Without Drugs,
Surgery or Guesswork

Neuropathy Sufferer,
you sick and tired of the numbness, the prickling,
the burning, the intense stabbing pains? Do
you feel like Peripheral Neuropathy is robbing you
of what could be some of the best years of your
life? Has this left you hopeless and desperate? 

know the feeling.
name is Dr. Randall Labrum. In my own battle
with Neuropathy I often felt like I was walking
barefoot through cactus. At other times it
was as if I were stepping through a bed of hot coals
left by a campfire.
agonizing pain and discomfort kept getting worse
as time went on. With neuropathy it almost
always does. I could no longer walk easily,
and even began to consider buying a power wheelchair.
outlook began to change, too. Whereas before
I had always been positive and outgoing, I became
gloomy, constantly stressed out and withdrawn.
I even began to wish that my life might somehow
come to a more abrupt end, if living meant being
permanently disabled by neuropathy.
was so discouraged that I would tell myself that’d
I do anything – ANYTHING! – to find even a little
fact that you are here, still reading, likely means
that you or someone you care about feels essentially
the same way. If so I have some wonderful
news for you:
and you have come to the right place to find
are of course right to be skeptical. After
all, most contemporary healthcare professionals
will tell you that you are stuck with this condition
forever, and that your neuropathy cannot be treated.
They will also typically tell you that your best
option is to “manage” the symptoms with a variety
of powerful, prescription medications.
While this prevailing philosophy is 100% wrong, it isn’t entirely your Doctor’s
fault. I’ll explain why a little later in this letter.
then, I want to assure you that the treatment program
I’m about to share with you does work for ending
neuropathy pain. It worked for me.
It has worked for my many patients. It is
working right now for people all over the world
who are using it at home. And I am
so convinced that it will work for you, too, that
I personally and unequivocally guarantee it.
Provides a
is some of what has been proven about this extraordinary
Solution in my clinical work, through its many successful
home users, and in indeed in my own case:
works time and time again. Virtually without
regardless of your age, background, ethnicity or
chronic peripheral neuropathy & diabetic nerve
pain & discomfort in both the feet & legs and
hands & arms.
very often permanent because it corrects your
pain at the source by restoring damaged peripheral
nerve endings.
whether your PN results from diabetes, chemotherapy,
hypertension, or the process of aging.
for Peripheral Neuropathy as a result of almost
any other major causative factor or factors.
effective even if you are currently using prescription
meds or other protocols to control your PN symptoms.
be used effectively after neuropathy surgery,
even in cases where neuropathy surgery has failed.
so simple that anyone can do it, and when done
correctly the results can often be felt immediately.
a retired clinician with over 35 years of experience
my heart goes out to all neuropathy sufferers.
If you are one of them, I’m fairly certain I know
what you’re going through right now. I feel
for you. I honestly do.
of things that pains me most in fact, is how
so many sufferers like you end up completely capitulating
all semblance of their former lives to Peripheral
Neuropathy. …Especially when a ready, proven
Solution exists but isn’t used only because the sufferer
knows not where to find it.
As a
as long as I can remember the defining purpose of
my life has been to alleviate pain and suffering.
Having lived with neuropathy, too – which struck
me out of the blue just as I was transitioning into
an early retirement (more on this in a moment) –
I can honestly say that I wish I could somehow be
there with you now.
wish I could personally guide you through this difficult
condition as I have done so many times before
in the clinical setting, through my live seminars,
and with friends, family members and neighbors.
In so doing I could help you avoid the pitfalls
and snares that prove the demise of so neuropathy

both of course know that such a thing isn’t humanly
possible. But thanks to the modern marvel
of the Internet I can now instantly reach you, no
matter where you are, with my Neuropathy Solution
program. I must admit, this isn’t quite as
exciting as having a fun, handsome ( but “old”)
doctor assist you in person, but it will still do!
explained, my help does comes with this immediate
WARNING: When it comes to your neuropathy condition,
there are some things you MUST AVOID at all costs.
Avoiding the following will prevent you from tumbling
into what is often a hopeless downward spiral of
discouragement, dependency, Hellish side effects,
and insurmountable financial and emotional burden:
Antidepressants, Anticonvulsants, etc.
surgery or any other invasive procedure as a way
of “managing” pain.
and other frustrating trial and error tactics.
gimmicks and far out alternative treatments that
rely on faith rather than substance.
there is
only one thing in this world that I
hate, it’s to see good people needlessly suffer
because they’ve been sold down the never-ending
river of reliance on prescription medications, where
they are almost certain to succumb to discouragement
and despair.
or Their
Doctors to
want to be completely honest with you. For
many years I, like most doctors, also thought
neuropathy was a life-sentence for my patients.
If only I could step back in time knowing what I
know now.
see, this “wisdom” is still generally accepted
as fact by the mainstream of healthcare, and is
largely the result of the big pharmaceutical
companies who have been telling your doctor for
years that Peripheral Neuropathy is hopeless
condition to treat, and that the
only viable option for relief is to “ease” the sufferer’s
symptoms with drugs. As a doctor, overwhelmed
by so many different and often complicated types
of conditions but still wanting to help patients,
the easiest approach is to simply buy into this
myth. It’s the ole “take two aspirin and call
me in the morning” approach.

Which is exactly what the drug makers want.
They want you to feel like there is no point in
looking elsewhere or in trying anything new. Indeed,
they want you to give up and surrender yourself
to your neuropathy condition. And to their
expensive meds!

a mistake that always proves to be.
is a mistake that I almost made myself.
Facing the
Do about
never forget the night my neuropathy pain set in
for the first time. While making a short walk from
a parking space to a friend’s home to celebrate
his birthday, I suddenly and inexplicably experienced
the symptoms in my feet which my patients had been
telling me about for so many years. Whereas only
moments before I’d been completely fine, I found
myself almost unable to make it to the front door
such was the pain.
inside, I sat in the first chair I could find for
most of the evening, avoiding any obligation to
stand or walk due to the intense burning and prickly
sensations in the soles of my feet. Later at home,
I erroneously supposed that the removal of my tight-fitting
shoes would eliminate my problem. Unfortunately,
this was not the case and the hot, tingly, prickly,
difficult-to-describe symptoms persisted through
to the next morning.
this point my appreciation for these bizarre symptoms
I’d heard so much about from my patients suddenly
increased tenfold.
initial thought process was probably not much different
from the average neuropathy suffer, inasmuch as
I told myself that “It will go away in time. . .
I have no reason to have this problem. . . Just
be patient. . . It WILL go away.”
it didn’t go away.
many months of continued suffering I was finally
forced to accept the unavoidable truth:
I was
a peripheral neuropathy sufferer like so many millions
of other people.

But why me? And more importantly, what, if anything,
could be done about it?
Me “There
for Neuropathy
years of experience in a working clinic had made
me well aware that when it came to the condition
that now plagued me there really were no good corrective
measures in the mainstream of healthcare. Of course,
the stress and pain of this new and unexpected
disability trumped all rational analysis, and
so I finally gave in and consulted a podiatrist
friend of mine.
prognosis was just as I had secretly dreaded: “You’re
already certainly aware, Dr. Labrum, that there
is nothing — nothing at all — worthwhile available
for people such as you, with these prickly, burning,
painful sensations in your feet.”
I can write you up a prescription for something
that will help take the edge off.”
accept this gesture was tempting. More than I care
to admit. I was indeed truly suffering though, and
it was beginning to appear that such would be my
ultimate fate. But somewhere inside of me, I
just couldn’t help feeling that there had to be
a better answer. One that wouldn’t see
me hooked on dangerous painkillers or may health
damaged even more by their unwanted effects.

I thanked my friend but said “no.”

As I stood to leave I perceived a look of frustration
in his face. I recognized the expression as one
that I had often had in my own career. One that
reveals itself when the doctor has nothing essentially
helpful to offer the needful patient. In response,
I looked my friend in the eye and announced that
I was going to find the elusive “Holy Grail” for
this vexing program!

…I was going to find the solution for neuropathy!
to Me and
is a long story. One I retell in detail within
the pages of my Neuropathy Solution program guide.
But suffice it to say that as soon as I walked out
of my podiatrist friend’s door I found myself
on an almost miraculous collision course with a
series of events and discoveries that would lead
to a fast, safe and permanent solution to my
back, it’s absolutely incredible, even delightfully
shocking, to see how everything started to come
together. Things that I hadn’t given any thought
to as even pertaining to the neuropathy condition
during my years of practice suddenly jumped right
out at me – literally from the newspaper – and led
me on to further discoveries and well-hidden truths
about little-known techniques and approaches
that could, when combined in a very particular
way, not only control my neuropathy symptoms,
but permanently address the condition.

I am thrilled to be able to confirm that I set
out to find a solution to peripheral neuropathy
and I succeeded.
then, I have helped more neuropathy sufferers eliminate
their suffering than I can keep track of.
Once word got out, patients began seeking me out
for private consultations even though I was technically
“retired”. My family, friends, and former
patients further inspired me to perfect the program
I had personally used into a series of 6 safe, simple
steps which I now call “The Neuropathy Solution”.
the aid of a publisher and my dear wife’s encouragement,
I decided to fund a free newsletter, begin offering
neuropathy seminars around the country, and start
an official company with a small team of loyal employees.

mission is simple: Help Neuropathy sufferers
and Counting
be sure, I don’t want you to think that I’m offering
a magic pill here. While The Neuropathy
Solution is extremely simple – my employees call
it a “no brainer” – it nevertheless involves
very specific considerations, applications, minor
lifestyle changes, and various other “ingredients”
that have been distilled down to 6 easy, but highly-maximized
steps. All told it really is that simple,
but our experience tells us that a level of user
compliance produces the very best results.
now, what is important for you to take away is this:
nine years have now gone by since PN so violently
interrupted my life.
tingling and numbness are permanently gone.
burning and stabbing pains are also no more.
discouragement is gone, too.
balance and ability to stand and walk normally
were fully restored.
can function normally and do anything that I wish
to do with no distraction from painful neuropathy
more satisfying than all this is that I used this
painful episode in my life to create a program that
has since ended so much suffering and given hope
to so many.

sincerely hope that you will soon be one of them.
don’t suffer another day without taking action.
Relief is possible. Quickly and easily.
I know, I’ve personally put my Neuropathy Solution
to the test.
It does work!
am certain that you have longed to be rid of this
painful problem, and that there have been times
when you’ve profoundly wished to once again be a
healthier, happier, freer person. Fortunately

If you,
too, are ready to begin now, you can
click here
to get started with my Neuropathy Solution
program. Otherwise, please
keep reading for more information, testimonials,
and other information about this unique but potentially
short-lived opportunity for neuropathy sufferers.
you a healthy and pain-free life,
Randall C. Labrum

As a way of thanking you for stopping by, I have
prepared a special
for neuropathy sufferers. It’s
a unique, highly-informative report which reveals
the generally untold truth about the many medications
doctors prescribe “off-label” today to “treat” neuropathy
If you’re a neuropathy sufferer,
you absolutely need to read this enlightening report.
Your long-term health and wellbeing could depend
on it. I’ve included instructions further
below about how to get your own copy today. |

“With your recommendations I can honestly say that since beginning your program, I am making very noticeable improvements. The pain in my legs is far less severe than it used to be. I’ve been able to resume typing at the computer with my fingers, and sleep through the night now. Typing at the computer was really just killing me. And I don’t wake up now with that stabbing feeling, you know, that I have in my feet. So the symptoms have really fallen off, and I’m thrilled and encouraged by the progress and the relief I’ve been experiencing. Really, I’m anxiously sharing your program with other people that I have met that have been affected by PN.
I’m excited about it. I really wish that I had
found your program earlier because I have
suffered from this for years and years. There
you go, that’s it. I wanted to send you this
video today to thank you for that, and I will be
in touch with you again soon, I’m sure. Thank
George L.

The Neuropathy Solution has been refined,
enhanced, and further simplified in the years since I
assembled the various core techniques I would use to
completely and permanently treat my own case of peripheral neuropathy
. In
fact, the 6-step program as it exists now can be started
today in the comfort of your own home, and it is faster-acting
and more effective than ever before!
are some of the features and benefits you can expect
from the Neuropathy Solution:
Results often begin immediately! Usually
within minutes of employing the various steps outlined
in the Neuropathy Solution guide – and oftentimes
even faster.
Your neuropathy gets better and better each day
as the steps in my Neuropathy Solution are repeated.
The healing, pain-reliving effects of the 6 simple
steps continue to work all throughout day,
long after you have completed them.
as the Neuropathy Solution gently soothes
your irritated nerves and wakes up your numb, sleepy
legs, feet and hands.
of the steps contained with the Neuropathy Solution
also cause your brain to release powerful
endorphins which counteract pain and help you sleep
soundly and productively at night.
In Step
1 of my treatment program alone, I’ll detail for
you the simple, little-known stimulating technique
proven by university research to immediately relieve
pain in as many as 96% of neuropathy sufferers.
Imagine feeling better instantly!
And this technique is as pleasurable as it is fast
and easy.
The Neuropathy
Solution will also show you how to easily begin
eliminating not only numbness, but ALL the
various types of pain and discomfort commonly associated with peripheral
neuropathy, from tingling, prickling, burning,
stabbing, shooting, numbness, loss of
equilibrium and balance issues, and so on. Incidentally, most
prescription drugs only target one symptom or group
of symptoms, lending you only partial relief. And
all at enormous risk.
The Neuropathy
Solution does NOT endorse the use of prescription
drugs, and does NOT include them. The Neuropathy
Solution is vastly more effective than drugs will
ever be because it targets and corrects the root
cause of your Neuropathy with a series of
techniques that work in natural harmony with your
body’s own healing abilities and restorative functions.
My Neuropathy
Solution is designed to help you treat your
Neuropathy, not merely mask the symptoms
like so many other treatment protocols which endanger
your health and wellbeing with all kinds of other
potentially horrific secondary effects.
Your particular case of Peripheral Neuropathy
qualifies for the Neuropathy Solution. Regardless
of what you’ve been told is the underlying cause
of your Peripheral Neuropathy, my Neuropathy Solution
will almost assuredly work for you!
Put it to the test
now. You have nothing to lose.



and restore the damaged peripheral nerve synapses
that are sending aberrant pain signals to your brain.
In neuropathy sufferers, synaptic nerve endings
such as the ones pictured in the “Before” picture
below are often shriveled, shrunken and withdrawing
from each other. This damaged state cues
the brain to experience the various excruciating
sensations Neuropathy sufferers know so well.
what many unknowing doctors will tell you,
this damage is very rarely permanent and can
in fact often be repaired as pictured
in the “After” Image. I’ll show exactly
how you can do this, in step-by-step fashion all
on your own, through the simple yet precise steps
in my Neuropathy Solution.
I can
personally attest to the power of The Neuropathy
Solution. It WORKS! Without it, I would
likely still be suffering from the horrible pain
and discomfort of Peripheral Neuropathy
even after all these years.
simple 6-step program has been successfully
used by many, many people like you who can now
happily claim themselves to be “former neuropathy
sufferers”. You could be the next one!
The Neuropathy
Solution is trusted, recommended by, and even
used by many of the sharpest-thinking neuropathy
treatment innovators and researchers. My
Solution program really is no-brainer, however.
You don’t have to have a PhD to understand that
it is worth trying rather than living another day
with the pain.
The Neuropathy
Solution is regularly distributed by companies
and organizations that create products and services
uniquely-designed for peripheral neuropathy
sufferers. These groups want to be successful,
just like you, and thus encourage the users of their
products and services to follow the Neuropathy Solution
concurrently as a way of hedging their bets.
The Neuropathy
Solution is also now recommended by many mainstream
doctors, most often as a result of the dramatic
success stories of their patients who chose
to give The Neuropathy Solution a try rather than
follow the doctor’s original advice (which was likely
an off-label prescription for powerful drugs). Think
about how great it would be to go in and tell your
Doctor that your neuropathy was gone thanks to a
Solution that you found and followed on your own!
I can’t
emphasis this point enough: there are no drugs in
The Neuropathy Solution. While I can certainly
understand the rationale for drug use (what PN sufferer
doesn’t want to feel even a little better?), if
you are currently on prescription drugs for neuropathy,
please give some thought to how good it would feel
to be free of the side-effects, the uncertainty,
and the cost? Fortunately, you can still
use and benefit from The Neuropathy Solution even
if you are currently following a doctor-prescribed
drug regimen. Follow the steps, enjoy
the amazing results, and prepare for the day when
you’ll no longer have any need for medications.
No surgery!
I can understand the rationale for choosing this
option, too, particularly when you’ve come to the
“end of your rope” with your neuropathy condition
and have not found the inspiring, hope-granting
Solution I am presenting to you here. That
said, if you are close to choosing a dangerous
surgical procedure for PN, I implore you to give
The Neuropathy Solution a try beforehand.
No side
effects whatsoever! You no longer have to
suffer through Hellish side effects of prescription
meds such as Gabapentin, Neurontin, Cymbalta and
Lyrica. The Neuropathy Solution relies on
6 absolutely safe treatment steps that aid your
body’s God-given ability to thwart pain and heal
Don’t mistake The Neuropathy Solution for some
far out, hit-n-miss alternative remedy or iffy,
faith-healing cure. The treatments
within my Neuropathy Solution program have been
designed and tested by some of the top scientists,
researchers, doctors, and medical innovators in
the world. There is nothing intangible here.
The Neuropathy Solution is a real protocol that
relies on bona fide treatment techniques.
The Neuropathy
Solution is not painful or dangerous in any way.
In fact, most users find the treatment steps
enjoyable and even pleasure-inducing!
The Neuropathy
Solution works at the source of your neuropathy
pain and discomfort to correct degenerating
and damaged nerves. Once you are satisfied
with your level of healing through following the
6 treatment steps, you will likely never have
to worry about your neuropathy again and
no longer have a need for my Neuropathy Solution
program. Of course, should you ever experience
reoccurring PN symptoms, you’ll know exactly what
to do in order to quickly beat them back into submission.
of the treatment steps in my 6 step Solution often
provide virtually instantaneous pain relief.
You can literally begin feeling a powerful
sense of relief just as soon as you implement these
steps for the very first time. What’s more,
the more you practice the steps, the greater the
relief becomes and the longer it lasts!
Neuropathy Solution not only works
microscopically to treat
your nerve endings, it also address
macroscopic needs in your lifestyle that can not
only permanently prevent and/or dramatically
improve PN, but also prevent and/or
improve many other health conditions such as diabetes,
heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, and so many
more. In fact, following The Neuropathy
Solution will substantially improve your overall
health and wellness, which will seriously benefit
you in your battle against any other health condition
that may also be affecting you.
For many
users, a complete resolution of PN symptoms
can be experienced within less than a month’s time
when following the 6 steps detailed in my Neuropathy
Solution. Many notice dramatic results within only
you have completed the 6 steps the effects continue
to work throughout the day. This means that
you can get back to living your life and doing
the things that you enjoyed before Peripheral Neuropathy
changed everything!
the Neuropathy Solution immediately!
You can begin taking charge of healing your neuropathy
condition and ending your discomfort within only
Click here
if you are ready to get started now.
The Neuropathy
Solution is a self-treatment program which you can
generally perform at your convenience, at
your own pace and within the comfort of your own
I am a senior whose eyesight and attention span
isn’t what it used to be, I designed The Neuropathy
Solution to be readily accessible and easy to digest.
The main step-by-step guide is straightforward and
can be easily read from cover to cover in a single
sitting. It is also richly illustrated with
useful photographs and graphics and is published
in large, easy-to-read print.
the Neuropathy Solution unites the major treatment
discoveries I made during my own successful battle
with PN into 6 simple steps, it is also a
very customizable program that allows you to choose
and adapt specific personalized elements within
certain broad categories to better match
your own personal needs and likes.
You can
try the Neuropathy Solution program without risk!
I am so confident that it will help you treat your neuropathy pain that the program comes
with the most iron-clad, full money-back guarantee
that I can offer. You can read more
about the guarantee
here, but suffice it to say that you can
use my full program, with all the
many valuable
extras that it comes with (worth hundreds
of dollars) and if for any reason you find that
it doesn’t work for you, I’ll send you a fast, full
refund, and you can still keep everything!
The more
you know about your Peripheral Neuropathy, the better
able you will be to beat if for good. The same is
of course true for any chronic condition.
With The Neuropathy Solution you’ll learn why you
have PN, what it takes to manage it, and how to
implement and perform the self-treatment procedures
that will finally release you from its bondage.
the little-known truths about neuropathy’s vexing
& mysterious symptoms, including why they often
set in so quickly, and why many of the underlying
causes of the condition are still largely misunderstood
or unknown by the mainstream of healthcare.
learn what Neuropathy – which literally means disease
of the nerves – is, and what it isn’t. So often
the first comment I hear back from Neuropathy sufferers
who have started my program is how thankful they
are that someone finally explained to them
in terms that they can fully understand – without
all the highfaluting medical jargon that often simply
disguises your doctor’s ignorance – what exactly
is that’s causing you so much pain and discomfort,
and why.
Get to the bottom of why your sensory nerves
have become unhealthy, and why they are sending
“aberrant” or abnormal signals to your brain,
which is interpreting them as various painful or
unnatural sensations even though there is seemingly
no true or legitimate cause for these feelings.
Learn what it is in particular about diabetes
that so often leads to the development of peripheral
neuropathy, and what you can do about it
Discover the little-known connection between
circulatory health and the onset of peripheral neuropathy,
and how you can use this knowledge to upend neuropathy’s
It is
well known that chemotherapy for cancer often produces
peripheral neuropathy, but do you know why? I’ll
tell you in the Neuropathy Solution. And more importantly,
I’ll explain why the majority of neuropathy
cases are intensified in an almost identical way,
even though the sufferer has never undergone any
kind of chemo.
out too, why so many people in their “middle age”
years suddenly develop Peripheral Neuropathy even
though they are not diabetic or have not undergone
chemo, and exactly why these sufferers can
expect a very quick, full recovery if they follow
the steps of my program.
find out why aging so often accelerates the
degeneration of the sensory nerves, and the steps
you must take to prevent this natural process
from either giving you a case of peripheral neuropathy
or, if you already have it, from making your neuropathy
also learn the striking but rarely-considered
connection between the common ailment of lower back
pain and peripheral neuropathy, and what
back pain sufferers can do today to reduce the pain
and suffering produced by both conditions.
And this
is only a small sampling of what you’ll discover
in my Neuropathy Solution program. There’s so
much more valuable information contained within,
that the only real way to get it to you is through
the Neuropathy Solution guide itself. If you
are ready now, you can
click here to get
started with the program without further
Simple yet Comprehensive by Design
For as
complex and excruciating as Peripheral Neuropathy
is, the steps you will follow in The Neuropathy
Solution Program couldn’t be much simpler or more
no-nonsense, and of course they DO NOT involve
the powerful and often addictive DRUGS the pharmaceutical
industry so badly wants you to believe are the only
“solution”, or the risky, painful surgical procedures
so many turn to in total desperation.
The Neuropathy
Solution is the ONLY neuropathy product I
know of that rounds up and unites into one, single
treatment program the many aspects needed to effectively
address ALL the various elements contributing to
your neuropathy condition.
For example,
in one of my powerful steps, which was inspired
by the research of a leading medical innovator,
you will literally begin healing the neglected
and damaged neuro-pathways that are now prone to
a “short-circuiting” type of effect. This
dysfunction is the primary cause of the various
symptoms of shooting pain, tingling, numbness and
other uncomfortable sensations associated with your
neuropathy. The precise technique I share with you
for accomplishing this is both simple and enjoyable!
In another
highly-effective step, inspired by the discoveries
of European biomechanical designers, you will
help your body more effectively move toxic CO2 and
metabolic waste-charged blood back away from the
extremities of your arms and legs, where it’s contributing
to your Neuropathy pain. Once this toxic
blood begins re-circulating it will pass through
the heart, liver and lungs where it will be cleaned
and re-oxygenated. This step is so simple, and requires
nothing more than simply going about your regular
daily activities as you always have, but with one
small but important modification.
In yet
another of my crucial steps, you’ll learn
the one simple practice that provided my clinical
patients with more dramatic results than they had
experienced from any other care previously received
for their neuropathy condition. And the
positive results this step produces are immediate!
also find out how to further bolster the efforts
of your heart, veins and venous valves in the critical
processes of flushing toxic, metabolic-waste-charged
blood out of your extremities in yet another simple
step. The knowledge underpinning this technique
has been relied upon by naturopathic practitioners
for generations, and is key to preventing the development
of neuropathy in the first place, and can
prevent your case from getting progressively worse.
In the
step that’s my personal favorite, I’ll show
you how to significantly reduce your neuropathy
symptoms while enhancing the general health of your
peripheral nerves within only a few minutes by practicing
one of life’s most pure and pleasurable activities,
but with a simple twist.
By addressing
inflammation at the cellular level in a another
one of my unique steps, inspired by the ongoing
marriage of specialized dietary research and high-tech
engineering, you will help re-optimize the
health of the sick and damaged nerve tissues which
are irritated and thereby contributing to your painful
symptoms. This key step, too, is easy and
pain-free, and involves making delicious additions
to your daily diet.
when all is said and done, you will come away
from my Neuropathy Solution program with an intimate,
exacting knowledge of what, when, why & how a neuropathy
sufferer must eat, sleep, walk, dress, exercise,
supplement, treat, stimulate, and ultimately
fully treat their condition once and for all.
Stop the suffering… Stop the discomfort…
Stop the pain. Once and for all.
and rest without pain or anxiety, and start
sleeping like a baby again.
full mobility and balance again. Walk, run, play,
and move without fear of falling.
Get fully back to doing all the satisfying and
meaningful things in your life that you
love to do. Get back to doing all the things
neuropathy so ruthlessly interrupted.
Finally start feeling like your good ole’ self

The Neuropathy Solution is the answer you’ve
looking for. Don’t put it off. Don’t
continue suffering.
Get started by clicking
here now!


testimonials from real people just like you prove
that my Neuropathy Solution is uniquely successful
unlike anything else out there.
sufferers from the world over have now used my revolutionary
6-step treatment program, and they often contact me to rave
about their experiences. A common comment is that
it is the EASIEST, SAFEST, SUREST program available
for ending neuropathy pain.
can of course be a deeply personal issue for so many reasons,
yet when people conquer it with an unparalleled success
rate, they’re so happy to tell me about it. See
for yourself in the following testimonials:

“The Neuropathy Program has worked miracles for my mother who has diabetic neuropathy and had been suffering from chronic pain. The doctors had nearly given up on her. Only offered her pain-killing drugs and the possibility of amputation in the future. But the program has worked for her, and now, not only is she off the drugs, but her pain has been significantly reduced by at least 70%. So I just wanted to tell her story to others suffering from diabetic neuropathy. Thanks for listening.”
Simone B.

I actually found Dr. Labrum’s Neuropathy treatment, and because he used it himself to cure his own neuropathy, I thought, nothing to lose. I’ll give it a try. When I finally got started with the full program, it was only a matter of days before I felt a difference. Dr. Labrum’s Neuropathy Program is still the only treatment that I’ve received that’s actually done something for me and helped me. I can only say, thank you very much. Good luck”
Jack T.

I suffered neuropathy in my feet and my hands for so long. And finally I found something that works. And you know, I was kind of skeptical about it at first, being that I tried pretty much everything to end the intense pain. But nothing worked. But this stuff? This stuff works. And it’s totally, totally a winner. I’m very happy with it and it works fast. It’s called Dr. Labrum’s Neuropathy Program.”
Betty E.
Chicago, IL

“Hi, I just wanted to leave you quick video message just to let you know I’ve been using the Six Step Neuropathic Program for about five weeks now, and it is definitely brought about an improvement in the neuropathy in my feet. I’ve had numerous tingling and pain in my feet for several years now. I’ve had loads of tests by the doctors, and still no known cause for it. I do have medication that helps with the tingling and the pain, but the Neuropathic Program from Dr. Labrum has improved it so much more it’s actually given me some movement back in my toes for the first time in years. I also feel so much better in general, and I’ve recommended the program to several people that I know. And I just wanted to say thank you for giving me some relief at last.”
Gail B.
Coventry, England

literally have tried everything else, from mega-doses
of vitamins, to homeopathic remedies, I’ve seen
three neurologists, a rheumatologist, 4 primary
doctors, two gastroenterologists, etc. I am only
34 years old, and needless to say, it has been a
real battle. However, I am finding your treatment
program extremely interesting. Thank you for putting
this information out there!!! As somebody who fights
every day, it’s nice to have people in my corner.
Thank you again!!!!”
Gabe K.

far as we know Peripheral Neuropathy is NOT a neurological
say this of course in jest. And yet it often surprises me
how some people, when presented with a clear solution that
promises to relieve their suffering, are suddenly unable
to think clearly. They stall, hunt for “rational”
excuses not to take action, tell themselves they’ll come
back “if” and “when” something or another happens, then
turn away only to quietly soldier on with their affliction.
It’s as through the neuropathy has worked its way into
their minds and flipped a switch somewhere that permanently
prevents them from trying those things which offer the greatest
potential for resolving the condition
hope you’re not one of these people. If you are, and
if you are considering leaving here today without taking
some action,
it has been my experience that you more
than likely won’t come back, and sadly, likely won’t be
getting better any time soon
. That’s just the
way it seems to go with certain folks.
cycle can be broken though.
how: Get my program right now
and get going on it.
You may have been expecting some other long-winded philosophy
on how to overcome indecision. In my years of
clinical practice I faced patients suffering from “Acute
Indecision” every single day, and the one motivating idea
I gave them then, and will give you now, is simply this:
Just do it!
may recognize this saying as once used in the marketing
of a popular shoe manufacturer. It’s by no means original
to me. But it is absolutely true. You’re here.
There’ll never be a better time. All the excuses in
the world you can come up with are only that: excuses. Now,
just do it.
are the details. Due to production, advertising, and other
publisher costs associated with getting The Neuropathy Solution
out to people like you, I have to offer the full package
at $69.95 (see below for
a new special price
that I will only be offering for a limited time). That’s
$69.95 for the final definitive solution to Peripheral
Neuropathy. While that price may seem steep, I’ll
get at least TEN times that value back because
shortly find yourself no longer spending valuable time and
money on doctor’s visits, medications, and all the other
time-consuming runaround that PN demands
And that’s not even to mention the peace of mind you’ll
save by no longer lending your life to this horrible condition.
The Neuropathy Solution is that powerful.
I can hear some of you saying, “But, Dr. Labrum, what if
I can’t afford this?!”
once I fully understand. I learned early on in my
life growing up in a small, remote farming community that
money doesn’t grow on trees. But at the same, I must
be perfectly honest with you:
I believe this kind of
statement is the mark of someone who has already given up
on themselves. No risk, no reward
me, when I was trying to figure out what I could possibly
do about my case of Peripheral Neuropathy, I literally
bought every single resource out there even remotely related
to ending this problem. I was dead set on ending my painful
suffering if at all possible. And as soon as possible!
I wasted hundreds and hundreds of dollars on treatments,
potions, devices, gimmicks and advice that just don’t work.
But at least I had the satisfaction of knowing that I wasn’t
simply sitting by and letting PN destroy my life without
a fight.
some ways I am somewhat embarrassed to reveal this actually,
as you would think that somehow having labored for all those
years as a medical practitioner would be better able to
choose between what would work, and what clearly wouldn’t.
But this is the harsh reality of Peripheral Neuropathy:
it can seriously cloud your judgment.

If you are still hung up, try forgetting the price for a
moment. Focus instead solely on your own future and what
you truly want. If worst comes to worst, you email me and
get the promised full refund. No hard feelings.

But I can bet my money that you’ll love the results. Simply
of money for surgery, medications, visits to all manner
of medical experts to rid themselves of PN, and you no longer
have to be one of them. I’m not one to charge exorbitant
fees. When you compare all your options, The Neuropathy
Solution program is actually extremely inexpensive for the
lasting, 100% safe results people are getting.
I want you to know that I won’t be hurt or offended if you
don’t TRY my program.
It’s your decision whether to improve
your situation or still struggle with neuropathy
do know that almost everyone today that’s tried The Neuropathy
Solution has been satisfied well beyond their expectations.
I also know that you simply CANNOT go wrong with a proven
comprehensive treatment program that works time and
time again, regardless of age, background, ethnicity or
gender, for resolving peripheral neuropathy pain in the
hands, the feet, or both, whether it is the result of diabetes,
chemotherapy, chronic alcohol and/or drug use, hypertension,
the natural process of aging, and/or most any other causative
in addition
to the full Neuropathy Solution Program, I want to give
In fact, I want to give you a full suite of bonus tools
and resources that you can use both in your victory against
peripheral neuropathy, as well as in other areas of your
life & wellbeing. The total value of the full package
is worth many hundreds of $$$, but I’m including it all
here as my special gift to you.

My Neuropathy Treatment Seminar
am so pleased to finally be able to offer my landmark
Neuropathy Treatment Seminar (which I call
“Peripheral Neuropathy: The Mystery Unlocked”)
to peripheral neuropathy sufferers everywhere!
I have given this highly motivating and inspirational
seminar course to live
audiences of neuropathy sufferers at various locations
around the US over the last few years, but now
you no longer need to travel to experience it!
Sufferers will be empowered by the rich, enabling
information that I have otherwise only been able
to share with them through attendance at my popular
seminar course.
the jam-packed, 50+ page Course Study Transcript
from the Seminar in fine detail, and at your own
the elusive secrets of why PN strikes so many good
people like yourself, then discover what others
like you have done to turn the tables on this painful
condition, resolving it for good and while
getting their lives back.
valuable full listings for my most-trusted resources
and recommendations for neuropathy sufferers.
attendees have been anxious to pay over $250
for this empowering seminar, in addition to time
and travel costs.

Your Ultimate Diabetes Formula!
the majority of cases, Peripheral Neuropathy
accompanies Diabetes. There are many reasons
for this – reasons I explore and explain in detail
within The Neuropathy Solution Program.
But while The Neuropathy Solution Program
will both help you gain the upper hand on peripheral neuropathy
and positively improve your diabetes as a natural
consequence, it is not in and of itself an end-all
Diabetes treatment program. With this in mind,
I have sought out and made a special arrangement
to be able to offer you the Your Ultimate
Diabetes Formula!
guide. Like The Neuropathy Solution
this terrific treatment program is safe, simple,
powerful and judging from the high volume of positive
feedback I’ve received, it is extremely fast and
effective. Inside you’ll learn:
to start: The blueprint and step-by-step action
plan to manage, control & begin healing your
diabetes naturally using ZERO medication.
to leverage the latest scientific breakthroughs
into practical, everyday steps to lower your blood
sugar back to the levels of a non-diabetic within
DAYS, and get yourself back into optimum health.
critical ingredients for an optimum, healthy body
(MOST people don’t get enough of at least 5 of them…
which seriously damages the way your body removes
wastes, rapidly boosts your immune system, and accelerates
you insulin production!)
*shocking*, controversial truth about carbohydrates
-NO, you don’t have to deprive yourself from all
the tasty, sinful foods you love.
little-known “magic” foods that fight diabetes at
its weakest point.
much, much more!

Personal Treatment Tracking
Worksheet & Checklist
specially-designed tool packs enormous punch when
it comes to successfully resolving your neuropathy
condition, and it’s so simple! By helping
you accurately and efficiently track your progress
in using my Neuropathy Solution Program,
the Personal
Treatment Tracking Worksheet & Checklist ensures
that you will not miss a single critical treatment
step, thereby safeguarding that your neuropathy
is addressed quickly and completely.
focused and motivated during your treatment.
These are two of the most crucial keys to beating
neuropathy or any
other serious health condition.
daily check-by-check format that is proven to produce
the best results in the least amount of time.
worksheets on your refrigerator, record the results
as you go through the steps each day, and enjoy
your progress in real time!

Ultimate Resource Suite for
Self Reliance & Emergency Preparedness
following the steps in the Neuropathy Solution program
I am confident you will succeed in resolving your
neuropathy pain, which in turn will allow you to
resume the full, satisfying life you knew before
PN set in. I think it is safe to assume that for
this, both of us will be extremely grateful.
success in treating your neuropathy condition is
of course my primary concern. Once that’s
been accomplished however,
I also feel
compelled to offer you some very useful tools that
will help ensure your continued, overall well-being.
Particularly in what are increasingly uncertain
many of my former patients would tell you — and
any of my friends or family-members — I am an active
advocate of self-sufficiency and emergency preparedness.
In my mind, what good does it do a person to
overcome a vexing, complicated and life-altering
health condition only to find themselves the next
day in a brand new yet largely preventable “world
of hurt”, brought on by powerful storms, loss of
electricity or clean water, civil unrest, or any
of the other almost freakish, disaster-type situations
which seem to be occurring around the globe with
ever-increasing frequency. To this end,
I have assembled the following collection of what
I deem are absolutely essential resources.
For a limited time I am including these resource
as a free bonus when you try The Neuropathy Solution.
Ultimate Disaster Preparedness Guide.
Created by leading experts in emergency preparedness
and survival, this illustrated, step-by-step guide
will help you adequately prepare for virtually any
type of disaster, large or small, and show you how
to survive both during and after.
Ultimate Self-Reliance Medical Care Master Field
Guide. In the wake of many disasters,
local medical resources are overwhelmed or incapacitated,
often for extended periods. Created by top medical
experts, this guide contains 100s of illustrated
pages of easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions
for treating and caring for virtually anything you
may encounter when and where no other medical personnel
or resources are available.

Ultimate Self-Reliance Dental Care Master Field
Guide. A companion to the medical
master field guide, this richly illustrated and
detailed work addresses often overlooked, do-it-yourself-style,
dental treatment and care in settings where professional
personnel and resources are difficult to come by.
Both of these invaluable guides are must-haves for
any fully-equipped emergency preparedness kit or
Ultimate Guide to Long-Term Food Storage.
Produced by an original pioneer of the food storage
movement, this easy-to-digest guide contains a wealth
of tried and true information covering the concepts,
methods and techniques of storing food. Neither
novice nor expert should be without this guide when
creating a necessary and critical reserve of food.


Subscription to My Indispensable
Neuropathy Bulletin Newsletter
from having my highly sought-after Neuropathy
Bulletin newsletter for Peripheral Neuropathy
sufferers sent directly to your e-mail inbox a few
times each month. There is absolutely no obligation
or cost, and of course receiving the Bulletin is
completely optional (You will receive a special
e-mail upon purchase that allows you to click to
confirm your desire to get this important tool for
neuropathy sufferers. If you’re not interested simply
ignore the confirmation e-mail and the Bulletin
won’t come to you — No hard feelings on my
part!) Here’s a small taste of what you’d
be missing out on however:
from unique tips, news, and recommendations specifically
geared to neuropathy sufferers as they are discovered
in my ongoing research – this is almost like having
your own dedicated neuropathy research assistant.

reviews and vital information on the latest treatments,
products & medical findings. As PN becomes
more and more commonplace, the “options” and variety
of “treatments” calling out to you is becoming exponentially
more confusing. My insight will help you cut
through the noise.

get my leading-edge articles on topics such as nutrition
strategies for resolving neuropathy and the pros
and cons of surgery for neuropathy pain.

also receive special tools and resources for treating
your neuropathy in conjunction with using my 6-Step
Neuropathy Resolution Program. These benefits
run from custom, professionally created recipes
and exercises to special discounts and coupons on
recommended products.
I know how annoying unwanted e-mail can be and so
I want to personally assure you that you can easily
unsubscribe from the Neuropathy Bulletin
whenever you choose with a single click, no questions
asked. I also want you to know that I fully
respect your privacy and will never share your details
with anyone, ever.
as my way of saying thanks for your visit today,
I am allowing a limited number of
visitors to sign up for the free Neuropathy Bulletin
newsletter simply for having visited this site today.
If for some hard-to-understand reason you decide
not to purchase The Neuropathy Solution Program
today, you can still subscribe to the Neuropathy
Bulletin simply by
clicking here and entering your first name and
e-mail address in the boxes indicated on the sign
up form.

Neuropathy Drug Secrets “They”
Don’t Want You to Know
peripheral neuropathy sufferer should proceed with
a prescribed drug protocol until they have read
my controversial, eye-opening
Special Report. Here’s some of
what you’ll discover within:
the truths Big Pharma doesn’t want revealed to you
about the powerful anticonvulsants, painkillers,
antidepressants & other drugs regularly prescribed
to unsuspecting patients for neuropathy.
out why doctors default immediately to prescribing
these potent “off label” drugs before trying safer,
better treatment alternatives such as those presented
in the Neuropathy Solution.
the real, immediate risks these meds pose to you
and your health, and
why they
virtually never work for Neuropathy
Sufferers in the end.
much, much more!

shocking Special Report will be sent to you immediately
when you click the confirmation link in the e-mail
that will be sent to you regarding your interest
in receiving my Neuropathy Bulletin newsletter.
As mentioned above, for a very limited time you
can receive this Special Report today even if for
some reason you unwisely choose not to try my Neuropathy
Solution. Simply
click here to subscribe to the Neuropathy Bulletin
now and the Special Report will be sent to you.

My 100%, No Questions
Asked, Take-It-to-the-Bank ZERO RISK Guarantee

as many as eight full weeks with zero risk to try
my Neuropathy Solution program. I personally
guarantee that if you follow even a few of the simple
steps recommended in my Neuropathy Solution
treatment program you will experience a satisfying
reduction in the pain and discomfort you’re currently
living with as a result of Peripheral Neuropathy,
even within the very first day. That’s right,
a satisfying reduction in pain and discomfort you
likely never would have known without my program.
And this is at the very least! Keep in mind
that many, many, many users of this unique program
have experienced a full and total resolution of
their Neuropathy, just as I did.
also promise that the Neuropathy Solution will save
you at least $69.95 x 10 = $699.50 in future
expenses incurred as a result of medical appointments,
test, medications, co-pays, travel expenses, trial
and error treatments, lost time, and so on, due
to your Peripheral Neuropathy condition. In
fact, the real number is likely a multiple of 100,
or even much more. That’s my number-driven guarantee
and you can keep record just to prove me wrong!
you decide that you have experienced anything less
than a satisfying reduction in your pain and discomfort
at any time during the 8 weeks (a full 60 days)
after getting my program, or that I have fallen
short in any way on delivering everything I have
promised here, even if it is on the last minute
of the 60th day, you don’t pay. Period!
you will still get to keep the entire program
and all bonuses — valued at well over $450 — just
for trying my Neuropathy Solution! There is
nothing to return. No questions will be asked.
Which is essentially like me paying you $450 if
for some strange reason you decide my Neuropathy
Solution doesn’t work.
is that simple. That safe.
risk is on me.
I would give you a much longer guarantee if only
the company we use to process and deliver the Neuropathy
Solution to you would allow me to do so. As it is,
this company, known as Clickbank, only allows for
a maximum guarantee period of 60 days. But since
Clickbank is 100% secure, discreet, reliable, and
technically much more capable of delivering the
Neuropathy Solution to you than a small company
like mine is alone, we continue to use them as we
feel the value they provide you far outweighs a
longer guarantee period.
yours in health, healing, and wellness,

My motto: 100% Satisfied Users of the Neuropathy
Solution ONLY.

Now, obviously you came here in search
of a safe, sure, proven solution for finally ridding yourself
of Peripheral Neuropathy once and for all, thereby getting
your life back. Am I right?
Everyone else who has visited this site today certainly
And I am sure you see the SENSE in making a small investment
for a simple, virtually FAIL-SAFE solution that is GUARANTEED
to work without side-effects, without drugs, without surgery
or gimmicks or guesswork. Yes?
Of course you would.
Realize that Peripheral Neuropathy can and usually does
get progressively worse over time,
making it harder to
Thus, the worst
thing you can do is to procrastinate.
Then don’t wait. Take action.
SOLUTION NOW and stop risking even more suffering,
discomfort, and further loss of vitality, productivity,
and life pleasure.

Dr. Labrum, I AM READY to start The Neuropathy Solution!
I understand The
Neuropathy Solution Program and FREE BONUS items are a part
of a 100% Secure, Fully Confidential Downloadable
System that will be immediately available
for me in the popular PDF file format to download,
consult, and even print from my personal computer
and that no physical media will be shipped to me.
I am also aware that my Security, Privacy, and Total
Satisfaction are your #1 priority. Additionally,
I understand that my order is covered by a
GUARANTEE. If ever I am at all dissatisfied
I can simply
contact you
for a full refund!


me to be perfectly honest here. You are likely familiar
with Google. Google is hands down the Internet’s most
popular search engine and it’s most powerful player.
What you may not know is that in order for any product
or business to survive and thrive online it needs Google’s
explicit blessing.
Google’s approval it is virtually impossible to
successfully provide a product or service online, regardless
of its undisputable value to those who can truly benefit
from it.
many folks overlook is that Google is also a business
(one of the richest and most valuable in the world)
driven by ever-increasing its bottom line. Have you
ever wondered how Google makes money when its search
service is free?
are two ways. First, Google sells advertisements that
appear above and to the side of search results. If you
search for “neuropathy treatment”, for example, you’ll
get results for companies advertising Peripheral Neuropathy
medications and treatments in addition to the regular
listings — these ads are paid for by the advertisers
based on each time someone clicks on them, to the tune
of $4-7 per click at the current rates, regardless of
whether the person who makes the click purchases anything
or even stays on the site for even a split-second.
Do the math on that, and you quickly understand why
Google is so rich and powerful
. Secondly, Google
makes money by keeping its regular search results focused
in such a way that they keep its BIGGEST advertisers
prominently featured and therefore happy because they’re
making lots of sales and a ton of money.
It’s a
Sort of
you might imagine, when it comes to any health-related
topic those BIGGEST advertisers are invariably from
Big Pharma.
They spend billions upon billions
of dollars on Google each year promoting their powerful
to people like you and me.
they don’t like anybody else cutting in on their business.
Especially if it means losing an otherwise hopeless
RX user to a permanent, drug-free solution.
Big Pharma’s pressure, Google has enacted a series of
policies in recent months that have made it all but
impossible for small-time health product providers like
me to survive online. In so many ways Google has cut
off our oxygen supply.
can no longer advertise like Big Pharma (can you image
me paying $7 for every visitor to this site, when some
ultimately decide not to try The Neuropathy Solution?)
. Our sites are no longer ranked in search results.
Even our advocates and loyal customers are threatened
and blacklisted when they mention us in their blogs
and on their sites
. And there is no end in sight.
Hell-bent on
Way with Big
Dollars by
Eliminating Every
a result the future of this site and of your ability
to easily benefit from The Neuropathy Solution treatment
program is in serious jeopardy. I cannot say
for how much longer this site will remain up and accessible.
that you’re even here is no small miracle. And if somehow
you managed to get here using Google, we’d love to know
how you unwittingly outsmarted the beast.
a desperate attempt to find new avenues for reaching
neuropathy sufferers like you, we are testing out some
alternative methods of advertising. The cost of these
new efforts is high, so we are anxious to quickly determine
how well they are working.
help us better understand, we have lowered the price
on a limited number of copies of the Neuropathy Solution
to our breakeven point to encourage you to purchase
regular price of the program is $69.95. However you
can get one of the limited number of specially priced
copies today at only $47.95 $37.95.
Dr. Labrum, I am finally ready to end the pain,
numbness, tingling, burning and other discomforts
and frustrations associated with my Peripheral
Neuropathy condition. I understand that
by purchasing now I will benefit from a special
limited-time price on the full Neuropathy
Solution Program and accompanying bonuses.
As of today, there are
number of copies
available at the special online price of
I also understand that Privacy and Total
Satisfaction are your #1 priority, and that
my purchase is both fully protected during checkout,
and fully covered by your Zero-Risk, Money-Back,
Complete Satisfaction Guarantee

look at this honestly one last time. If you are
still undecided, please realize that you have nothing
to lose by giving my Neuropathy Solution Program
a try.
I have given
you my personal guarantee. If the Program
doesn’t work, keep it, and get your money back.
It is that simple.
yourself what the result of not trying this offer
will be?
will you really lose out on if you don’t
get started with The Solution Program today?
a former neuropathy sufferer, I implore you not
to let this opportunity slip away. Because if it
does, it will likely be gone for good. Research
shows that when it comes to the internet, if you
move on now you’ll get lost in something else within
the next few minutes and likely never again return
to this page.
don’t endure another restless night where even moving
the sheets across your toes can result in excruciating
don’t find yourself perpetually playing RX Roulette.
Because that’s precisely what Big Pharma wants.
don’t find yourself broke and desperately strung
out on powerful painkilling drugs that only truly
serve to destroy your health over time. These
drugs are also a deadly ticking time bomb if you
have children or grandchildren.
don’t demonstrate through not acting now that Neuropathy
has won! That you are hopelessly defeated
by the pain and discomfort and resolved to suffering
for the rest of your days. Neuropathy is indeed
a life destroyer for so many. But it does
not have to be.
You do not
have to let it win!
one friend to another, please, make the correct
decision now for you future.
If not for
yourself, do it for the people you love and care
about. Their lives are equally
being affected by the brutality of Peripheral Neuropathy.
If you cannot find it within you to take action
for your own personal well-being, then please consider
these precious other lives and do not let Neuropathy
negatively impact them as well.
Let’s do it then! Click the “Start Program Button”
in the box above and within mere seconds I will
be speaking to you again from within the powerful,
positive, uplifting steps of The Neuropathy Solution
congratulate yourself. You are on
your way! To a new, better life. A life
free of Neuropathy
can’t wait! And you shouldn’t either!
Randall C. Labrum

Neuropathy sufferer, do something good for yourself!
Take this one proactive step towards ending your
neuropathy now. Medical Research has proven that
the confidence that comes simply from deciding
that you’re NOT going to sit back and take it from
your oppressive health condition has a powerful,
positive, health-boosting effect on your overall
wellness. This is the perfect note to being
you recover from Peripheral Neuropathy on.
And all it takes is to get The Neuropathy Solution
Having been there, the simple fact of the matter
is this: The longer you wait to take decisive action
in your battle with Peripheral Neuropathy the deeper
the condition is likely to dig itself in, thus the
longer it will take to get feeling better.
In my experience, many neuropathy sufferers
wait too long, to the point where their discouragement
and hopelessness is so profound that they simply
cannot extract themselves. Sadly, these
people are often stuck in this dark, painful abyss
(along with the many people who care about them)
until the end of their days. How very sad to see
a life left desolate by Peripheral Neuropathy. Because
I make no apologies for my rant against the big
drug companies. During 35 years of clinical practice
I saw countless lives destroyed by side effects,
complications, addictions, and health worries well
beyond the initial concerns that led patients to
begin using prescription meds for their symptoms.
Sadly, far and away the most common protocol for
treating Peripheral Neuropathy today is to medicate.
The doctors who prescribe these meds are well-intending
enough, but they are also overwhelmed and generally
under-trained. Big Pharma seizes on this lack of
training and over-burdening of the medical system
to exploit their drugs.
If you leave
this website today with nothing else, please, please,
please, know better than to fall into the trap of
relying on prescription medications as your only
treatment option. A better solution
is staring you in the face right here, right now.
If you are still deliberating over my Neuropathy
Solution simply because of cost, perhaps I can lend
you some perspective. If you are living in the U.S.
or any other country without fully socialized healthcare,
you can expect to contribute a co-payment for any
medical attention you receive. In the case of your
neuropathy, you will inevitably seek this care out
if you haven’t done so already and will be obliged
to leave your co-payment behind. Co-payments of
course vary, but I can assure you that within only
a few medical visits you will have exceeded the
amount for which the Neuropathy Solution is currently
being offered. And for what?
Most neuropathy
sufferers report being highly disappointed with
their medical visits in general. Most go from doctor
to doctor because they just can’t find one who seems
to truly understand their condition. And
most, if not all, leave with orders for medications,
further tests, and specialist opinions which will
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Try the Neuropathy Solution first. If it doesn’t
work get your money back. You have nothing to lose.
But so, so much to gain.

It is time to put an end to the suffering and discomfort.
to get started now.
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