positive thinking. When you wake up every morning, make sure you get started with positive thoughts. Reassure yourself from the positive reasons for yourself, and your life. This can help you get a full begin to the morning, and definately will eliminate anxiety afterwards from the day.

In case you are experiencing anxiety at the office, which seems to be rendering it challenging to get your work done, it could assist to view a therapist. The therapist may help you to discover what it can be which is causing you distress. It may be a co-worker, a lot of work to get done, or another job-related problems that can be easily fixed.

Retain the positive aspects in your life under consideration. Prior to gonna sleep every single night and prior to getting away from bed every morning, make a list of a number of these factors. These positive thoughts help drive away the negative information that seeps into your mind, which only helps lessen the volume of anxiety you might be feeling.

Exercise is always a terrific way to make the anxiety vanish entirely. It can certainly help you cope with anxiety, because exercise releases endorphins. These endorphins promote a healthy and happy mind, which battles your anxiety wonderfully. Exercise each day to begin the day, is perfect provided you can find the time.

If you suffer from anxiety, it is very important maintain positive thoughts always. By thinking negatively, you will be only likely to stress yourself out making your anxiety worse. Should you be unclear about tips on how to overcome your thoughts, you may want to consult with a medical expert.

Workplace anxiety can be reduced or eliminated by using a simple walk. As deadlines approach and employers pile on more work, many people forget the strength of having a short break. Going outside and walking around your building provides you with an opportunity to refresh your mind and body.

Remaining sedentary and focusing on the negative is not really more likely to help things. Instead, find strategies to keep yourself busy, to be able to keep the mind off of your worries. Many hobbies or creative arts can occupy the mind, thus removing anxious feelings.

Avoid thinking about things which worry you by doing something different. Keep busy by gardening and even, reading a book. As soon as you get out of bed, start the day doing something to maintain your mind free of anxiety. This can keep the mind off of those things that bother you and also lead to anxiety.

Should you be trying to get rid of your anxiety, you need enough sleep. Not receiving enough sleep may cause mental problems such as anxiety. Adults should sleep for 7 to 8 hours everyday to fight anxiety.

Lessen your amount of anxiety by asking others for help when you really need it. A lot of people think that asking for assistance is a sign of weakness, yet it is actually an incredibly intelligent action to take every time a task is much more than you can handle. Delegating appropriate tasks to others helps keep anxiety in check.

Staying away from alcohol, foods and drinks that include caffeine, might be wise should you suffer from anxiety. The two of these items contain ingredients that can set off and then make anxiety much worse. Try drinking more water, instead and attempt out decaffeinated versions of your own favorite beverages, such as, coffee.

Possess a mantra to repeat while you are feeling some anxiety. When you begin to feel anxious, repeat this mantra till you set out to calm down. This should help you take care of those feelings before they get on top of you and you have a complete blown anxiety attack.

There are numerous herbs that you can research, if you would like manage your anxiety. Some of them include passionflower, chamomile, kava kava, and St. John’s Wort. However, ahead of taking anything for your anxiety, including herbal remedies, it is vital that you talk to a medical professional.

Learn to breathe out of your stomach. This particular type of breathing approach is called diaphragmatic breathing. It is actually simply taking deep breaths to the stage where your belly button is pushed out. Count as you may inhale and exhale and you will probably end up becoming calmer and a lot more relaxed with every breath you take.

If you set out to feel anxious, accept those feelings. When you try to fight anxiety, the situation often becomes worse. If you concentrate on the fact that these feelings ate temporary and will pass, it gets much easier to get over the anxiety attack. This simply means available to productive activities much faster.

While anxiety may seem like something that is going to be around you forever, this article should have shown you that isn’t the case. The helpful tips in the following paragraphs may help you work toward recovery. Exactly what are you awaiting?


This episode will cover my top five worst anxiety symptoms since I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Although everyone experiences anxiety symptoms, not all sufferers are the same. However, some people react stronger to certain symptoms than others. This podcast episode aims to help you become more aware of the symptoms and sensations that anxiety can cause, so you can start to see them differently. If you start to perceive dizziness, heart palpitation or body zaps as life-threatening symptoms, it can lead to panic attacks. Your anxiety will not spiral out of control if you view your sensations as normal and natural.




The Anxiety Project Website

#anxietysymptoms #anxiety

In this video I go over what Neurofeedback is and what neurofeedback can do for ADHD.

I also discuss other people who can benefit from neurofeedback than those with ADHD.

Here are some reasons why neurofeedback should be considered for ADHD treatment. What Neurofeedback does to improve ADHD brain function and where you can find neurofeedback therapy.

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DISCLAIMER - This content is solely the opinion of Dr. LeGrand. It is intended for educational and informational purposes only. This content is not meant to replace the advice and treatment of a physician. Viewers of this content should consult qualified health professionals or their doctor regarding any health concerns. The publisher and Dr. LeGrand are not responsible for any health effects that may be caused by the content. Viewers of this content should consult their doctors before starting any type of nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program, especially if they are taking prescription or over-the counter medications.

#Neurofeedback #ADHDtips #ADHDtreatment

Dear ADHD, Full interview ep 160 ADHD reWired

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Nicole shares her ADHD story with us. She shares a funny story about how she discovered she had ADHD. In the conversation, Nicole shares many things with us. She will share her thoughts on ADHD and read a letter to her ADHD. Then she will describe the changes in her life as a result of being in the ADHD ReWired Coaching and Accountability Group.

This episode’s shownotes are located at 0

Find out more about ADHD reWired Coaching & Accountability Group on m

What is ADHD masking? How can we mask ADHD symptoms? It is important to know when you are doing it. These are the questions I answer in this video.

ADHDsurprise is back! Here I share my ADHD story, and offer resources and support to others who are on the ADHD journey.

A blog post related to masking my symptoms:

Pina @ADHD_Alien, for allowing us to use some of her incredible artwork about masking, is a special thanks. n

All my links:

#ADHD #Masking

ADHD is also a problem for black women. Why do black women not talk about ADHD?

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This channel is for YOU, my Black Sisters & WOC, with ADHD. Five more Black women with ADHD are hiding in shame and stigma, each willing to share their own struggles. ADHD can make you feel unqualified and inept. It can also lead to deep depression. This makes us wonder if things will ever improve or if we will ever be “normal.” It is clear that ADHD can be managed without shame or hiding. This is why this space exists. It’s safe. I understand. Believe me, I REALLY UNDERSTAND.

Understanding is essential. No matter how many times we forget to pick up our keys or lose our purses, we want to be understood.
ADHD is the new BLACK. These are just a few reasons why YouTube is important. You can help other ADHD women and WOC by “liking” this channel and “subscribing”. This is one way that we can support each other.

My article sharing: If you have hypersensitivity to light, sound or certain fabrics, it’s likely that there is a reason. Check out the article.

This article from ADDitude magazine explains why you are so mad about your clothing tags.

"Everything in life is a gift. It’s a powerful moment when you’re broken and finally realize that the striving goes away, you don’t do stuff for recognition, you do things because you’re recognized by Him." //Brian Johnson shares about his battle in overcoming anxiety at a service at Bethel Church, Redding.

Call of Duty's Adderall Problem

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#esports #CDL #Adderall



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