This research was published in the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine(NIH/NLM):
These stimulants (Adderall/Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Concerta) should only be used if they are prescribed by a physician. These drugs are not for recreational use and there is a high risk of abuse.
Scientists Use Twitter to Find Non-Medical Uses of Adderall:
Case Report: Testicular Failure Possiblely Due to Chronic Use of Methyphenidate (Ritalin).
A review of
Potential adverse effects of Amphetamine treatment on brain and behavior /
Understanding the Risks of ADHD Medications with Respect to Physical Growth & Cardiovascular Function /
Influence of amphetamines in plasma corticosteroid and growth hormone levels in men:
DEA classification for Methylphenidates
DEA classifications of Adderal and Ritalin, Cocaine Vicodin, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Oxycontin, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methamphetamine, Oxycontin, Methamphetamine & Methamphetamine:
Adderall Sales Figures according to IMS:
Animations and scripts inspired by: Reaction-How Does Adderall(TM Work:
Episode 2 of MEDspirational science is here! This week’s episode focuses on the effects of long-term Ritalin and Adderall use on our physiology and overall health. Stimulant use in college and post-graduate programs is on the rise. Students have compared stimulants like Ritalin, Ritalin and Vyvanse to athletes. They claim that they act as a cognitive steroid which enhances their mental focus and increases their ability to cram for tests. We will be looking at the effects of these drugs on the body and exploring these claims today!
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"So, I made this video to address common misconceptions around anxiety disorders and panic attacks. I should also mention that I was aware of some of these misconceptions before I experienced my first anxiety attack.
It should be noted that this began in my mid-twenties. This can flare up at any time. For me, panic attacks were most common in the evenings when I tried to sleep.
Then, I would fall asleep for five to ten seconds and then boom! My racing heart and tension headache would wake me up. It's important to mention that my father died from a stroke at 45,, so whenever I feel a burning sensation in my head, it's boom! This is it, I think. Let's start with my first experience. One of my closest friends took me to the hospital. The doctors believed that I was suffering from a heart attack. They prescribed me drugs to treat my heart attack. I had various ECGs, various tests.
I had a chest radiograph. Because they couldn't... They weren't able to... But when everything came back clear, the doctor actually came into my room and spoke to me. He said that I was a fearful, panicky individual. To which my friend and I were both laughing as I'm sitting there and saying, "Listen, I've done stand up comedy around London."
Acting is my background. This does not describe me. The doctor told me that anxiety and panic attacks will affect everyone in some way. My current treatment is medication. I view it as an asthmatic. Their bodies can't be controlled when they have an attack. They can't control when their body has an attack.
My brain is capable of doing things that I cannot control. That's why medication helps me. This was something I discovered the hard way, as I had neglected my medication for two years. At my lowest point, I couldn't decide what dinner to order. You have to be able to notice little changes. It's hard to do that when you're not in the moment. You may feel normal, but it isn't always the case.
It's important to establish a baseline. You can then adjust or do whatever you need to. As I said, when you are in the moment, there is no problem. That's when things can spiral. It can manifest in many ways.
You know what? I wasn't prone to panic attacks during the two-year period when I neglected my medication. However, I was extremely indecisive. I was not balanced. I was possessed by an unbridled fear. It was affecting me in another manner. I believe the absence of panic attacks was one reason I believed I was fine, even though I wasn't. Knowledge is power. The more information you have about the condition, the better you can keep yourself balanced and healthy.
I am open to talking to anyone. I will keep an eye out for comments but you guys will get there so stay positive and if anyone would like to chat, I'll still be there.
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