
Thursday, September 29, 2022

Ho'oponopono Roots

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Data is the collection of memories and beliefs in your mind, your databank of your views of life. The thing is, some of your data is keeping you separate from The Divine. So, you need a way to clean it.

Well, how do you clean it???

Let me start with an age-old question: If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Answer: I don’t know.

What I do know, is that if it does make a sound, I would wish that it sounded as incredible as the music that I’m presenting here to you now.

There is a sample video on this page that you can listen to, but to truly experience its greatness and encounter the majestic excellence, you need to listen to it in its entirety.

The more you listen, the deeper your cleaning experience will be. Our data is constantly changing, and because of this we must continually clean in faith that we are doing our part as a connection to the “I”, to the ONE SOURCE.

There are millions of songs and endless albums in our collections but only some of them stand out. You know the ones I’m talking about. I’m guessing that something jumped into your mind right now.

Let me tell you why…

Because sound is energy.

It’s a frequency that sometimes resonates with us and other times doesn’t. What I’m sharing with you here right now is an energy that defies the laws of conscious reality.

You’re probably asking yourself, Mathew what does that mean?

What I mean is this music is not created by me necessarily, but channeled from a greater source, a higher power, the Divine.

Guidance comes to us in our lives continually. Often, we dismiss it and move on, but the Divine keeps sending the same message back with great patience again, again, and again.

As you read this maybe you’re excited for the possibilities awaiting you, or maybe you may have doubts.

The Divine has helped you find this music but can’t force you on to a better path. You are the captain of your own ship. You must take action.

Right now that action is to snap up this uplifting tool that’s staring you in the face. You need this!

It was meant for you.

Hi I’m Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon,

I have had the great fortune of learning ho’oponopono from great teachers like Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, Dr. Joe Vitale, and Mabel Katz.

For over a decade I have been creating music, books, certification programs, and meditations that have helped thousands understand and practice ho’oponopono.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len recommended to me long ago to begin to infuse my music and meditations with the ho’oponopono mantra recorded subliminally (below conscious awareness) with the music.

After seeing the results that people were experiencing from this technique Dr. Joe Vitale and I began creating a large collection of instrumental albums specifically designed for cleaning.

Now with the help of some musically gifted friends, I’ve composed for the first time music with not only the subliminal mantra (please forgive me, I’m sorry, thank you, I love you,) but also with lyrics written to target specific data, and clean it in a nonconfrontational way.

This music has a peaceful relaxing yet enthusiastic vibration you will feel resonating in your heart chakra.

Ho’oponopono Roots can be listened to anywhere, at home in private, in social settings, or at work, only you will be aware of its ability to pinpoint and clean data/memory.

The specific data that will be purified and cleaned to align you to the Zero Point:

  • Lack of Abundance
  • Anxiety
  • Mental Illness
  • Physical Illness
  • Broken relationships, family and friends
  • Financial hardship
  • Addiction
  • Employment challenges
  • Global threats
  • Soulmate dis-connection
  • Disharmony with business partners
  • Discord with Family members
  • Threats to pets’ well-being and behavior
  • Grief
  • Past life trauma
  • Ancestral trauma

Dear Guitar Monk, I just finished listening to your masterpiece, and my heart chakra is so open and glowing. I’m a yogini and yoga teacher, and this music was like doing a hundred sun salutations! Thank you. You have profoundly touched me! Namaste, Leah Byrd

Dear Mathew, thank you so much for the ever so beautiful Zero Limits recording. Ever so beautiful! I am deeply enjoying it.

Love from Berlin Gemany, Annie

Mathew, your song is incredible. Took a while to look you up and find your CD, Changes. I will order it after I send this to you. So glad I found you. You definitely found that place where magic lives.

God bless you and yours and God bless Texas!

Thank you, Mathew, for your music. Just wonderful!!! I met Dr. Hew Len in Paris last year and since then ho’oponopono is a part of my life. Unfortunately, Dr. Len doesn’t travel anymore. We miss him, but on the other hand he is present.

The peace of I

Tine Dawn

Hi, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the music…being a lover of music I must say, this was quite unique! I felt deeply connected to the music…and I didn’t want it to end. Thank you so much for sharing your passion and heart.

Great success,

Miriam Madziga

Aloha Mathew, I just wanted to send a very special thank you for your beautiful masterpiece. I have been listening to it often because not only does it calm me, but it has a connection to some very special memories.

I have recently experienced a mild heart attack and listening to your song has done some remarkable changes in my comfort level.

Charlene Carlos

Thank you so much for the beautiful music.  It makes me smile and think, “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you!”


Hello Mathew — Your music is beautiful — very peaceful…restful. I enjoyed it very much while repeating the mantra over and over.

Thank you. I love you. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

Joyce Zborower

Hi I just want to say thank you for your beautiful and uplifting music, may you continue to give and receive much blessings and joy.

Ros Power

Hi Mathew, the music is very relaxing and soothing. I listen to it every day. Thank you very much.


Hi Mathew, just wanted to let you know that I love your song Zero Limits! From the first time I listened to it I felt a definite vibrational shift. It’s become one of the tracks I play constantly now – I play it when starting my day, while writing in my journal, while working, and even when drifting off to sleep. I find that it helps me concentrate when that’s what I need yet helps me relax when that’s what I need. I have added it to my ‘vibration lifting’ playlist.  Thank you very much for this awesome gift!

Your friend,


Hello Mathew

I really love this song,

When I was little my father put me to sleep with his singing and his Spanish guitar almost every night.

I just separated from my boyfriend of 4 years 5 days ago, and it has hit like crazy, but I have a pain in my heart. He hardly ever said Good Morning or even answered me, for almost all the time we were together. I had lots of arguments about it at the beginning, which later became more like educating a little boy, but it still hurts?

So, this is my way of healing it. Plase excuse the translation from Spanish. Thank you.

Blessing to you

Keep it up the great songs!!

Buenos Dias Senor.

Hi, wanted to take a minute to thank you for the Zero Limits music. I absolutely love it!  I put it on my ipod and play it over and over and over.

Thanks again, Terri

Thank you very much! I love the music a lot!!!



I am a widower living in an apartment building and find it necessary to have a “clean-up” lady come twice a week to straighten up my mess.

Generally, she finds me working away on my computer, and she asks if I can make it play some music.   She knows that the computer is hooked up to some really great Bose speakers, and that I have, on occasion, played some really nice selections. I generally say that I have some favorites lying around on a Flash Drive, but I don’t know where they are.

But the other day, I downloaded Mathew’s fantastic new track; which I’ve now listened to several dozen times — always with a soaring mood. Today, when the cleaning lady showed up, I quietly started it playing with no comment, and set it for “continuous play.”

My visitor whirled around.  “What’s that?” she asked. “I LOVE that sound!” Well, I knew I was going to have an extra clean apartment today, and I got it! After a very long clean-up time, my visitor had to leave, even though she obviously didn’t want to  — but it was only after I promised to save the gorgeous music for her next visit.

A final note to Mathew — I don’t know how many times, when driving South from Dallas to visit my family, I’ve driven by New Braunfels, with no idea of how much talent resides there.

Charlie Dunn

UT Class of ’55

Mathew, thank you for the incredible gift of this song.  I have downloaded it to my MP3 player and listen to it as I work.  I feel relaxed and rejuvenated after listening.  I look forward to listening to your next project.

David Duane Wilson

Wimberley, TX

Hi, you did a great thing! Listening to your music gives the same sensations as cleaning with ho’ponopono. I even put it on my cell phone, so that the calls get “cleaned” as they arrive.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


THANK YOU, Mathew! I do love this music, Zero Limits! I keep it on my desktop and have it playing in the background as I work on the computer. It is so powerful and beautiful! I LOVE IT! Thank you for this lovely gift. I have shared it with my friends.


Thank you, Mathew, – I just love this music – I recorded it onto a CD to take with me to my caravan in the country and I have played it non-stop, it just makes me feel so serene.


Take a moment to watch this short cleaning video and hear samples of the ho’oponopono roots music.

All 12 songs are performed as a trio – vocals, two acoustic guitars, and light percussion.

Listen to how the guitars intertwine creating a harmonious resonance. The vocals paint pictures that should be interpreted by you, bringing forth specific data that lies within you… to clean.

Sit back and listen, and enjoy the moment…

The most important thing to me is that you experience this cleaning miracle. THE SECOND most important thing to me is that you are completely satisfied and have zero risk for trying this amazing new way of cleaning with ho’oponopono roots.

That’s why… I am offering you a 60-Day no questions asked money back guarantee!

Even though my digital distributor will charge me a penalty for every return I am so confident that you are going to love and experience the incredible results from this new one-of-a-kind music, that I am willing to risk being charged if you are not satisfied for any reason.

All I ask is that you approach this music with an open mind and heart, give it a real chance and find out how beneficial it is.

If for any reason you don’t find that this music resonates with your heart and your soul, I will gladly refund you.

That is my guarantee to you.

Corporations often start with a high price and lower it after the first initial customers purchase their product.

I pride myself on being a one-man shop. I do everything from creating this webpage to taking out the trash at the end of the day 🙂

Because of that I have a lot of freedoms, so I’m using the reverse approach.

I don’t think you should be punished with a high price because you’re the first to know about this program. Instead I’m going to reward you with a low introductory price for 30 days of only $11.95.

That is less than 1 dollar per cleaning track.

After 30 days I will start to raise the price to help cover expenses and overhead, so I urge you to act now!

The price will be going up and I WANT YOU… to be one of the first people to enjoy this new cleaning music.

It’s easy, and almost instantaneous.

Click on the order now button below, fill in your information and you will receive an email that will give you a link to the download page.

On this page you will find instructions for your download of all 12 tracks.

You will also find my personal email address on the download page. If you have any difficulty at all, simply email me directly and I will walk you through the download even if that means sending you a personal link to my Dropbox account.

Usually downloads are very simple, but we’ve all used the Internet and sometimes things don’t work as smoothly as we hope. I’m here to do everything possible to make sure that you will be listening to your new cleaning music instantly.

My good friend Dr. Joe Vitale wrote a song called “Everybody’s Goin Thru Somethin. “ This is absolutely true! We have no idea what each of us is experiencing at any given time, and every one of us is going through something.

That is why cleaning is so important. Give yourself the opportunity to heal and clean on the data that is confronting you.

The purpose of this cleaning is to dig deep into the “root”of your data and purify it back to a state of Zero.

  • Only you have the power to make this happen.
  • Only you can make the choice to listen.
  • Only you can make the difference for you…

Peace, love and music,

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon

PS- If you were to seek out ho’oponopono cleaning tools from a

  • Huna
  • Wizard
  • Fortuneteller
  • Guardian Angel
  • Ferry
  • Jedi
  • Wicken
  • Or Shaman

This cleaning tool imparts the wisdom a Master would pass to their student. Giving the student an advantage, and the ability to harness the power of an advanced data cleaning tool.

Now you have the opportunity to utilize this method in your own practice.

Click here.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Buy Now,

Please remember to take full responsibility for your own well-being - practice great self-care, and seek appropriate professional assistance as needed. I encourage you to take a look at this video as well: Thank you. :)

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If you are new to tapping, please watch this video so you understand what it is about: />
So that I can make these videos available, I need to state that you must take responsibility for your own well-being if you choose to tap along. While I'm confident that tapping along with this video can provide great benefits, I make no claims as to what, if any, benefits you will receive. While EFT has yielded impressive results in treating physical and psychological issues, not everyone will benefit in the same way. I am not a doctor, and the information presented here is not intended to replace appropriate treatment by a physician or mental health professional. EFT is still in the experimental stage and, while a growing number of PhD's and MD's are adopting it, we cannot claim that it is risk free. I am unaware of anyone experiencing negative side effects from using these videos, but different people require different care, and depending on a number of variables, it is possible you could uncover deeper issues within the process that this video is not able to address. It is recommended that you consult a qualified health practitioner prior to using this technique.

That being said, I hope you will enjoy this video and find it beneficial, and that you will share it with others.

This is certainly not intended to be a comprehensive handling of the subject -- I can only cover so much in 5-10 minutes...! I'm also not working with you personally to address specific individual issues. Hopefully, though, it will help you address the issue enough that you can experience greater freedom to live the life you really desire and deserve. For further support, I encourage you to check out the other offerings available from myself and other EFT practitioners, including workshops and private sessions. For more information about tapping, as well as a ton of great resources to help you live your best life possible, please visit: m

This is only my way of using the process, rather than what might be called official EFT.

If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my videos and share them with others. I hope you will also sign up for my free monthly newsletter "Success Beyond Belief" - only one issue a month, filled with good stuff for your body, mind and spirit. Please click here: (and there are free gifts when you sign up!)

Want to change the life of a child - and the world - by introducing them to the magic of tapping...? Of course you do! ;)
Check out:

If you'd like to get instant access to well over 100 hours of Life-Enhancing, Laughter-Inducing, Fear-Smashing, Abundance-Attracting, Joy-Inspiring audio for only $1, go here:

I may have live workshops coming up: s

For further info on EFT, including links to research on how and why it works, please visit: m

Be Magnificent!



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