
Monday, October 10, 2022

Get ManBoobs for Less Than 30 Days. High Conversion Offer

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Want your “man boobs?” gone?

“After years of struggling… It took only 30 Days to lose my embarrassing Man Boobs! “

Thanks to your program, I finally got rid of my embarrassing man boobs in just 30 days!

Now, I have a flat and solid chest. I can finally wear fitted shirts and not worry about my man boobs being poked at and being teased by everybody!

– Alexander Albert,

Los Angeles California

Now you can learn an all-natural way to demolish excess chest fat, putting an end to public humiliation and embarrassment once and for all… by transforming your old “male breasts” to a sexy, chiseled chest… that women love and other guys admire… and, if you’re like most men, begin to see amazing results in as little as 30 days!

Impossible? Not if you believe what EX-lifelong man boob sufferers worldwide are now saying…

Dear Friend,

If you’ve ever wanted a natural way to get rid of man boobs…that’s safe and affordable… then this is the message for you.

Here’s what it’s all about: Hi my name is Tim Harris and with the help of 1990 Mr America and 1992 Mr Universe Bryan McCluskey; we have created a program to specifically burn chest fat or more commonly known as man boobs.

In my 30+ years of being a personal trainer, I’ve had countless guys call me up on the phone, practically crying. I was asked to help them lose their man boobs. To end the joking, whispering, and laughing behind their backs (and sometimes in front of their faces).

Is it not also driving you crazy? You have to work so hard to conceal your male breasts… You should never ever take off your shirt, even at a pool.

Many of my trainees have suffered man boobs for the first 30-some-years of their lives. They were told by their doctors that they would recover… but they didn’t.

These guys were embarrassed by the way they looked. They felt insecure about their fat chests.

Some of them became clinically depressed. Because they’ve tried practically everything to get rid of their excess chest fat, but nothing seemed to work.

Even worse, the internet is full of misinformation. Some of these men believed their man boobs could never be cured.

( I’ll show you why it’s all BS. In a moment. )

I’ve had clients who have considered male breast reduction surgery. This typically costs between $5,000 – $6000. Many of them would have done it if not for the possible side effects and permanent scarring.

(By the way, needing surgery is another myth. I’ve helped hundreds of guys lose their man boobs naturally. In just a few seconds, I will show you how to do it the same way. )

See I have been a personal trainer for more than three decades. I have read countless books, scientific journals, and lectures about the human body. This is in addition to my tens of thousands hours of experience in the gym.

I’ve helped men who thought they were “hard cases” to make incredible transformations in their bodies. I have helped them to melt the chest fat that had haunted their lives for years. And it was done in a very short time.

I’ve worked with…

  • Guys who tried every variation of every single chest exercise in existence but not getting any improvements…
  • Guys who tried running for 10+ miles every day, but still couldn’t seem to lose an ounce off their fat…
  • Guys who have tried herbs and pills but haven’t seen any results
  • Guys over 50 who thought they were too old to lose their man boobs
  • Guys who have had man boobs since puberty

I’ve helped all of these men dramatically reduce their man boobs… and get a flat chest. In some cases, they get the rock-hard, chiseled chest that they secretly longed for. )

My clients are often amazed at the transformations they make. What amazes me most is how fast they lose their belly fat and how much confidence they have afterwards.

My clients thank me so much, almost as if they had magical powers.

But my training program isn’t magic! Many men believe that surgery or hormones are the only way to get rid of man boobs.

However, the truth is this: The vast majority of men (around 95%) with “gynecomastia” suffer from an enlarged chest caused by extra fat deposits, known as called adipose.

Doctors still don’t know why this happens. It doesn’t matter. Because….

This Can Be Cured Naturally!

I have seen it healed for good right in front of me. My clients have been cured of it time and again.

In fact, the lose man boobs method I teach my clients works so well that anyone – could use it to get rid of their embarrassing man boobs, and replace them with a beautiful, sculpted chest.

Even if you have tried almost everything else!

See, my system works by…

Using Stupidly Simple and Effortless Fat-Demolishing Exercises You Can Privately Do In The Comfort Of Your Own Home To Melt Away Your Man Boobs- Fast!

There’s a good reason why I’m telling this to you. My man boobs fat-burning system has been available for years only if you hired me. I was not cheap. In fact, for the last 5 years I’ve been charging $225 an hour – with a minimum 6 lessons in a package- meaning it would have cost you $1450 in fees just to learn these exercises.

I would be honored if you could schedule an appointment. Perhaps I’m …

The Most Sought-After Fitness

Country’s Best Trainers

I would have continued to give personal training sessions at astronomical fees until my manager convinced that he could film me showing my lose man boobs and then sell the videos to people for a fraction of my fee. This would mean that my videos would be in demand for years to come.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy working with clients to help them transform their bodies. However, I want to spend more time with my family doing the things I love.

So, I made a deal with my manager…sort of. In fact, I offered him a deal. The low-cost deal could be “tested” online, and if it performed well, we were set. If it didn’t, however…

I Would Pull The Videos Off The Market Forever and Go Back To My “Outrageous” Fees for Personal Training!

This means that if you are reading this message, you can get the deal right now. This package is so exciting, you won’t even have to risk anything by trying it in your home.

What you get is the absolute bottom-line BEST one hour and 42 minutes (1: 42) of my most intense exercises for getting rid of your man boobs fast.

These videos contain everything you need to get rid of all the embarrassing chest fat.

Nothing has been overlooked… You get the exact same instructional format as I use in my highly-expensive personal training sessions… but with the added benefit that it is all on video so you can review any part until it becomes second-nature!

Plus, you’ll discover:

  • The single biggest reason you have man boobs is that you’re (unknowingly) ingesting hormone-altering chemicals. These chemicals can cause serious health problems. We will show you how to reduce your exposure.
  • How to automatically reduce your chest fat with this one simple-to-adopt eating technique. This will soon become a routine and you’ll be unable to gain chest fat even if it was possible!
  • The 3 deadly mistakes that 94% of man boobs sufferers unknowingly make… that are making their condition even worse!
  • A simple-yet-potent exercise to sculpt your chest. And not it’s not endless amounts of push-ups…
  • A safe and natural way to optimize your body’s testosterone-to-estrogen ratio
  • How to “supercharge” your results by eating during this specific time of day to maximize fat loss.
  • The #1 “testosterone killer”… and a simple fix to prevent this from eating away at your manhood any longer.
  • 2 specific testosterone-boosting foods that your body craves… but the government says you shouldn’t eat
  • An ancient Chinese acupressure secret for instantly controlling your cravings for “wrong” types of foods. Imagine your body naturally curbing your cravings for food that makes your condition worse.
  • Think sleeping 8 hours is optimal for your health and well-being? This was my thinking until I realized that it was a problem with hormone balance and your health. This article will explain why 8 hours is a myth, and how to get rid of your male breasts as fast as possible.
  • Simple exercises (that take less than 7 minutes combined) for a chiseled sculpted chest…. None of these require you to work out your chest muscles.
  • How to keep the fat off your chest. When I worked with men, one problem was that they would quickly lose their man boobs but then gain it back when I stopped working with them. I devised a safe and effective way to permanently lose the fat.
  • The “do-or-die” habits you MUST do everyday if you want to transform your chest in the shortest time possible. These habits are super easy. )
  • How to prevent testosterone from turning into estrogen by eating this cheap, all-natural food just 3 times a week. This food can be found at your local grocery.

Flatter, chiseled chest in just 3 weeks!

I was skeptical at first, having tried every thing and even considering surgery. But thanks to your program, I got rid of my man boobs!

– Robert Prusienski,

Manassas, Virginia

Fully recommended to all men suffering from man boobs!

I tried countless pushups and chest exercises with no success. But after a few weeks of your program, my man boobs have completely disappeared! To all men with man boobs, I highly recommend your program!

– Erick Philipps,

Beaufort, NC

I can finally wear what I want

After years of wearing loose shirts and slouching in order to conceal my man boobs for years, I am finally free to wear what I want because of your program!

– Christian Reals,


Problem area no more!

I am not fat or chubby, but I have always had man boobs since I was young. Thanks to your program, I was finally able to lose them!

– Richard Polmares,


I can finally take off my shirt on the beach!

To all men who know the feeling of hiding your body on the beach or just staying dry to not just take off your shirt, those days are gone when you try! It’s funny, I know because I was in the same boat a few weeks back. But now, I am eager to get on the beach and remove my shirt with confidence.

– Matthew Summers,


Are these men any different than you? They are not. They are ex-male breast patients of all ages, ethnicities and body types.

The only thing they did was put aside their doubts and give the new system a chance. It cost them thousands of dollars for individual lessons, but it was well worth it.

If you are able to put aside your doubts for a while, you too can experience the joy of… losing all your body fat… feeling completely at home in your skin… and gaining unstoppable confidence that will leave your friends wondering what happened.

Even, Better, You’ll Get The Same Training

For A Fraction Of What Everyone Else Had to Pay!

Listen – Many men around the globe will be furious that I shared these all-natural “Lose Man Boobs Secrets”, especially after they spent thousands of dollars on expensive, irreversible surgery.

But it’s too bad. It has been kept a secret for far too long. It will take some time for this system become mainstream. After all, men have spent too much money and their time on useless stuff that doesn’t work. It’s human nature.

Besides, if you have stayed with me so long, you don’t look like other men.

Let me tell you the deal: Click the Add to Cart button below to place your order RIGHT NOW. You can use your credit card or Paypal– it’s fast, safe and 100% secure!

Today Only $47 $27

Don’t miss out!

This price wouldn’t even buy you 30 minutes with me at my regular fee — the thousands of dollars that people have been giving me for over 30 years for personal training sessions.

Yet, for the price of one greasy meal at a fancy restaurant, you can own my Lose Man Boobs in 30 Days system for yourself… with Ebook and videos that reveals to you everything you’d learn in private training sessions!

Super Fast Fat Loss promises to deliver the greatest amount of fat loss the human body is capable of producing in a 7 day period while still being safe and super easy to follow. We’re talking about potentially losing up to 10+ pounds of fat in only 7 days with the most strategic one week diet sequence ever developed. A $27 Value Yours For Free!

Get Lean, Ripped & Defined In 6 Weeks download over 40 videos that we have created to not only lose your man boobs but also give you the body you have always dreamed of! A $120 Value Yours For Free!

What’s more, the money is actually irrelevant, because…

Click the order button to view the ebooks and videos and complete the exercises.

If, for any reason or for no reason at all, you aren’t completely satisfied after 60 days (by which time most guys get rid of their man boobs entirely)– just email me and I’ll personally guarantee you get a complete refund of your purchase price instantly. No questions asked. There are no forms or hassles to fill out. There are no problems.

How do I make it so generous? It’s easy — I have seen these exercises transform bodies in so many people that I know. The results are almost unbelievable, as you can see from the testimonials.

I’m pretty sure it can work magic also for you. Imagine it: You would stand there smiling, confident in your body, and no longer hunched over your shoulders.

You bet it would. You have nothing to lose by this generous money-back guarantee.

Perhaps even more important, I’m also a man just like you and want to share my amazing new method to lose man boobs to regain your masculinity.

I don’t want to make you worry about being “taken” or any other thing. I have been tricked by phony experts to convince me to purchase their phony junk. It is hard to trust someone. This is why I am so generous.

Today Only $47 $27

Don’t miss out!

So, call now. There is nothing to lose… but man-oh-man! Are you going to be content with your body in no time?


Tim Harris

P.S. This amazing deal is not available again and there’s no way to lose!

So don’t let this chance to change your body forever slip you by. Click here to get instant access and finally get rid of your man boobs

Buy Now,

New song every Sunday!

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