This video will show you what you can do to help your ADHD. This video is a continuation of a video I made on executive function. This video is called What is Executive Function? – How it Relates To ADHD Y
We can divide ADHD management into three areas: time management, organization, and planning.
ADHD sufferers often have difficulty estimating the time it will take to complete a task and then adjusting their schedule accordingly. This can lead to you being late or even unable to complete tasks as you don’t consider how long it should take. ADHD is a chronic condition that causes time loss.
To master time management, you must have access to your timepieces at all times.
Get a watch, and make sure you have enough clocks visible in the areas you spend most of your time.
Next, create your time log with your watch and clocks. This may take several days. Start with the important things like getting dressed, doing chores, cooking dinner, and getting ready to go. You can include work-related activities in this list to help you gain a better understanding about how you spend your time at work.
This is to help you appreciate Time.
Finally, you will receive a daily, weekly, or monthly planner. The daily planner will be used to keep track of your appointments, obligations, and to-do list. The planner will be used twice daily. You’ll use the morning to assess the scope of your day, and the evening to review how it went and what you have planned for tomorrow. You can also reschedule any tasks you missed.
You want to learn more about mental health, self-improvement and other topics? On this channel I discuss topics such as bipolar disorder, major depression, anxiety disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADHD), relationships and personal development/self-improvement. I upload weekly. Click here to subscribe if you don’t wish to miss a video.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this channel is intended for education purposes only and does not constitute specific/personal medical advice. The videos and the answers to questions/comments do not create a doctor-patient relationship. These videos may be helpful for you if you are a patient of your own doctor.
Take a moment and let this guided meditation relieve your anxiety.
Written and Narrated by John Davisi. John is a mindfulness life coach, teacher, and speaker. Check out his mindfulness and meditation sessions at .
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