
Friday, December 30, 2022

Maximal Mindset Exercise Library

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Dear friend,

My name is Mike Gillette and on this short letter…

I am going to reveal how my simple 3-minute Mental Exercise Routine will allow you to perform at your best in any situation


Being able to stay calm and relaxed no matter how much pressure you face

Being able to stop procrastinating, experience unlimited motivation and unlock laser-like focus anytime you want…

Being able to eliminate self-doubt and experience unshakable confidence in the face of any adversity…

This simple but powerful routine will unlock the best version of yourself

Allowing you to achieve any goal you desire

Whether it’s making more money

Building the body of your dreams

Or simply experience deeper, more meaningful, and more fulfilling relationships

Now, having said that…

With all the crazy claims that you hear on the internet these days…

I realize that you might be skeptical as this all sounds too good to be true…

But what you are about to discover is NOT

  • Some weird, hocus pocus method that has never been proven or tested
  • Meditation
  • ​“Positive Thinking”

  • ​Law of Attraction

  • Traditional Self-Help Advice

In fact, this simple but powerful ritual that I am about to reveal to you is the same method that I have taught to countless high-profile organizations and clients…

I Have Provided

Mental Performance Strategies To:

I have been featured on

numerous publications such as:

This powerful routine works for ANYONE who wants to become their best self…

What Others Have Said Working With Me…

Dennis Rogers – Pound-for-Pound World’s Strongest Man

As seen on: Stan Lee’s “Superhumans”, Oprah, David Letterman, Discovery Channel, History Channel, National Geographic and in over 150 Countries Worldwide

Mike Gillette has truly mastered the mental aspects of human performance. He has trained his body and disciplined his mind to overcome pain and fear both on-stage and in the field. Mike doesn’t need anyone to convince you that his techniques work. He is his own proof. At age 58, he is stronger than ever. I think that says it all.

Jerry Poteet – Original Student of Bruce Lee

Hollywood Fight Choreographer, “Greatest Jeet Kune Do Instructor in the World” – Inside Kung-Fu Magazine

“Like my teacher Bruce Lee, Mike’s amazing results speak volumes about his knowledge and dedication…”

Rob Pincus – National Personal Defense Educator

Instructor, Writer, Coach & Television Host / Owner of I.C.E. Training Company & Executive Director of Personal Defense Network

Mike Gillette is a Mind Writer. The man knows how to motivate, how to inspire and how to both call out complacency and inspire greatness.His ability to help people re-write their internal dialogue and move forward with a mindset for success is unique and impressively efficient. A day with Mike out-values a year’s worth of typical self-help books and motivational workshops.”

COLONEL Lee Van Arsdale – Retired Special Forces Commander

11 years as “Delta Force” as / aka: “The Unit” Special Forces Commander, Counterterrorism/Special Projects Branch Chief for the Secretary of Defense, Military Advisor for the film “Blackhawk Down”

“I met Mike Gillette while working on a sensitive training project. It was Mike’s design and implementation of a specialized security course for a Fortune Fifty company in what can best be described as Mental Skills that impressed me greatly. The client was likewise impressed with Mike’s ability to improve mental skills, with the resultant improvement of the physical.”

My own Life Story is rather unusual…

I have lived as:

  • An Army Paratrooper
  • A SWAT Commander
  • ​A Member of the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame

  • ​A Counter-Terrorism Consultant to the Department of Homeland Security

  • ​A Bodyguard to Billionaires and Celebrities (such as Warren Buffett & Sylvester Stallone)

  • ​A Record-Breaking Strongman who has been featured on Ripley’s Believe it or Not & Guinness World Records

You see…

I was forced to develop this mental training routine out of necessity

Growing up,

I watched helplessly as my stepfather ruthlessly punched, choked and kicked my mother…

There is one night in particular that I will never forget

I was just 10 years old then…

At that time, we were living in an old, poorly constructed house that had paper-    thin walls…

Our house was always a complete mess…

Often times, there was no food in the house…

But the one thing we never seemed to lack was alcohol…

It was everywhere

That night, I was reading a comic book while laying on my bed in my tiny room…

I could hear everything that was going on in my parents’ room as though they were right next to me…

Like most nights, both my stepfather and mother had been drinking heavily

And soon enough, like always, an argument breaks out…

I was too young to understand what it was about…

But I knew how the arguments always ended…

Not before long, their exchange gets heated…

Screaming and shouting ensues…

My heart begins to race…

Fear and anxiety sets in…

I knew what was about to happen next…

I covered my head with my pillow…

Hoping to drown out the noise…

It never worked…

I started hearing the blows and the beatings…

The whimpering…

The pleading and begging…

But something was different that night…

My mother did something she had never done before…

I started to hear my mom call out…

“Mike! MIKE! MIKEEE!!!”

She was calling out to me…

For help!

A 10-year-old boy!

I desperately wanted to do something…

But I was completely paralyzed by fear

So I laid in bed…

Face down, pillow over my head…

Unable to even move a muscle…

Never have I felt more helpless in my entire life…

That overwhelming sense of helplessness stuck to me like glue…

And my childhood became ruled by fear…

As I grew older, the violence got worse

One night, after having her head viciously beaten against the living room wall…

My mother went to the hospital…

A brain tumor was discovered…

After a year of treatment…

My mother died

I was only 15…

My life became a mess as I descended into drugs and alcohol…

As much and as often as I possibly could…

In February of 1981,

at the age of 18,

I decided that I had enough…

In February of 1981, at the age of 18,

I decided that I had enough…

Granted, my young mind thought all of that was just really cool…

But clueless as I was…

I recognized that the ability to do those things must have something to do with the mind…

So I signed up for my very first martial arts lesson…

My teacher was this intense Korean Martial Arts master who was in his fifties…

And even though he was a much older and smaller guy…

Just like what I had previously seen in the Martial Arts…

He was capable of doing things that much younger and bigger guys couldn’t do…

And he had this air of confidence and certainty around him…

Whatever he had, I wanted it…

It was through him where I was first introduced to the concept of mental training

Once I discovered how powerful our minds were,

I became obsessed with mental training…

Once I discovered how powerful our minds were, I Became Obsessed with Mental Training…

This obsession would serve me well throughout my life and professional career…

As an Army Paratrooper, mental training helped me

dominate all my physical tests and even overcome my fear of heights

as I repeatedly jumped out airplanes…

When I suffered a crippling, career-ending accident that shattered my back and ankles, mental training helped me

bounce back stronger than ever before

As a SWAT Commander, mental training literally kept me alive by helping me to

stay calm and focused

even during the most stressful and life-threatening situations…

As an Elite Bodyguard to Billionaires and Celebrities such as Bill Gates and Sylvester Stallone, mental training kept me

alert and ready

for long periods of time

without becoming fatigued

As I approached my fifties, my mental abilities had reached a point where I was able to perform record-breaking “Mind Stunts” that were documented by Ripley’s Believe it or Not and Guinness World Records

My extensive research and practical understanding of mental performance led me to become the go-to Mind Trainer for…

Special Forces Units, the FBI, the DEA, Cirque du Soleil, the Disney company, and many other elite organizations which regularly operate in high stakes circumstances…

For over 30+ years, my mental training methods have remained accessible only to the most elite performers in the world…

And right now, I want to share with you exactly what I have discovered…

Now, mental training can be a complicated topic…

So here’s one simple way of looking at it…

Think of your mind just like your body…

Your thoughts are just like food for your mind…

And negative thoughts are like junk food…

If you keep feeding your mind junk…

Your mind becomes increasingly weaker…

When your mind becomes weaker…

You develop self-defeating and self-sabotaging beliefs…

The result?

You doubt yourself and have low self confidence

You quickly get stressed and anxious

You get distracted easily and give up at the first sign of adversity

Life in general just becomes a whole lot harder…

And far less enjoyable

Not to mention

all the physical health problems

that come with increased stress levels

To make things worse…

Most people aren’t even aware of the thoughts they feed their mind…

And even those who are aware don’t realize you can choose what thoughts to feed your mind…

This creates an extremely vicious cycle…

Where just simply living with your thoughts can be painful…

I know this well because that’s exactly where I was in my teenage years…

And is why I had personally resorted to drugs and alcohol…

I wanted to escape my own thoughts…

And when I realized I couldn’t?

I attempted to take my own life…

Growing up, all I had known was fear…

So for many years, my thoughts were extremely negative

I was constantly stressed

Easily overwhelmed

And I

honestly believed

that I was completely useless

You see…

That’s what happens when you feed your mind negative thoughts for years…

Now imagine if you only fed your body junk food for over 10, 20… even 30 years!

You don’t need to be a doctor to know the consequences would be catastrophic…

So why would we do the same to our minds?

Why “Positive Thinking” Doesn’t Work…

Now, you might think that since thoughts are just like food…

All you would have to do is keep repeating positive thoughts in your mind…

You would then be feeding your mind positive thoughts, right?

But the problem is that your mind won’t believe it

If you have been eating junk food all your life…

And you suddenly switched to only eating healthy foods…

You would start experiencing mood swings, fatigue, and many other negative effects…

Simply because your body has been conditioned to crave and want junk food…

This is why

most people give up on extreme diets within just 7 days


And just like your body…

If your mind has been conditioned to think negatively…

Simply repeating positive thoughts in your head won’t work…

The solution instead, is to train your mind to create strong and positive thoughts

You see…

We all know that if you want your body to become stronger…

You need to perform physical exercises…

But what most people don’t understand is that the same is true for your mind…

The secret to performing at your best is

to strengthen your mind with mental exercises…

Once I realized that mental exercises were the key to building a strong mind…

I set out to learn as much as I possibly could about them…

When I was introduced to my first mental exercise in martial arts…

I didn’t even know it was a mental exercise…

Because it involved intense physical training…

Perhaps this comes as no surprise to you…

But the military and high level athletes both know how important the mind is when it comes to physical performance…

Which is why you often hear about the phrase, “mental toughness” in those professions…

But when a climbing accident broke my back and ankles…

I was no longer able to subject myself to intense physical training…

And that forced me to find ways to train my mind without intense physical training…


Mental toughness represents just one area of mental training

In the same way that your body has different muscle groups which require different exercises…

Different mental exercises improve different aspects of the mind

Some mental exercises improve focus

Some mental exercises help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety

Some mental exercises can even sharpen your discipline and increase motivation

As my own understanding of mental training grew…

I ended up being the mental performance trainer for many different organizations…

As my clients ranged from 11-year-old gymnasts to corporate executives to elite soldiers to individuals with physical limitations

Each person had very different requirements and very different objectives…

It didn’t take long before I realized I needed to develop an all-in-one mental training system that works for anyone in any situation…

This was no easy task by any measure…

My mental training System Needed to Meet these Requirements:

My mental training System Had to Meet the

following requirements:

  • It must provide a complete “mental workout” that improves every area of the mind and not just one single area.
  • It must be so simple that even an 11-year-old child can understand and use it.
  • My system must not require any special equipment whatsoever.
  • ​You must be able to use my training system anytime, anywhere.

  • You must be able to use my mental training system without any physical training.

  • You must be able to complete my entire mental training system in under 10 minutes.

It took me decades of intensive research, testing, tweaking and refinement...

To finally develop a powerful all-in-one mental training system that meets all those requirements…

I had originally intended to only teach this system to my high level clients that pay me thousands of dollars…

I felt this was more than fair because of the years of blood and sweat I have put into creating this system…

But because people around me kept sharing their stories with me and telling me how my system would completely transform their life…

I eventually decided to temporarily release my powerful all-in-one mental training system to the public…

Buy Now,

ADHD is a reputable diagnosis with particular clinical blueprint for making the diagnosis, but some physicians are hesitant to diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Docs who take care of grownup patients have to aloof be taught extra about grownup ADHD therapy solutions in addition to the diagnosis process.

Anthony Rostain MD/MA, the Medical Director for the Penn Medication Grownup ADHD Program, begins by inspecting ADHD in adults as a diagnosis and take care of about a of the hesitation doctors delight in in figuring out and treating adults with ADHD. Physicians would worry with clinical authorized penalties that could maybe well occur if a affected person is abusing or diverting federally controlled medication. Anthony encourages physicians to note authorized clinical practices to e book determined of authorized concerns when prescribing ADHD medications.

Dr. Brendan Montano, a major care physician, says he change into extra ecstatic prescribing ADHD medication once he had a bigger understanding of ADHD and further publicity to stimulant medication therapy. Pediatricians utilize stimulant ADHD in childhood and were familiarized with stimulant medications and Dr. Montano believes the identical will occur for physicians that take care of adults.

This video additionally aspects, Dr. Stephen Faraone, a Professor within the Department of Psychiatry at SUNY Update Medical College, who explains about a of the fresh developments in ADHD therapy solutions that decrease doable for stimulant abuse.

Physicians shopping for further resources on ADHD in adults have to aloof roar over with Our Web page with Free ADHD CME (ADHD Continuing Medical Training) for Services is:

Our Playlist with ADHD CME Videos:
Subscribe to our Channel above
/look for?v=Ely7TB32-Es&checklist=PLuoWrlKvoLMHTwAtZqFA7XApfMtrGfD5J

We wish to thank the total following Organizations and Channels which delight in addressed
the challenges and myths of ADHD to bring us the details and toughen the quality
of affection ADHD in Adults:

TEDxMaastricht - Lawrence Sherman - "Turning clinical training inner out and the other method up"

Phillip Maxwell
Exact Lifestyles, I'm a PA: Continuing Medical Training, and Financial Wait on Advice

Chemotherapy: What to Request | IU Correctly being Most cancers Amenities

Medical training videos
Coronary heart Failure (Definition) – Cardiology | Medical Training Videos

Goldman Sachs /GoldmanSachs
Contemporary Faculty - 3 Ways Know-how Will Change into the Lecture room: Goldman Sachs' Victor Hu

Medscape /Medscape
Malcolm Gladwell on Fixing the US Healthcare Mess

Digivision Media /InstaTapesMedia
Pure Ways to Steadiness your Mind - Daniel G. Amen, MD

College of California Tv (UCTV)

Mint Medical /MintMedical
Introduction to Transvaginal Ultrasound Scanning-Half II

Total Parenteral Diet (TPN)

CCME - Free Emergency Medication Training
National Family Medication Board Evaluation Course - Frequent Medical Complications

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