“I Thought I Would Never Learn Reiki But Contrary To My Reiki Teachers Prediction, I Became a Powerful Reiki Master Using a Simple Fool-Proof Technique, After Years of ‘Trying’ You Can Too!
Here’s How…”
Soon, you’ll finally have the POWER to Heal your family, friends (and yourself) by simply following this Revolutionary Reiki Learning Technique.
Look anywhere, youll find many ways of learning Reiki, including Internet Courses and Local Reiki Classes among others…
All of which have something in common, they charge Thousands of Dollars…and require years of dueling training to get Certified.
According to what Reiki Teachers state…
To Learn Reiki, it is Required to:
But you know what?
The truth is that Reiki Teachers want you to believe the above points because:
Just before I tell you how I discovered this, let me tell you a little about myself…
My name is Bruce and around 15 years ago, I suffered from depression and anxiety attacks; for no apparent reason. I visited countless doctors. These being dumbfounded by my symptoms did nothing except prescribe me drugs on top of drugs.
None of the prescriptions stopped my pain and suffering.
One day, my wife told me that a Reiki Practitioner was visiting my Local Church. At that time, I didnt know what Reiki was, nor did I cared.
But, even though I was very sceptic, my wife told me that I should take a look. I was convinced that it was going to be just a waste of time, but didn’t want to start an argument, so we went to see this Reiki Man.
We went to the place where the Reiki Man was showing his skills. At first, I wasnt impressed. He looked like the average old man. Nonetheless, my wife “Made Me Volunteer” to go on stage.
Then, something happened!
As soon as he touched me, I felt like some energy was radiating from his hands.
The tension of anxiety and depression left my body, I was shocked…
Could this be? All that I suffered from for so long was like gone away.
After that life changing event, I wanted to learn more about Reiki and its healing properties.
I didnt wait for long, and the following day I had booked a Reiki Class.
It was not cheap, but what I felt was beyond comprehension and being able to do something like that is really priceless.
The first day at the Reiki Class was very exciting and the Reiki Teacher thought me that:
Months passed by and I received my Level 1 Attunements from my Reiki Teacher.
With those Attunements I was supposed to be able to “Heal Myself And Others”.
Unfortunately, it seemed that it was not working.
I talked to my Teacher about it and he told me that sometimes one needs to undertake Reiki Level 2 to see any difference because the most advanced Attunements are used to “Empower the use of Previously Received Symbols”.
So, I sticked to the classes. Two and a half years later I was finally given the “Reiki Level 2 Attunements”.
Nothing was happening and people thought I was just playing around – and Reiki was simply a way to steal their money!
I spoke to my Reiki teacher and he told that sometimes one needs to undertake a “Reiki Level 3 Class to see any difference”.
What? I was told the same words like 2 years earlier when the “Reiki Level 1 Attunements” didnt work!
This was an eye opener to me, and I came to my senses. It was everything clear!
I had no doubt that “Reiki is For Real” – I was the living proof of that.
But my concern was, could these so called reiki classes be just a way to rob people out of their money?
After all, what I was told when I first started reiki was:
to the student during a Reiki class.
After doing some research, I learned 2 important facts about Reiki’s Origin:
So, it was clear. Reiki was “DEVELOPED” by Mikao Usui – and not passed to him!
And, the fee structure to learn Reiki was first setup so that people would appreciate Reiki.
And to make Reiki Masters Rich!
After all, if people knew that Reiki could be learned outside of a Reiki Class, who would be so crazy to waste so much time and money on such classes?
But What does Mikao Usui had to say about Reiki?
Since that moment, I spent countless hours researching about Reiki, practicing and doing a lot of meditation. My aim was to learn Reiki the same way the original
Mikao Usui did. And I managed to do just that!
And that was 15 years ago.
From that day on I’ve devoted my life to teaching others the powerful miracle of Reiki using a simple technique – without the need to sit for even a single Reiki Class!
Now, Ive created a Reiki Program thatll show you exactly how to become a Reiki Master in just hours.
Ive taught Reiki to thousands of people as well as used my skills to help people overcome a number of health issues.
I will teach you…
The best part is that I’ve put everything I know into an easy-to-use system and called it Usui Reiki Healing Master. With my system youll be guided through the process of learning to heal yourself (and others) with the power of Reiki.
Even more important is that my system’s uniqueness from other programs evolves around the concept that everyone can learn Reiki, without the need of any Attunements.
You will learn how to use the positive energies of Reiki that is Already Within You – to Heal Yourself And Others.
And the entire transition of getting the skills of a Reiki Master is no longer than 48 hours, and a few weeks to perfect.
Just think… in 48 hours (24 if youre determined), youll discover the personal and spiritual development unknown to many.
The “Usui Reiki Healing Master” System Consists of :
And heres what others are saying about “Usui Reiki Healing Master”:
* Testimonials Published With Client Permission.
And that’s just a small sampling of the THOUSANDS of people who have successfully followed Usui Reiki Healing Master.
Now, wouldnt you want the ability to create such a positive impact on others (or yourself) like these people did?
Well, you should know… getting started is super easy. Youll finally be able to get the training of a real Reiki Master, in no time.
Soon, youll know exactly how to increase the health of your friends, family, and loved ones. The only thing thats required is your willingness to follow the step-by-step guide thats provided and practise the exercises given.
Now, youre probably wondering… Whats the Cost? Knowing your past experiences with other high-priced Reiki instructors, located across the world, I can understand your concern.
But, just for the sake of asking, how much would you pay for a product like Reiki Healing Master, knowing you can get the knowledge and certification in only 48 hours right from the comfort of your home?
Most likely, youre thinking… $1,000? $2,000? $4,000?
Congratulations to you. Youve done your job. The prices you guessed are well within the average for a course such as the Reiki Healing Master course, not including the travel costs.
Another option is to see those close to you continue to suffer from serious ailments for years… and years.
Or, you can invest in Reiki Healing Master for the low price of Only $47!
Yes, you read right. You should also know, the only reason Ive lowered this price is to spread the word that you can get certified in Reiki without spending a fortune and get the skills needed to start immediately in as little as 48 hours.
But, you must hurry, because the special price is only available for the next 50 34 3 people who order ONLY.
On top of that, youll get a 100% Risk-Free Guarantee!
Once you see how Easy and Powerful is to Learn Reiki with my Usui Reiki Healing Master system, you’ll want to take steps to help improve other areas of your body too.
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Special Thanks to All Readers. May REIKI Bring You Peace and Health.
P.S.: The discounted price of $47 is available for the next 3 customers only. Afterwards, the cost will go back to the regular price of $197.99, so HURRY!
P.P.S.: The faster you act, the faster you will become a Powerful Reiki Master that can Heal, Relieve Pain, Stress and other Chronic Ailments!
P.P.P.S.: Remember, youve got nothing to lose with my 100% Risk-Free 60 day Guarantee, but to finally master the art of Healing!
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