
Friday, January 20, 2023

Be Anxiety Free... Now! Program

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A few years before I experienced that first panic attack, I had already began searching for ways to reduce or eliminate my anxiety. At that point in time, there wasn’t much information available on the internet regarding anxiety and how to get rid of it. Yet still, I read everything that I could find… I read every article and ordered every book there was at the time. As a few years passed, I also came across quite a few recorded programs from what could be considered some of the original life coaches and gurus. I listened to them all and watched every video that they released.

Over the course of 20 years I read a countless number of medical articles and books, read every book I could find written by life coaches and self-help gurus, watched thousands of hours of videos on the subject, and talked to many people who had beaten their anxiety and gotten back to living a normal life.

Throughout all of this research, I was keeping notes and remembering everything that I could. I was also trying many of the things that I was learning about. During this search for answers I made some amazing discoveries that really surprised me, things that the mainstream media rarely reported on . Many of these things my doctors didn’t even know about.

After much experimentation and trial & error, I discovered what really worked and what didn’t. Once I knew what really worked to get rid of anxiety, it took a short amount of time for me to become anxiety free.

It didn’t take long for me to realize, that if this program that I had created for myself worked so well to get rid of my anxiety, it surely could work for others too. And so, after two years of further research, education, training and organization I developed the Be Anxiety Free… Now! program.

After years of suffering with anxiety I was free… and now you can be free too!

I know that the biggest question you have right now is regarding the price of the program. You want to know exactly how much this is going to cost you… because I’m sure you have already spent a ton of money and wasted way too much time on other programs, drugs and visits to the doctor without much success.

I know that in my long search for relief from my anxiety I spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on different books, programs, CDs, MP3 downloads, counseling and prescription drugs. My visits to therapists and psychiatrists cost me hundreds of dollars for each hour of their time. The prescription drugs cost a fortune too without any guarantees that they would work.

Take a moment to think of all the money you may have already wasted on other programs and all the time that you have lost because of your anxiety. Did any of those other programs, pills and therapy sessions give you a guarantee that they would work? I doubt it!

I’m pretty sure that you have become discouraged. I am fairly certain that you have started to feel like relief will never happen and that you think that your anxiety is permanent… or that it will take years and years of expensive and difficult treatments to finally eliminate your anxiety and get back your life.

But freedom from anxiety is not a hopeless dream. You can eliminate anxiety from your life, despite what the pharmaceutical companies tell you.

It isn’t going to take years of struggle to finally overcome your worry and sadness…

And it isn’t going to cost you a fortune to find real relief

Be Anxiety Free… Now!™ uses a completely different treatment program to give you control over your anxiety – once and for all. Be Anxiety Free… Now!™ teaches you how to gain complete control over your thoughts and feelings, all of your symptoms and your life.

Be Anxiety Free… Now!™ will work for you – like no other book, treatment program, therapy session or prescription drug has ever worked before. Guaranteed.

And it will be the last treatment program you will ever need.

But you aren’t going to have to waste thousands of dollars on this program because today you can order Be Anxiety Free… Now!™ for the special price of only $39… and with this $39, you can be guaranteed that you will never spend another penny on anxiety treatments, pills or books ever again.

When you consider the price, when you consider how much money you have wasted on books, drugs and therapy sessions, when you consider all the time you have wasted on them and that you will never get those weeks, months or years back, $39 is just a drop of water in the sea.

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Tudo sobre a Família Tagarela AUTISMO e TDAH aqui: Medicamento para TDAH (transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade) e ANSIEDADE - Ritalina Concerta Venvanse Etc - Dra Ellen Manfrim, neuropediatra, responde no nosso encontro AO VIVO.

No nosso encontro de hoje, Dra Ellen Manfrim, uma neuropediatra muito conhecida e conceituada nos grupos de pais de crianças autistas, responde ao vivo algumas dúvidas dos seguidores. Nesse vídeo ela responde as seguintes perguntas:

1) Como é a combinação de medicamentos p/ autistas c/ TDAH?
2) Efeitos colaterais das medicações para TDAH.
3) Efeitos colaterais das medicações para ansiedade.
4) Medicação Exodus.
5) Ritalina para TDAH até quando usar?

Ao responder essas perguntas, a Dra Ellen fala dos efeitos colaterais da Ritalina e de outros medicamentos para TDAH. Ela comenta sobre todos os remédios que existem para TDAH, como Ritalina LA, Concerta, Venvanse, Strattera, Medato etc. Ela também fala sobre medicações para ansiedade, já que, como a mesma diz: ter TDAH, ser autista nível 1 de suporte e ter ansiedade é um "combo" bem comum de se ver.

Foi pensando em tirar essas e outras dúvidas que convidamos a Dr Ellen Manfrim, da Clínica Integrar (somos Integrar) para responder as perguntas de pais e mães de autistas e de crianças com TDAH. Ainda assim ficou alguma dúvidas? Não tem problema! Deixe a sua pergunta nos comentário, ou dê um pulinho nas redes sociais da Dr Ellen - ela, além de um amor de pessoa, é super solícita e atenciosa!

IG da Dr Ellen:
IG da Clínica Integrar: r

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Bjs, Thata e Rafa.
Todos os direitos reservados - Mamãe Tagarela / Família Tagarela
Proibida cópia ou reprodução sem autorização do autor.
Royalty-Free Music from Bensound ansiedade medato concerta venvanse strattera tratamento tdah efeitos colaterais ritalina efeitos colaterais concerta efetos colaterais venvanse transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade transtorno de ansiedade venvanse tdah

#TDAH #ritalina #concerta #venvanse #strattera #familiatagarela #medicaresponde

00:00 Introdução
00:01 No encontro com a Dra Ellen Manfrim, neuropediatra, ela responde algumas dúvidas dos seguidores.
00:26 Primeira Pergunta: Como é a combinação de medicamentos p/ autistas c/ TDAH?
06:36 Segunda Pergunta: Efeitos colaterais das medicações para TDAH
08:06 Terceira Pergunta: Efeitos colaterais das medicações para ansiedade
10:10 Quarta Pergunta: Medicação Exodus.
11:56 Quinta Pergunta: Ritalina para TDAH até quando usar?

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