So, What REALLY Causes Urticaria and Angioedema?
We’re taught to believe urticaria and angioedema are triggered by things like perfume, dust mites, hairspray, nuts, solvents, tight clothing, pressure, cheese… even the dog!
Well, this may sound revolutionary, but after my research, I came to the following conclusion: “Urticaria sufferers are not allergic to ANYTHING!”
So why do you have urticaria attacks? Well, the simple answer is that you have an overactive immune system. Your immune system “freaks out” when it meets specific allergens. But you’re still NOT allergic!
I used to give my patients antihistamines, cortisone injections, and courses of steroids, but they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the symptoms for a while, but again, this is not the real solution.
The sad truth is that the toxic effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes urticaria worse!
So , how can we heal an overactive immune system?
The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rids you of all types of urticaria and angioedema diseases. In my step-by-step treatment system, you’ll learn how a healthy, natural drink available from any grocery store, plus a special vitamin regimen, will completely rid you of your current skin condition.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
The vast majority of people see a major improvement within just a few short weeks. If you have suffered from a skin condition for more than a year it may take you more time to clean and reset your body but the results are almost always the same.

Can you promise this method will cure my urticaria or angioedema 100%?
Of course not. Nothing in life is 100%. I KNOW my findings will help a lot of urticaria and angioedema sufferers, but still, I cannot claim a 100% success rate.
In spite of the fact that natural medicine has a huge success rate as a whole, and can solve problems that some conventional medicine cannot, it is not an exact science by medical definition.
Natural and alternative medicine works on the WHOLE body. It deals with “system healing” — not specific disease healing, which is why you can never find one formula fit to heal each and every person.
You have to understand that every human being has a different body, different blood type, different blood flow, and different metabolism
. Because each and every one of us eats different foods, we have different rates of digestion. Even our souls and spirits are different. All these variables influence the way the systems in our body works, so the way we react to alternative methods cannot be predicted with the same accuracy as with conventional medicine.
This is why alternative methods cannot be proven and tested at the same EXACT level as conventional treatments are tested.
This is true for each and EVERY alternative treatment on earth.
when you find an alternative method that actually helps you, it will work better than any other conventional treatment.
You have to understand that we are not made of a combination of separate chemical “dots.” We are made out of a variety of different organic living systems that work in a marvelous synergy and that’s exactly what my methods are aimed at. We heal systems and don’t just try to silence
symptoms by taking drugs to make chemical changes in the specific “dots” that trigger the symptoms and, since they deal with systems, it causes a lot of side effects when you change something in a complex system.
If someone led you to believe that side effects are just “side” effects please note that they KILL more than 106,000 people in the US alone every year. Not to mention the 2 million that get
sick enough to be forced to go to the hospital every year (RE1, RE2) (9% have been seriously harmed plus 54% need intervention (RE3) in the US alone every year.) Then there are all the people who just feel bad as a result of taking drugs but whose new symptoms are never spotted or recorded. Let’s look at the figures another way.
What is more likely – that you would die in a traffic accident or as the result of a visit to your doctor?
This would be funny if it wasn’t true. The correct answer is visiting your doctor! Traffic accidents cause 43,354 deaths every year in the US (RE4) as opposed to 106,000 that die from ADRs (adverse drug reaction) every year. (RE1, RE2)
Hard to believe? That’s right, I myself can’t comprehend it but numbers don’t lie. The danger of passive smoking or illegal drugs is frequently aired in heath campaigns and outraged newspaper editorials, but ADRs – which exact a far greater toll of misery – very rarely trigger the same level of indignation.
If you were to ask most doctors about ADRs, they would give you one of the answers I used to give: The risks of any one person having a problem is pretty small or if a medication doesn’t have any side effect, it’s almost certainly not effective. Some would even say that thanks to a system of proper scientific trials and regulations, modern medicine by and large successfully balances the risks of drugs against undoubted benefits they offer.
Since I (and all my colleagues) were trained by the pharmaceutical model I truly believed in it in spite of the fact I just felt that most of my skills comes from juggling a range of drugs for a
particular problem so the patients suffer the fewest side effects, or knowing which drugs best alleviate the ADRs caused by the first drug… With that approach, no wonder some of us, as doctors, feel as frustrated as our patients. Remember this; alternative methods listen to your body and help it heal itself from inside. They don’t have side effects because they deal with system healing.
With that said, I can say with confidence, you can have a future WITHOUT urticaria or angioedema no matter what type. A urticaria and angioedema-free life is not an impossible dream. It can happen. My patients are living proof, and so are the hundreds of people who bought my ebook and successfully used this method!
What type of hives do you have?
MY method treats ALL (urticaria) hives types (and angioedema) because the underlying reason for all chronic hives and angioedema types almost always remains the same and its the doctors/drug co. who just like to give different names to different symptoms of the same thing.
Here is a partial list: Aquagenic Urticaria, Autoimmune Urticaria, Cholinergic Urticaria, Cold Urticaria, Contact Urticaria, Delayed
Pressure Urticaria, Dermographism Urticaria, Heat Urticaria, Papular Urticaria, Solar Urticaria, Urticaria Pigmentosa, Urticarial Vasculitis, Drug Induced Urticaria etc. The list goes on and on but I’m sure you get the idea.
Too good to be true?
That’s what a few people who have visited my site have told me. I realize that it sounds a lot like the “get your body in sync with the universe” cures that
are all over the Net. But it is not and before we throw the baby out with the bath water, please realize that there is a grain of truth here. Many chronic conditions can be cured or greatly improved with correct nutrition (which can VARY tremendously from one person to the next.)
A lot of regular medications are based on medical herbs and combinations of extracted foods we eat everyday (I know of more then a 100) like the diuretic medications “Theobromine” & “Theophylline” that are made from cacao or the capillary fragility medications “Hesperidin” & “Rutin” that are made from a combination of citrus species and the famous medication “Codeine” (for general pain, cough and diarrhea relief) that is made from papaver and the list goes on and on… so there is no real reason that using my method of drinking a natural drink combined with a vitamin regimen will not do a great job healing you from your hives.
It’s not as simple as adding carrots and berries to your diet but it is quite similar.. I will teach you a very simple and effective treatment that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body and most important – on the fact that it just works!
Although I’ve retired and closed my physical clinic, my method for treating
hives will go on just as strong as ever. I no longer meet with patients personally, but I am determined to continue to enable hives patients all over the world to play a successful, proactive role in their own hives treatment and cure by guiding them in the proper implementation of the practices that have proven successful time and time again for so many patients.
So I’ve written down my simple method for Treating and Curing Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria and Angioedema in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND protocol. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work.
You can download it and be reading within seconds.
There is no medical speak in my protocol. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just
like I’m talking with one of my patients. You will learn how to pull your body’s chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a common drink I found that works better than all the hives medicines combined and is available everywhere.
No more worrying about taking pills on a daily basis or using creams to take away the burning and itching.

Download YOUR copy of the Step-By-Step Hives & Angioedema Treatment System TODAY. This will include a Quick Start Guide PLUS an audio version of the Treatment System for JUST $47.99
Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a Hives-FREE life to yourself.
You deserve it.

Click Here, for limited time only $99.97 $47.99

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You literally have no risk. Let’s see a pharmacy or doctor top that! So please give my
method a try. You’ll feel better for it.
Yes, I want to finally get rid of my urticaria/angioedema skin condition. Let me in!

Hey, you don’t have to listen to me. Just read and watch the testimonials for yourself. As I said above, since I don’t feel comfortable asking people to reveal their details in public, I used actors. What they say is coming from what REAL people are saying.